
I like discussing religious topics with Newby, Immanuel, Care4all, ABikerSailor, Eots and Gadawg.

Some others too. Peach, Huggy, editec, BDBoop.

These are folks that you can really get into a topic with. They know a lot and they aren't trying to convert anyone.

You missed the point.

You talk about Buddhism all the time, try to convince people that Jesus was a buddhist, tell them that Buddhism is a better religion than Christianity or Islam, and generally go around promoting your religion over others, yet you complain when other people do the same.

As a side note, the goal of religion is to convert people, even yours.

NO, I talk about Buddhism because it's my spiritual path. I talk about what I know.

You can't convert anyone to Buddhism. You have to have the karma for it.

I don't tell anyone else that Buddhism is a better religion for THEM, it's a better religion for me.

All I do is ask some Christians to suspend their christian conversion agenda in order to discuss a topic of mutual interest.

Some Christians don't need to be asked. They aren't trying to convert me or anyone else.


1) Could you please describe this "karma" someone has to have in Buddhism?

2) And does telling people to "shove it" entail having it? LOL Breaaaaaaaatheeeeeeeee, woman!

You missed the point.

You talk about Buddhism all the time, try to convince people that Jesus was a buddhist, tell them that Buddhism is a better religion than Christianity or Islam, and generally go around promoting your religion over others, yet you complain when other people do the same.

As a side note, the goal of religion is to convert people, even yours.

NO, I talk about Buddhism because it's my spiritual path. I talk about what I know.

You can't convert anyone to Buddhism. You have to have the karma for it.

I don't tell anyone else that Buddhism is a better religion for THEM, it's a better religion for me.

All I do is ask some Christians to suspend their christian conversion agenda in order to discuss a topic of mutual interest.

Some Christians don't need to be asked. They aren't trying to convert me or anyone else.


1) Could you please describe this "karma" someone has to have in Buddhism?

2) And does telling people to "shove it" entail having it? LOL Breaaaaaaaatheeeeeeeee, woman!


She's doing fine. You on the other hand, seem a mite hysterical.
making a post about a poster "having a meltdown" is trolling. Do you have your own personal moderator to clear your path for you? How nice.

Sky has meltdowns all the time, I think she has even admitted it, how is pointing that out trolling?

How is pointing out that someone who uses the term "meltdown" is trolling? Ask Buford. He's the one objecting to Luissa's use of the term.

I actually did, but thanks for the tip. :lol:
NO, I talk about Buddhism because it's my spiritual path. I talk about what I know.

You can't convert anyone to Buddhism. You have to have the karma for it.

I don't tell anyone else that Buddhism is a better religion for THEM, it's a better religion for me.

All I do is ask some Christians to suspend their christian conversion agenda in order to discuss a topic of mutual interest.

Some Christians don't need to be asked. They aren't trying to convert me or anyone else.


1) Could you please describe this "karma" someone has to have in Buddhism?

2) And does telling people to "shove it" entail having it? LOL Breaaaaaaaatheeeeeeeee, woman!


She's doing fine. You on the other hand, seem a mite hysterical.

Really? There's no sign of hysteria in that post.
You reject the Bible as nothing more than a bunch of stories that you don't believe, how does you trying to use it to prove you are right prove I don't know what I am talking about? You are the one using circular logic here.

It says in the Bible Jesus lived without sin. It also says don't judge someone else's sin if you are also sinner. You tried to prove me wrong some how by showing Jesus judged sins. I responded with the fact the Bible claims he lived without sin.
Do you not believe in the Bible, as you claim to?

I am mocking your attempts to argue that you are not being hypocritical, why do I have to also prove that you are wrong?
All I said was I don't attack people who are true Christians, how is that hypocritical?
I don't believe in the Bible, therefore I don't have to follow its teachings. See how that works?
My own personal moderator? No thanks. I don't think I need much moderating at USMB.

Be sure and let Luissa know that you have appointed her as my "personal moderator to clear my path".

Now what I could really use is someone to come and take care of clearing the path on my property of scotch broom. Buford, are you available?
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It says in the Bible Jesus lived without sin. It also says don't judge someone else's sin if you are also sinner. You tried to prove me wrong some how by showing Jesus judged sins. I responded with the fact the Bible claims he lived without sin.
Do you not believe in the Bible, as you claim to?

I am mocking your attempts to argue that you are not being hypocritical, why do I have to also prove that you are wrong?
All I said was I don't attack people who are true Christians, how is that hypocritical?
I don't believe in the Bible, therefore I don't have to follow its teachings. See how that works?

You don't get to judge who is, and is not, a Christian. You want to use the Bible as a club to force people who disagree with you to shut up, and you whine when they don't, and claim they don't meet your definition of something you don't believe.

That makes you either a hypocrite or insane.
I am mocking your attempts to argue that you are not being hypocritical, why do I have to also prove that you are wrong?
All I said was I don't attack people who are true Christians, how is that hypocritical?
I don't believe in the Bible, therefore I don't have to follow its teachings. See how that works?

You don't get to judge who is, and is not, a Christian. You want to use the Bible as a club to force people who disagree with you to shut up, and you whine when they don't, and claim they don't meet your definition of something you don't believe.

That makes you either a hypocrite or insane.
I personally like to attack the ones who use their religion to judge me or other people.
Or pretend they are better than me because they are Christian. If they are true Christian I don't attack them.
This is what I originally said. When they attack me due to their religion I will attack them for not following what their Bible tells them. If they are using their religion against me or anyone else, it is not hypocritical if I use that same religion to point out they are not a true Christian. I had no idea it was that hard for you to understand.
I am mocking your attempts to argue that you are not being hypocritical, why do I have to also prove that you are wrong?
All I said was I don't attack people who are true Christians, how is that hypocritical?
I don't believe in the Bible, therefore I don't have to follow its teachings. See how that works?

You don't get to judge who is, and is not, a Christian. You want to use the Bible as a club to force people who disagree with you to shut up, and you whine when they don't, and claim they don't meet your definition of something you don't believe.

That makes you either a hypocrite or insane.

That's the trouble with calling yourself "Christian". It means many different things.
All I said was I don't attack people who are true Christians, how is that hypocritical?
I don't believe in the Bible, therefore I don't have to follow its teachings. See how that works?

You don't get to judge who is, and is not, a Christian. You want to use the Bible as a club to force people who disagree with you to shut up, and you whine when they don't, and claim they don't meet your definition of something you don't believe.

That makes you either a hypocrite or insane.

That's the trouble with calling yourself "Christian". It means many different things.

Sky Prancer's ^ endless judgmental-ism and ignorance on full display -- some more.
You don't get to judge who is, and is not, a Christian. You want to use the Bible as a club to force people who disagree with you to shut up, and you whine when they don't, and claim they don't meet your definition of something you don't believe.

That makes you either a hypocrite or insane.

That's the trouble with calling yourself "Christian". It means many different things.

Sky Prancer's ^ endless judgmental-ism and ignorance on full display -- some more.

Somebody say your name three times?
Truthfully, I don't think I or anyone else can judge who is a Christian and who isn't. Nor is it my job to do so. As far as those people judging me, a lot of that judgement is really powerless. People can judge me (and probably do, all the time), but those judgements can't really affect the things that matter to me, for the most part. And if they did, I would have legal recourse to protect myself. Even now, a gay couple can legally structure mutual protections for themselves and their children, even if things aren't completely ideal.

With the issue of abortion, no matter what anti-abortionists want, I find it unlikely that abortion will be overturned in the U.S. at any point. Further, I think that gay marriage is inevitable within the next 10 years or less, regardless of what the Christianists want.

I kind of think it's a waste of time to tell someone that they're not a "real (tm) Christian." What is a "real Christian" anyway? It's a subjective value judgement. Same with the "real buddhists."

As far as the preaching...lots of people do it. If you don't like it, you have a recourse as well: ignore it or walk away from it. If it happens on the job, you have legal protections against it, but if it happens in your personal life, a lot of how much you're exposed to it is completely within your power. I can't remember the last time I paid attention to someone who wanted to preach to me. But, if you continually seek that out...obviously, that's a choice.
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