Prayer group kicked out of mall

Jesus taught, “When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men … but when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your father who is unseen.”

Matthew 6: 5-8

Way to show us you are a hypocrite.
So you're a Christian now. Cool.
They are criminalizing faith. But only the faiths they hate--like ours, for the most part.

(The following leaves off certain groups of Orthodox Jews for obvious reasons)

Leftists are obsessed with brown skin and "exotic" clothing. So if they perceive that a religion involves the above--even if it contradicts their every principle--they will defend it to the nth. See: Islam.

IOW if these Christians had sent their dark skinned people in with exotic clothing--no problem. "Diversity"
Sue, you're all over the place here. Just stand up for Christianity, and let the other chips fall where they may.
I guess you can use profanity but prayer is not allowed.

Well, this is exactly why Mall's in America are long since past historic sinking relic's, otherwise that are closing in record numbers across this country.

I guarantee you that the singing or action's that were being taken, were being done in hopes to bring about some sort of new semblance of decency that was lost over time, and probably was in hopes to draw back the decent shoppers that would hopefully make their way back to the highly likely dying mall if they knew that a good decent atmosphere was being supported and promoted once again.

For a good while in America, Mall's with their million's upon million's of dollar's to build, and their high end convenient luxury shopping experience created, uhhhh somehow began going in the same suicidal direction that destroyed Bud Light- ...........Think about it........... Otherwise if you start catering to a group and/or group's that aren't your best target audience, otherwise for which has in their pockets "boocoo bucks" to spend, (and the group and/or group's then run off your target customer's), then I see the same thing that's happened to Bud Light, uhhhh is going to continue to be repeated over and over again in America.

Wake up America, wake up....
No he didn't. You're confused.

5And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. Truly I tell you, they already have their full reward. 6But when you pray, go into your inner room, shut your door, and pray to your Father, who is unseen. And your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
7And when you pray, do not babble on like pagans, for they think that by their many words they will be heard. 8Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.
Well, this is exactly why Mall's in America are long since past historic sinking relic's, otherwise that are closing in record numbers across this country.

I guarantee you that the singing or action's that were being taken, were being done in hopes to bring about some sort of new semblance of decency that was lost over time, and probably was in hopes to draw back the decent shoppers that would hopefully make their way back to the highly likely dying mall if they knew that a good decent atmosphere was being supported and promoted once again.

For a good while in America, Mall's with their million's upon million's of dollar's to build, and their high end convenient luxury shopping experience created, uhhhh somehow began going in the same suicidal direction that destroyed Bud Light- ...........Think about it........... Otherwise if you start catering to a group and/or group's that aren't your best target audience, otherwise for which has in their pockets "boocoo bucks" to spend, (and the group and/or group's then run off your target customer's), then I see the same thing that's happened to Bud Light, uhhhh is going to continue to be repeated over and over again in America.

Wake up America, wake up....

The malls are dead, both where I lived in Washington State and here in my neck of the Midwest.

Your points are very good.


You don't have to be a christian to know scripture. Lots of fake christians spout it all the time. Of course, they only spout the parts they like.

I thought you were through here.

I mean, didn't you say "Nothing more is needed" in reference to this thread?

I reiterate.

I believe that those two dudes are outside.
Regardless, it became a serious issue for Mall's once that trend was allowed to flourish inside and upon the walk paths inside the Malls. It's basically indecent exposure without a resolve, because the police wouldn't enforce decency standard's or back up the shop owner's for fear of conflict with such character's.
Regardless, it became a serious issue for Mall's once that trend was allowed to flourish inside and upon the walk paths inside the Malls. It's basically indecent exposure without a resolve, because the police wouldn't enforce decency standard's or back up the shop owner's for fear of conflict with such character's.
So YOU say....I've never heard any problem of that nature at any of our local malls....fake newz?

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