Pre-existing conditions coverage

This is one of the most popular provisions in an otherwise despised law, Obamacare. It polls consistently well. And it sounds good: Insirance companies cannot deny coverage for pre existing conditions. Right?
But why would they deny coverage to begin with?
When they are forced to issue policies to people with pre existing conditions, who pays for the higher risk the company incurs by insuring them?
I realize these are beyond Stage One questions so the leftists here wont have a clue what I mean. But maybe some of the more informed posters can chime in.

Is stupidity a covered pre-existing condition?

Sure, like the myth that the democratic party has not moved to the far left. Gotcha!

I see you possess the compartmentalized mind of a right wing parrot. Your chopping of posts is a dead giveaway.

Your attempt at deflection is duly noted. No one stamped their feet, but the FACT remains that the ACA is NOT a bill written by some far left party. It is far to the right of what a liberal party would author.

John F. Kennedy ran on passing Medicare; government run healthcare. LBJ passed Medicare. The first enrollee was Harry S. Truman. THAT is the model a liberal party would propose for a major overhaul of our healthcare system. It was never even part of the debate.

You are a fraud...the last JFK liberal in Washington was Senator Edward Moore Kennedy. A man whose public life was dedicated to continuing the beliefs and legacy of his hero...John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

You are making the right wing parrots sound sane...:eek:

In almost all cases, I don't let politics spill over into the personal. In Ted's case, I have to make an exception. I can't say I was sad to see him go.

He was a liar and an enemy to the constitution.

His smear of Robert Bork was an indication of just how subhuman he was.

If Bork wasn't the right man for the job, let the process play out. Kennedy lied his ass off about Bork and smeared him before he ever got a word out.

It has to be an example of one of the more disgusting performances seen by a public figure in all of history.

So long Ted...glad you're dead.

Just what I expect from scum like you.
Let's are claiming the Democratic Party has moved to the left of the New Deal, the New Frontier and the Great Society...

Keep chanting that to hear how absurd your beliefs really are. BTW, Obama Care, the subject of the OP, was passed by this so called far left Democratic Party you imagine. Isn't just a little ironic that the liberals and progressives in the Democratic Party wanted single payer? And isn't it ironic that this so called far left Democratic Party you imagine didn't even PROPOSE single payer and didn't even get the public option compromise?? Instead we got the health care bill crafted by the Heritage Foundation and proposed by Republican in 1993??? Now the FACTS: the small faction of liberals and progressives that are still left in the Democratic Party were shut out in the health care debate. They got NOTHING.

The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie – deliberate, contrived and dishonest – but the myth – persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.
President John F. Kennedy – Commencement Address at Yale University, Old Campus, New Haven, Connecticut, June 11, 1962​

Sure, like the myth that the democratic party has not moved to the far left. Gotcha!
I see you possess the compartmentalized mind of a right wing parrot. Your chopping of posts is a dead giveaway.
You are out of your mind. I chop, as you call it, to insure each of your mistaken ideas are addressed separately. Your run on long explanations smell like left wing elitism to me. So there:)Which, as I explained, is completely irrelevantly. In fact, I can feel the vibrations of your foot stamping right now.
John F. Kennedy ran on passing Medicare; government run healthcare. LBJ passed Medicare. The first enrollee was Harry S. Truman. THAT is the model a liberal party would propose for a major overhaul of our healthcare system. It was never even part of the debate.
I like Medicare, Medicaid so you can pull back your fangs. Read my sig block, you are to be pitied for your blindness.
You are a fraud...the last JFK liberal in Washington was Senator Edward Moore Kennedy. A man whose public life was dedicated to continuing the beliefs and legacy of his hero...John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

You are making the right wing parrots sound sane...:eek:
The only fraud around here at the moment is you. As a moderate democrat I am sure I come off as conservative to you, but then JFK was not a left wing nut you make him out to be. He was a visionary liberal, not a left wing extremist like you come off.

So far you have done nothing but emote. Please tell me on what issues this phantom shift to the left by the Democrats has manifested.
Is stupidity a covered pre-existing condition? The low information tools of the far left and the far right better hope so.

Sure, like the myth that the democratic party has not moved to the far left. Gotcha!
[/B]You are out of your mind. I chop, as you call it, to insure each of your mistaken ideas are addressed separately. Your run on long explanations smell like left wing elitism to me. So there:)Which, as I explained, is completely irrelevantly. In fact, I can feel the vibrations of your foot stamping right now.I like Medicare, Medicaid so you can pull back your fangs. Read my sig block, you are to be pitied for your blindness.The only fraud around here at the moment is you. As a moderate democrat I am sure I come off as conservative to you, but then JFK was not a left wing nut you make him out to be. He was a visionary liberal, not a left wing extremist like you come off.

If Obama is so non-left wing and tax cuts are so Keynsian.....why didn't Obama just cut a ton of taxes and leave the stimulus out altogether ?

Answer: so he could put a bunch of people in his pocket. States couldn't find the money to pay for extra teachers ? What does that tell you. So why does Obama think he knows more ?
That tells me that Obama threw money at education without solving a problem.
Just under 40% of the Obama stimulus package was devoted to tax cuts. The bill had $237 billion in tax cuts.

NOW what.:eek:
The bill also SPENT OVER $500 Billion DOLLARS, TARGETING THE SAME PEOPLE THE NORMAL SAFETY NET WELFARE SPENDING. And the tax cuts were small time tax cuts, mostly payroll taxes and not the kind of spending that would create jobs. 40 million welfare recipients don't spend on the things that increases jobs.:eek::eek::eek:
Last edited:
Just under 40% of the Obama stimulus package was devoted to tax cuts. The bill had $237 billion in tax cuts.

That's not a useful tax cut.

If I tell you that next month, I'm going to cut your rent by half, for just that month.... is that going to drastically change your budget? No, because you know the following month, your rent is right back to where it was before.

That's not to say it didn't help in that single month, but it was a temporary and fleeting benefit. There was no sustained consistent boost to the economy.

It's the same as cash for clunkers. That program didn't benefit the economy, or the auto industry specifically. When the program was announced, people who were already planning to buy, delayed their purchases, or moved up their time frame on purchases, in order to use the program. But if you average it out sales during the program, to the slump before the program started, and the crash after it ended, the over all effect was nearly zero.

It was an extremely temporary, and limited effect. Nothing permanent or sustaining.

Same with the tax cuts. These cuts were of short duration, and employers knew that. No employer is going to hire someone with money from a tax cut, that isn't going to be there the following year.

No more than you would run out and buy a new car, because you got 50% off your rent this month, knowing next month your rent goes right back up, and you end up losing the car, and getting sued for the default.
If Obama is so non-left wing and tax cuts are so Keynsian.....why didn't Obama just cut a ton of taxes and leave the stimulus out altogether ?

Answer: so he could put a bunch of people in his pocket. States couldn't find the money to pay for extra teachers ? What does that tell you. So why does Obama think he knows more ?
That tells me that Obama threw money at education without solving a problem.
Just under 40% of the Obama stimulus package was devoted to tax cuts. The bill had $237 billion in tax cuts.

NOW what.:eek:
The bill also SPENT OVER $500 Billion DOLLARS, TARGETING THE SAME PEOPLE THE NORMAL SAFETY NET WELFARE SPENDING. And the tax cuts were small time tax cuts, mostly payroll taxes and not the kind of spending that would create jobs. 40 million welfare recipients don't spend on the things that increases jobs.:eek::eek::eek:

I will be happy to argue with you, but please flush the crap that you are a JFK liberal. You are no liberal. During the Great Depression, FDR heard the same crap from conservatives like you.

During the Great Depression conservatives raised the same objections to F.D.R.’s programs. They said the economy must be left alone and it would correct itself in the long run. Commerce Secretary Harry Hopkins shot back: “People don’t eat in the long run. They eat every day.”

Five myths about Obama’s stimulus

1. The stimulus didn’t create jobs.

A year after Obama signed the bill, the percentage of the public that believed it had created jobs was lower than the percentage that believed Elvis was alive. But at its peak, the Recovery Act directly employed more than 700,000 Americans on construction projects, research grants and other contracts. That number doesn’t include the jobs saved or created through its unemployment benefits, food stamps and other aid to struggling families likely to spend it; its fiscal relief for cash-strapped state governments; or its tax cuts for more than 95 percent of workers. Top economic forecasters estimate that the stimulus produced about 2.5 million jobs and added between 2.1 percent and 3.8 percent to our gross domestic product.

The stimulus didn’t keep unemployment below 8 percent, as the Obama team predicted in an ill-advised report designed to help pass the bill. Unemployment soared past 8 percent before the stimulus even kicked into gear. It later became clear that the economy was free-falling much faster than experts realized at the time; the initial GDP estimate for the fourth quarter of 2008 was a recession-level negative 4 percent, later revised to a depression-level negative 8.9 percent.

But, as I detail in my new book on the stimulus, “The New New Deal,” the bill helped stop that free fall. Job losses peaked the month before it passed. The jobs numbers that spring, while grim, marked the biggest quarterly improvement in almost 30 years. The Recovery Act launched a weak recovery, but even a weak recovery beats a depression.

Just under 40% of the Obama stimulus package was devoted to tax cuts. The bill had $237 billion in tax cuts.

That's not a useful tax cut.

If I tell you that next month, I'm going to cut your rent by half, for just that month.... is that going to drastically change your budget? No, because you know the following month, your rent is right back to where it was before.

That's not to say it didn't help in that single month, but it was a temporary and fleeting benefit. There was no sustained consistent boost to the economy.

It's the same as cash for clunkers. That program didn't benefit the economy, or the auto industry specifically. When the program was announced, people who were already planning to buy, delayed their purchases, or moved up their time frame on purchases, in order to use the program. But if you average it out sales during the program, to the slump before the program started, and the crash after it ended, the over all effect was nearly zero.

It was an extremely temporary, and limited effect. Nothing permanent or sustaining.

Same with the tax cuts. These cuts were of short duration, and employers knew that. No employer is going to hire someone with money from a tax cut, that isn't going to be there the following year.

No more than you would run out and buy a new car, because you got 50% off your rent this month, knowing next month your rent goes right back up, and you end up losing the car, and getting sued for the default.

The fallacy argument of voodoo economics. For a group of people who worship the 'free market', it would be useful if you actually understood HOW the market really works.

No employer is going to hire someone with money from a tax cut...PERIOD. He is ONLY going to hire or fire based on the 'market' & demand.

What happens on April 15th has NO BEARING on his business decisions. Tax cuts for the wealthy did not create jobs. It created DEBT. It took every President in our nations first 200 years to accumulate one trillion dollars of took Ronbo Reagan the great American socialist only 5 YEARS to accumulate the second trillion dollars of debt.

Ronbo the welfare queen of presidents turned America from a creditor nation into a debtor nation.

Reagan switched the federal government from what he critically called, a “tax and spend” policy, to a “borrow and spend” policy, where the government continued its heavy spending, but used borrowed money instead of tax revenue to pay the bills. The results were catastrophic. Although it had taken the United States more than 200 years to accumulate the first $1 trillion of national debt, it took only five years under Reagan to add the second one trillion dollars to the debt. By the end of the 12 years of the Reagan-Bush administrations, the national debt had quadrupled to $4 trillion!

"Washington couldn't tell a lie, Nixon couldn't tell the truth, and Reagan couldn't tell the difference."
Mort Sahl
I see you possess the compartmentalized mind of a right wing parrot. Your chopping of posts is a dead giveaway.

Your attempt at deflection is duly noted. No one stamped their feet, but the FACT remains that the ACA is NOT a bill written by some far left party. It is far to the right of what a liberal party would author.

John F. Kennedy ran on passing Medicare; government run healthcare. LBJ passed Medicare. The first enrollee was Harry S. Truman. THAT is the model a liberal party would propose for a major overhaul of our healthcare system. It was never even part of the debate.

You are a fraud...the last JFK liberal in Washington was Senator Edward Moore Kennedy. A man whose public life was dedicated to continuing the beliefs and legacy of his hero...John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

You are making the right wing parrots sound sane...:eek:

In almost all cases, I don't let politics spill over into the personal. In Ted's case, I have to make an exception. I can't say I was sad to see him go.

He was a liar and an enemy to the constitution.

His smear of Robert Bork was an indication of just how subhuman he was.

If Bork wasn't the right man for the job, let the process play out. Kennedy lied his ass off about Bork and smeared him before he ever got a word out.

It has to be an example of one of the more disgusting performances seen by a public figure in all of history.

So long Ted...glad you're dead.

Just what I expect from scum like you.

So long Ted....glad you're dead.

You are now actually serving a useful purpose as your corpse (the s**tbag that it is) is now adding needed nutrients to the soil.
That tells me that Obama threw money at education without solving a problem.The bill also SPENT OVER $500 Billion DOLLARS, TARGETING THE SAME PEOPLE THE NORMAL SAFETY NET WELFARE SPENDING. And the tax cuts were small time tax cuts, mostly payroll taxes and not the kind of spending that would create jobs. 40 million welfare recipients don't spend on the things that increases jobs.:eek::eek::eek:

I will be happy to argue with you, but please flush the crap that you are a JFK liberal. You are no liberal. During the Great Depression, FDR heard the same crap from conservatives like you.

During the Great Depression conservatives raised the same objections to F.D.R.’s programs. They said the economy must be left alone and it would correct itself in the long run. Commerce Secretary Harry Hopkins shot back: “People don’t eat in the long run. They eat every day.”

Five myths about Obama’s stimulus

1. The stimulus didn’t create jobs.

A year after Obama signed the bill, the percentage of the public that believed it had created jobs was lower than the percentage that believed Elvis was alive. But at its peak, the Recovery Act directly employed more than 700,000 Americans on construction projects, research grants and other contracts. That number doesn’t include the jobs saved or created through its unemployment benefits, food stamps and other aid to struggling families likely to spend it; its fiscal relief for cash-strapped state governments; or its tax cuts for more than 95 percent of workers. Top economic forecasters estimate that the stimulus produced about 2.5 million jobs and added between 2.1 percent and 3.8 percent to our gross domestic product.

The stimulus didn’t keep unemployment below 8 percent, as the Obama team predicted in an ill-advised report designed to help pass the bill. Unemployment soared past 8 percent before the stimulus even kicked into gear. It later became clear that the economy was free-falling much faster than experts realized at the time; the initial GDP estimate for the fourth quarter of 2008 was a recession-level negative 4 percent, later revised to a depression-level negative 8.9 percent.

But, as I detail in my new book on the stimulus, “The New New Deal,” the bill helped stop that free fall. Job losses peaked the month before it passed. The jobs numbers that spring, while grim, marked the biggest quarterly improvement in almost 30 years. The Recovery Act launched a weak recovery, but even a weak recovery beats a depression.


Another example of how you can't fix stupid.
During the Great Depression conservatives raised the same objections to F.D.R.’s programs. They said the economy must be left alone and it would correct itself in the long run. Commerce Secretary Harry Hopkins shot back: “People don’t eat in the long run. They eat every day.”

And that was the reason for soup lines.

FDR only kept them in those lines longer.

He's right up there with the asshole of the universe....."So Glad You're Dead" Ted Kennedy.
Nonsense is the only logical answer to "That's not to say it didn't help in that single month, but it was a temporary and fleeting benefit. There was no sustained consistent boost to the economy."
I see you possess the compartmentalized mind of a right wing parrot. Your chopping of posts is a dead giveaway.

Your attempt at deflection is duly noted. No one stamped their feet, but the FACT remains that the ACA is NOT a bill written by some far left party. It is far to the right of what a liberal party would author.

John F. Kennedy ran on passing Medicare; government run healthcare. LBJ passed Medicare. The first enrollee was Harry S. Truman. THAT is the model a liberal party would propose for a major overhaul of our healthcare system. It was never even part of the debate.

You are a fraud...the last JFK liberal in Washington was Senator Edward Moore Kennedy. A man whose public life was dedicated to continuing the beliefs and legacy of his hero...John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

You are making the right wing parrots sound sane...:eek:

In almost all cases, I don't let politics spill over into the personal. In Ted's case, I have to make an exception. I can't say I was sad to see him go.

He was a liar and an enemy to the constitution.

His smear of Robert Bork was an indication of just how subhuman he was.

If Bork wasn't the right man for the job, let the process play out. Kennedy lied his ass off about Bork and smeared him before he ever got a word out.

It has to be an example of one of the more disgusting performances seen by a public figure in all of history.

So long Ted...glad you're dead.

Just what I expect from scum like you.
It takes scum to call someone else scum. Capice?
Let's are claiming the Democratic Party has moved to the left of the New Deal, the New Frontier and the Great Society...

Keep chanting that to hear how absurd your beliefs really are. BTW, Obama Care, the subject of the OP, was passed by this so called far left Democratic Party you imagine. Isn't just a little ironic that the liberals and progressives in the Democratic Party wanted single payer? And isn't it ironic that this so called far left Democratic Party you imagine didn't even PROPOSE single payer and didn't even get the public option compromise?? Instead we got the health care bill crafted by the Heritage Foundation and proposed by Republican in 1993??? Now the FACTS: the small faction of liberals and progressives that are still left in the Democratic Party were shut out in the health care debate. They got NOTHING.

The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie – deliberate, contrived and dishonest – but the myth – persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.
President John F. Kennedy – Commencement Address at Yale University, Old Campus, New Haven, Connecticut, June 11, 1962​

Sure, like the myth that the democratic party has not moved to the far left. Gotcha!
[/B]You are out of your mind. I chop, as you call it, to insure each of your mistaken ideas are addressed separately. Your run on long explanations smell like left wing elitism to me. So there:)Which, as I explained, is completely irrelevantly. In fact, I can feel the vibrations of your foot stamping right now.I like Medicare, Medicaid so you can pull back your fangs. Read my sig block, you are to be pitied for your blindness.
You are a fraud...the last JFK liberal in Washington was Senator Edward Moore Kennedy. A man whose public life was dedicated to continuing the beliefs and legacy of his hero...John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

You are making the right wing parrots sound sane...:eek:
The only fraud around here at the moment is you. As a moderate democrat I am sure I come off as conservative to you, but then JFK was not a left wing nut you make him out to be. He was a visionary liberal, not a left wing extremist like you come off.

So far you have done nothing but emote. Please tell me on what issues this phantom shift to the left by the Democrats has manifested.
That is easy! They have taken all of the good ideas that Kennedy had and pushed them to the extreme. The answer to current extreme left wing democrats is not the goal set by liberals, but rather throwing money at those goals with expectations that it will help.

Your blind left wing fanatic condition shades your eyes from the truth. If you still insist you can't see that it reflects just how fraudulent you are.

Clearly you are frustrated with your party. I am too (only I am a republican).

The real question is: how did it get here.

Part of the answer lies in the fact that people don't realize just how much money there is in politics. Economic power is political power and pretty much vice versa.

When are we going to stand up to those who are trampling our rights (on both sides) and get back to some form of reasonable government at all levels ?
In almost all cases, I don't let politics spill over into the personal. In Ted's case, I have to make an exception. I can't say I was sad to see him go.

He was a liar and an enemy to the constitution.

His smear of Robert Bork was an indication of just how subhuman he was.

If Bork wasn't the right man for the job, let the process play out. Kennedy lied his ass off about Bork and smeared him before he ever got a word out.

It has to be an example of one of the more disgusting performances seen by a public figure in all of history.

So long Ted...glad you're dead.

Just what I expect from scum like you.
It takes scum to call someone else scum. Capice?

No, an ignorant turd who celebrates someone's death is scum. You only have to be human to understand that...Capice?? Especially the death of a great American like Ted Kennedy, who contributed much to our nation. More than all the right wing scum in Washington.

A liberal would understand. That eliminates you...
During the Great Depression conservatives raised the same objections to F.D.R.’s programs. They said the economy must be left alone and it would correct itself in the long run. Commerce Secretary Harry Hopkins shot back: “People don’t eat in the long run. They eat every day.”

And that was the reason for soup lines.

FDR only kept them in those lines longer.

He's right up there with the asshole of the universe....."So Glad You're Dead" Ted Kennedy.

No, that was the reason for the WPA and CCC...

FDR invested in Americans. He put them to work, got something positive for that investment and gave the unemployed the dignity of work and contribution to the Great Republic. The WPA, CCC and pubic works program. During the Great Depression the government hired about 60 per cent of the unemployed in public works and conservation projects that planted a billion trees, saved the whooping crane, modernized rural America, and built such diverse projects as the Cathedral of Learning in Pittsburgh, the Montana state capitol, much of the Chicago lakefront, New York's Lincoln Tunnel and Triborough Bridge complex, the Tennessee Valley Authority and the aircraft carriers Enterprise and Yorktown.

It also built or renovated 2,500 hospitals, 45,000 schools, 13,000 parks and playgrounds, 7,800 bridges, 700,000 miles of roads, and a thousand airfields. And it employed 50,000 teachers, rebuilt the country's entire rural school system, and hired 3,000 writers, musicians, sculptors and painters, including Willem de Kooning and Jackson Pollock.

In other words, millions of men and women earned a living wage and self-respect and contributed mightily to the national infrastructure.

If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.
President John F. Kennedy

Clearly you are frustrated with your party. I am too (only I am a republican).

The real question is: how did it get here.

Part of the answer lies in the fact that people don't realize just how much money there is in politics. Economic power is political power and pretty much vice versa.

When are we going to stand up to those who are trampling our rights (on both sides) and get back to some form of reasonable government at all levels ?

No, it's not the money.

If it was the money, then there should never have been a successful government in all of human history, because there has never been a time in our country, or in any country, or in any culture, or in any age of history, where money and government have not gone hand in hand.

All the way back to John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, there was money in politics. And money and the Roman republic went hand in hand.

People act like this is something 'new'. It's not new. There is nothing new about the state of money and government.

And laws don't fix anything. I get really tired of this "we need new laws to fix X Y and Z".

Really? Laws against alcohol sure fixed up the 1930s, didn't they? Laws against illegal drugs today, sure have fixed the narco trade, haven't they?

We we really need is some more laws about Money and Politics, but that fixes everything.

Did we miss the late 1990s? Chinagate? Coalgate?

Here's what is new: We don't care as a society anymore. Al Gore was not in his office being called by big companies, to get his support. Al Gore was calling companies from his office, asking them for money.... or else.

Clear violation of the law. Yet we almost elected him President.

That's the problem in America today. We talk about money and politics, and demand more laws, yet when politicians violated laws that already exist, we don't care. Why bother with more laws, when we don't enforce existing laws?

Beyond that.... we generally support people trampling our rights. Remember, what we on the right, call trampling our rights, the people on the left call "social equality". What the people on the left call trampling their rights, we call "Enforcing the law".

As long as we think the job of government is to make our lives better, and fix everything wrong with the world, no one will ever be happy.

People who have actually lived in countries where government tried to fix all the wrongs in the world, come here and love it. Those who have never been in that situation, think it's horrible.
Just what I expect from scum like you.
It takes scum to call someone else scum. Capice?

No, an ignorant turd who celebrates someone's death is scum. You only have to be human to understand that...Capice?? Especially the death of a great American like Ted Kennedy, who contributed much to our nation. More than all the right wing scum in Washington.

A liberal would understand. That eliminates you...
A person who calls someone scum is scum. Everyone understands that. I don't wish death for anyone, but Ted Kennedy was not a great American. He was a drunk murderer who was spoiled by the wealth of his whiskey running father. You throw the word liberal around like it was some kind of wonderful title. It isn't. Liberal ideas are great, people who dwell on liberalism are idiots.

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