Prayer group kicked out of mall

I guess you can use profanity but prayer is not allowed.

The mall is a mall, and is private property. How would the church feel if businesses at the mall set up at their church, and sold stuff to their paritioners? ---- Oh wait. --- Something like that already happened, and we all know how that worked out.
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The mall is a mall, and is private property. How would the church feel if businesses at the mall set up at their church, and sold stuff to their paritioners? ---- Oh wait. --- Something like that already happened, and we all know how that worked out.
I like those Christmas concerts in December. How is this any different?
They are criminalizing faith. But only the faiths they hate--like ours, for the most part.

(The following leaves off certain groups of Orthodox Jews for obvious reasons)

Leftists are obsessed with brown skin and "exotic" clothing. So if they perceive that a religion involves the above--even if it contradicts their every principle--they will defend it to the nth. See: Islam.

IOW if these Christians had sent their dark skinned people in with exotic clothing--no problem. "Diversity"
I’ve heard liberals defend Muslims’ hijabs but then mock Jewish women who cover their heads.
You said that dressing in the modern styles was allowed in the malls, or what's left of them. Yet your photo evidence was taken outside. Is there something that you're not telling me?
Yes, I forgot to tell you that you are a moron.
Behold the power of hating God, folks. These people think being SHOT is the same as witnessing people pray.
People don't hate God so much as losing patience with his lousy fan club. Were Christians primarily involved with doing what Jesus said I would be proud to count myself among their number.

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