Pre-Ordered Fire and Fury!

Smart that Roger Stone made his book. Since he clearly helped campaign for Trump more than Bannon.

Stone is one of the 9 that met with Russians and lied about it.

Great, it's back to the Trump Russia hoax.

the only ones who think it's a hoax are trump scum.

or do you think papadopalos pled guilty just because.....

That intern who Trump didn't pay attention to?

interns don't get asked to write major policy speeches and go to Russia.


More talk about the Trump Russia hoax? It's on year two.
I wonder if Benedict Donald will read the book...... NAW! He will have one of his servants read it to him while his chubbiness eats a cheeseburger in bed. Ivanka is glad he switched to cheeseburgers. Kushner was complaining, asking for equal time.

He does not read. He has in the past bragged about not reading, like that is something to be proud of.

He is a functional (just barely) illiterate.
Here's the way things are going to shake out:

-Mueller will issue a scathing report in 2018, detailing money laundering. Treasonous Collision, and numerous felonious criminal acts by the Royal Crime Family.

-The GOP congress will deny and ignore the undeniable evidence, much to their demise.

-The Democrats will win back both houses of congress and immediately begin Impeachment procedures.

-As the noose tightens around Benedict's neck, he desperately tries to begin a nuclear confrontation with NK.

-Mattis and Kelly stop him and, through a collaborative effort, members of the physhiatric community convince him to resign.

-Benedict Donald as he is now called, declares himself the Greatest President that ever lived as he retreats to Trump Tower. Melania is finally happy.
Here's the way things are going to shake out:

-Mueller will issue a scathing report in 2018, detailing money laundering. Treasonous Collision, and numerous felonious criminal acts by the Royal Crime Family.

-The GOP congress will deny and ignore the undeniable evidence, much to their demise.

-The Democrats will win back both houses of congress and immediately begin Impeachment procedures.

-As the noose tightens around Benedict's neck, he desperately tries to begin a nuclear confrontation with NK.

-Mattis and Kelly stop him and, through a collaborative effort, members of the physhiatric community convince him to resign.

-Benedict Donald as he is now called, declares himself the Greatest President that ever lived as he retreats to Trump Tower. Melania is finally happy.

the book hilariously insinuates that...
"Trump cant say no to Ivanka because he's secretly in love with her"
When these pages are open the egg on the face of the leftwingnut media will be funny as hell....the author is a joke....everyone knows it....
That’s not far from the truth. People in every country in the world are reading everything they’ve heard about Trump is true.
This is destroying the thin skinned whiny little bitch. He goes nuts over imagined slights... that he positively knows the whole world is laughing at him might send him over the edge.
Smart that Roger Stone made his book. Since he clearly helped campaign for Trump more than Bannon.

Stone is one of the 9 that met with Russians and lied about it.

Great, it's back to the Trump Russia hoax.
Ya know who knows that it isn’t a hoax?
Papadopoulos, Manafort, Flynn and Gates.
Very shortly, Sessions, Jr and Trump will too.

That Trump Russia hoax is going on year two. This helps replacing Mueller. Don't worry!
Keep dreaming. The fact the investigation is taking so long is because Mueller and his 16 expert prosecutors are very thorough.
There’s too much dirt to dig up on this criminal for a short investigation
I hear Trump is furious about the Wolff book. I wonder who read it to him.

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