Predfan vs Wild Hogs

So I'm getting ready for my first hunt on Saturday. I actually went to buy camouflage clothing. I figured hunters wear it, I probably should too. So why do I feel like such a poser?

I think this guide is going to take one look at me and laugh his ass off.

I told an idiot BIL to get some camo, he showed up with some shit from the kiddie aisle, sleeves mid arm, pants not even to the ankles.

Fucker shot three deer that weekend.

You might look funny, guide will remember whether you shoot straight and tip generously.

I am a pretty damn good shot with my remington 700 series 30-06. If the hog is within 100 yards and nerves and adrenalin aren't too bad I should be able to drop him right away. That should impress him enough.

DO NOT AIM FOR THE HEAD. Best shot is just behind the forequarters.

The boars have a tough gristle shield on the front of their shoulders. A 30-06 should go right thru, but its something to remember.
Nosler Ballistic Tips won't.

I have shoulder shot them with NBT's in .30.06 and .300WM.

You have to aim a bit further behind the shoulder than on deer, or, if you are a decent shot, shoot them under the ear.

I told an idiot BIL to get some camo, he showed up with some shit from the kiddie aisle, sleeves mid arm, pants not even to the ankles.

Fucker shot three deer that weekend.

You might look funny, guide will remember whether you shoot straight and tip generously.

My camo is from Bass Pro shop. It's some good quality clothing. It won't be the first time I've been laughed at.

I doubt you will ever be laughed at for wearing camo on any hunting trip.
Yes you can.

Do like my BIL, and at 50 wear some shit made for a 10 year old.

Ok, I guess I should amend that to be "I doubt you'll ever be laughed if you wear quality, grownup camo."

I stand corrected.
Actually, there are parts of the country where camo is rare.

We aren't all blessed to live in the South.

Hell,it's half my wardrobe.
So I'm getting ready for my first hunt on Saturday. I actually went to buy camouflage clothing. I figured hunters wear it, I probably should too. So why do I feel like such a poser?

I think this guide is going to take one look at me and laugh his ass off.

I told an idiot BIL to get some camo, he showed up with some shit from the kiddie aisle, sleeves mid arm, pants not even to the ankles.

Fucker shot three deer that weekend.

You might look funny, guide will remember whether you shoot straight and tip generously.

I am a pretty damn good shot with my remington 700 series 30-06. If the hog is within 100 yards and nerves and adrenalin aren't too bad I should be able to drop him right away. That should impress him enough.

DO NOT AIM FOR THE HEAD. Best shot is just behind the forequarters.

The boars have a tough gristle shield on the front of their shoulders. A 30-06 should go right thru, but its something to remember.
Nosler Ballistic Tips won't.

I have shoulder shot them with NBT's in .30.06 and .300WM.

You have to aim a bit further behind the shoulder than on deer, or, if you are a decent shot, shoot them under the ear.

Hmmm, good to know. I have only hit one in the shoulder and that was with a 45-70 with a 325 gr Hornady Leverevolution.
My camo is from Bass Pro shop. It's some good quality clothing. It won't be the first time I've been laughed at.

I doubt you will ever be laughed at for wearing camo on any hunting trip.
Yes you can.

Do like my BIL, and at 50 wear some shit made for a 10 year old.

Ok, I guess I should amend that to be "I doubt you'll ever be laughed if you wear quality, grownup camo."

I stand corrected.
Actually, there are parts of the country where camo is rare.

We aren't all blessed to live in the South.

Hell,it's half my wardrobe.
More than half of mine here.

Moving soon, leaving most of the hunting clothes here, and getting me some city duds!!!

; - )
Even if you cant get a clean shot go ahead and take a chance.
It's not like you're going to eat the damn thing,and if it runs off and dies it's still one less hog.
And if it's a small yearling worth eating the round will pass through any part of the pig anyway.
I doubt you will ever be laughed at for wearing camo on any hunting trip.
Yes you can.

Do like my BIL, and at 50 wear some shit made for a 10 year old.

Ok, I guess I should amend that to be "I doubt you'll ever be laughed if you wear quality, grownup camo."

I stand corrected.
Actually, there are parts of the country where camo is rare.

We aren't all blessed to live in the South.

Hell,it's half my wardrobe.
More than half of mine here.

Moving soon, leaving most of the hunting clothes here, and getting me some city duds!!!

; - )

Even if you cant get a clean shot go ahead and take a chance.
It's not like you're going to eat the damn thing,and if it runs off and dies it's still one less hog.
And if it's a small yearling worth eating the round will pass through any part of the pig anyway.
Kill them early, kill them often, kill them by any means necessary.

The are truly a plague.
Yes you can.

Do like my BIL, and at 50 wear some shit made for a 10 year old.

Ok, I guess I should amend that to be "I doubt you'll ever be laughed if you wear quality, grownup camo."

I stand corrected.
Actually, there are parts of the country where camo is rare.

We aren't all blessed to live in the South.

Hell,it's half my wardrobe.
More than half of mine here.

Moving soon, leaving most of the hunting clothes here, and getting me some city duds!!!

; - )

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I have been told I clean up quite well.
So I'm getting ready for my first hunt on Saturday. I actually went to buy camouflage clothing. I figured hunters wear it, I probably should too. So why do I feel like such a poser?

I think this guide is going to take one look at me and laugh his ass off.

I told an idiot BIL to get some camo, he showed up with some shit from the kiddie aisle, sleeves mid arm, pants not even to the ankles.

Fucker shot three deer that weekend.

You might look funny, guide will remember whether you shoot straight and tip generously.

My camo is from Bass Pro shop. It's some good quality clothing. It won't be the first time I've been laughed at.

I doubt you will ever be laughed at for wearing camo on any hunting trip.

Well, they also get tipped so they probably won't.
So I'm getting ready for my first hunt on Saturday. I actually went to buy camouflage clothing. I figured hunters wear it, I probably should too. So why do I feel like such a poser?

I think this guide is going to take one look at me and laugh his ass off.

I told an idiot BIL to get some camo, he showed up with some shit from the kiddie aisle, sleeves mid arm, pants not even to the ankles.

Fucker shot three deer that weekend.

You might look funny, guide will remember whether you shoot straight and tip generously.

I am a pretty damn good shot with my remington 700 series 30-06. If the hog is within 100 yards and nerves and adrenalin aren't too bad I should be able to drop him right away. That should impress him enough.

DO NOT AIM FOR THE HEAD. Best shot is just behind the forequarters.

Yeah I'm planning on it. 30-06 right through the shoulder blades.
So I'm getting ready for my first hunt on Saturday. I actually went to buy camouflage clothing. I figured hunters wear it, I probably should too. So why do I feel like such a poser?

I think this guide is going to take one look at me and laugh his ass off.

I told an idiot BIL to get some camo, he showed up with some shit from the kiddie aisle, sleeves mid arm, pants not even to the ankles.

Fucker shot three deer that weekend.

You might look funny, guide will remember whether you shoot straight and tip generously.

I am a pretty damn good shot with my remington 700 series 30-06. If the hog is within 100 yards and nerves and adrenalin aren't too bad I should be able to drop him right away. That should impress him enough.

DO NOT AIM FOR THE HEAD. Best shot is just behind the forequarters.

The boars have a tough gristle shield on the front of their shoulders. A 30-06 should go right thru, but its something to remember.
Nosler Ballistic Tips won't.

I have shoulder shot them with NBT's in .30.06 and .300WM.

You have to aim a bit further behind the shoulder than on deer, or, if you are a decent shot, shoot them under the ear.

Ah! Good to know. I was thinking about deer when I planned to shoot through the shoulders.
So I'm getting ready for my first hunt on Saturday. I actually went to buy camouflage clothing. I figured hunters wear it, I probably should too. So why do I feel like such a poser?

I think this guide is going to take one look at me and laugh his ass off.

I told an idiot BIL to get some camo, he showed up with some shit from the kiddie aisle, sleeves mid arm, pants not even to the ankles.

Fucker shot three deer that weekend.

You might look funny, guide will remember whether you shoot straight and tip generously.

I am a pretty damn good shot with my remington 700 series 30-06. If the hog is within 100 yards and nerves and adrenalin aren't too bad I should be able to drop him right away. That should impress him enough.

DO NOT AIM FOR THE HEAD. Best shot is just behind the forequarters.

Yeah I'm planning on it. 30-06 right through the shoulder blades.

Right behind the shoulder. About 2 or 3 inch's.
Shot placement on hogs Arguments against the head shot
My friend will be using his AR-15. We were told that with a 223 you have to hit the head. After discussion with others we aren't sure if that is the shot to take. He found special cartridges called "Hog Hammers". 223 with a steel core. Hopefully it will be enough to be able to take one down with the shot to the heart.
Ok, got to the property right as the sky was lightening up. Went down a trail toward the first feeder. One of the guides took my buddy toward it, I continued down the trail with the other guide. I got only another 20 yards along the trail when he stopped me and pointed to a feeder that we could see about 5-6 pigs milling around. It was about 80 yards away. I had no place to rest the rifle, took a shot at that distance from standing and missed. After looking for blood without finding any, we went back to the trail toward the next tree stand and feeder. When we got close the guide said to me, you aren't going to be able to get in that tree stand. I thought he was commenting in my weight, but he meant that the hogs were already there. I crept closer and observed about a half dozen hogs milling about. I picked the biggest and tried to aim at him. Problem was he wouldn't stand still and he kept getting behind the other pigs. I looked at the second biggest and she was stationary. Aimed, shot, and the scattered. I thought I missed the pig for sure. We went up and didn't see and blood....again. Finally I saw what looked like a chunk of liver. It was. We found a very feint trail, and saw more blood. After about anothe 50 years of pushing through the underbrush, there was the sow lying in a small path. It was a gut shot.


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