Prayer group kicked out of mall

Imagine you being the owner of a business and a mob of BLM savages burn it down. And this happens thousands of times to different owners , in hundreds of cities, for months of end - and the Democrats refuse to call out the National Guard.

Or maybe you’re a business owner in Baltimore, where blacks are rioting and destroying businesses - and the mayor tells us to “give them space to destroy.”

Liberals have more tolerance for violent blacks destroying private property than Christians singing on private property.
^^completely off-topic bovine excrement.
You are talking private property where random people aren't allowed to congregate dummy, but when you create a space for open events to take place, then you invite diversity and open events, so was the group asked to leave for fear of the next open event possibly being a gang banger hip hop event maybe 🤔 ?? Think about it.
^^irrelevant rambling
On PUBLIC property.

Not on PRIVATE property.

You have no right to enter anyone's private property without permission and you must vacate if told and you can be trespassed so you may never set foot on that property again.

Not even the argument, loon. Go shoot up some more steroids.
What argument?Your steroid crazed BS isn't an argument, just you raving like some triggered 'libertarian' cultist.
When you bring up STUPID shit like building nuclear bombs in the basement you have capitulated.

And I'm not a libertarian.
Nope. You are really ignorant. You can't learn. The local Baptist preacher kept bringing his Sunday school class to swim in my pool... jumping off the roof of the pool house. Like you he claimed his right as a Christian. The cops didn't see it that way.

Anecdotal stories from xian bashers don't mean anything on the internet.
no relevant point was made beyond that american taliban [and dumb cows] hate private property, don't understand the US constitution, and are basically completely void of decency and reason.

There ya go with the insults again, you dumb horse.

The BLM savages went onto private property and burned it down. But you’re more upset by a church group singing in a mall.
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A hip hop venue is in the business of putting on hip hop shows
Drag clubs that put on drag shows are in the business of putting on drag shows

If the mall management wants to give permission for any show of any kind that's up to them.

Why do you have such a problem with people making their own choices as to what occurs on their property?

Why do you insist on claiming the 1st Amendment rights don't apply to the people it is meant to protect? Did God fail to give you a pony when you demanded one when you were 10 and pissed you off, like all the other 'atheists' crying about Xians?
Why do you insist on claiming the 1st Amendment rights don't apply to the people it is meant to protect? Did God fail to give your a pony when you demanded one when you were 10 and pissed you off, like all the other 'atheists' crying about Xians?

Only the government can violate your first amendment rights IDIOT.

You cannot claim that a private citizen has violated your religious rights if they don't allow you on their property.
Here’s the thing:

I am Jewish and don’t really like hearing people sing about Jesus when I’m out shopping, but I can just keep walking and enjoy the rest of my day.

Now, if I were to come out to my car and find that a bunch of BLM savages smashed the windows and flattened the tires, that would ruin my day. And the next day. And the next week.
Here’s the thing:

I am Jewish and don’t really like hearing people sing about Jesus when I’m out shopping, but I can just keep walking and enjoy the rest of my day.

Now, if I were to come out to my car and find that a bunch of BLM savages smashed the windows and flattened the tires, that would ruin my day. And the next day. And the next week.

Did the singers have a permit for the venue?

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