

Sep 23, 2010
Senator Schumer is so full of crap on every issue it’s hard to see why the voters in New York did not flush him down the toilet a long time ago. It’s been said that the most dangerous place in Washington is getting between Schumer and a TV camera. One would think that a guy who has a knack for being wrong would avoid the spotlight. Schumer doing the opposite is all the more amazing since he has never been right on any major issue since he moved over from the House in Jan. 1999. I suspect that his record in the House was no better. Either the voters in New York are dumber than voters in Massachusetts, or Schumer is the devil in disguise.

Incidentally, Schumer is a Harvard lawyer. Here’s my view of Harvard:

Journalism schools, film schools, etc., get tax dollars, too, and you see what they have produced. Worse still are schools for government; they are nothing but Socialist seminaries. Whenever I think of them I think of the plots in two 1964 movies; Failsafe and Dr. Strangelove. Both movies promote the Left’s favorite line of crapola. In both pictures a nuclear bomb is accidentally dropped on the USSR. In a show of good faith the American president makes a deal. The Soviets can bomb one American city in order to avert an all-out nuclear war.

My suggestion is to “accidentally” bomb the University of Tehran after Iran gets the bomb, then tell Iran’s leader he can bomb Harvard to even the score.

Parenthetically, Hollywood never made a movie where the Soviets offered the US the same deal after they bombed an American city by accident. There was no need for such a movie. Peace-loving, humanitarian, Communists offering the city-for-city deal is always implied.

Not only is Schumer always wrong he is a con artist. Here’s his latest publicity grab:

Sen. Charles Schumer is calling on the cruise ship industry to adopt a "bill of rights" to guarantee passengers certain protections while aboard their ships.

The New York Democrat says Sunday he'll be asking industry leaders to voluntarily adopt the guidelines which include guarantees that ships have sanitary conditions, back-up power, medical staff and other standard procedures.

Schumer calls for cruise ship bill of rights
Last Updated: 12:25 PM, March 17, 2013
Posted: 12:25 PM, March 17, 2013

Schumer calls for cruise ship bill of rights -

I guess Schumer played hooky the day vessels under foreign flags was taught. Democrats don’t give a rat’s ass about the Bill of Rights in the US Constitution; nevertheless, I’ll give Schumer the benefit of the doubt and say he is worried about passengers on cruise ships. If that’s true the only thing he has to do is push Congress to notify every company their ships will NOT be allowed to dock in American ports until they clean up their act. Hell, Hussein can even write one of his executive orders instructing the appropriate bureaucracies to implement the restriction.

NOTE: There are no passenger ships sailing under the America flag.

Instead of trying to get a little publicity for himself Upchuck Schumer should look into this:


Q - my vessel is healthy and I request free pratique​

Questions: Why were filthy ships granted pratique in the first place? Did a little money change hands?

Incidentally, I know that government officials in many foreign countries come aboard cargo vessels with their hands out. Pratique is not granted until a few palms are greased.
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Now that Barack Taqiyya has threatened to write executive orders in order to go around Congress good old Schumer can get him to write an EO denying pratique. That’s assuming Schumer can take time off from plotting the destruction of Tea Parties and get back to working on his bill of rights for passengers:


Royal Caribbean Passengers Recall Days Of Misery After Illness Strikes Cruise Ship
By SAMANTHA HENRY 01/29/14 04:16 PM ET EST

Royal Caribbean Passengers Recall Days Of Misery After Illness Strikes Cruise Ship
Schumer doubled down on Andy Cuomo's insane rant against Americans who didn't agree with him with a rant against the bald headed Vets and little old ladies in the Tea Party. These people are dangerous bigots and they only survive politically because the left wing media supports their bigotry.

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