Preaching to what choir exactly?

ThinProgress....Now I need a shower and a delousing. :lmao:

It's THINK PROGRESS, bunky.....and I fail to see what your personal hygiene (or lack there of) has to do with anything.

The skinny on the good bishop's tirade is all over the media and google....take your pick as to whom you'll read.

And of course, YOU don't have the brains or the guts to address my observation, or the contents of the link I provided.

Carry on, my intellectually bankrupt and Odd little man!
They're misnamed...Should be ThinkRegress, as they're basically for the rule of the mob.

But hey...Whatever blows your hair back...:rolleyes:
They're misnamed...Should be ThinkRegress, as they're basically for the rule of the mob.

But hey...Whatever blows your hair back...:rolleyes:

And as we can see, folks....Oddball cannot deal with any FACTS that dispute/disprove his neocon/teabagger vision of the world. So unless he's willing to discuss the actual content of my link or my statement in the OP, Oddball just becomes an attention seeking crank who is no longer worth responding to here.

I guess Oddball is one of the good bishop's choir....not surprising.
I wonder where was the good bishop's outrage when the hierarchy of his church was aiding and abetting all those pedophiles? Oh well, maybe if his tax exempt status was removed, he'd be singing a different tune:

Catholic Bishop Claims Obama Is ‘Following A Similar Path’ To Hitler

I am not a fan of Catholic hypocrisy either, but your whole reason for playing the "Catholic/pedophile" card is because you have your panties all bunched up because a Catholic bishop compared Obama to Hitler.

The fact that a Catholic bishop is talking about Hitler is ironic, since it was the CATHOLIC CHURCH that aided and abetted the escape of Nazi war criminals at the end of WW2.
[ame=]Ironic - Alanis Morissette - YouTube[/ame]
Yeah... my life is a musical.

Deal with it.
I wonder where was the good bishop's outrage when the hierarchy of his church was aiding and abetting all those pedophiles? Oh well, maybe if his tax exempt status was removed, he'd be singing a different tune:

Catholic Bishop Claims Obama Is ‘Following A Similar Path’ To Hitler

I am not a fan of Catholic hypocrisy either, but your whole reason for playing the "Catholic/pedophile" card is because you have your panties all bunched up because a Catholic bishop compared Obama to Hitler.

No, I point out a FACT regarding the sheer hypocrisy of this jokers "outrage". The FACT regarding an institutions aiding and abetting pedophiles is not a "card" but a FACT and a disgrace to date. But no, this joker goes on a tear because Catholic run BUSINESSES have to be held accountable to the laws THAT EVERYONE ELSE IS regarding the CHOICE of abortion in their health insurance. He's just trying to dodge the specifics with inflammatory rhetoric. No "panties" envolved here, unless it's the women this joker seems so concerned in controlling.

The fact that a Catholic bishop is talking about Hitler is ironic, since it was the CATHOLIC CHURCH that aided and abetted the escape of Nazi war criminals at the end of WW2.

No argument there.
I wonder where was the good bishop's outrage when the hierarchy of his church was aiding and abetting all those pedophiles? Oh well, maybe if his tax exempt status was removed, he'd be singing a different tune:

Catholic Bishop Claims Obama Is ‘Following A Similar Path’ To Hitler

I'm not getting your reasoning here whatsoever. Correct me if I'm misinterpreting what your saying please.

What I get out of your statement is just because the Catholic Church has had a pedophile scandal this Bishop has no right to an opinion on Obama.

Yes or no?
Alanis Morisette ain't good music.

She sounds like a cat that got its tail smooshed by a rocking chair.
I wonder where was the good bishop's outrage when the hierarchy of his church was aiding and abetting all those pedophiles? Oh well, maybe if his tax exempt status was removed, he'd be singing a different tune:

Catholic Bishop Claims Obama Is ‘Following A Similar Path’ To Hitler

yep liberals with the tax exempt status threat again. Liberal churches NEVER have politics in them....

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