Predictably, Obama makes a VAGUE ISIS war powers request.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Everything, and I mean everything is about politics and ways to burn republicans by setting them up. This, is no different.

Obama confounds Congress with vague ISIS war-powers request

Confidently declaring that the Islamic State “is going to lose,” President Obama on Wednesday asked Congress for broad yet intentionally vague war powers as he laid the foundation for a three-year military campaign against the terrorist group that ultimately could involve U.S. ground troops.

By leaving a host of unanswered questions with its authorization for use of military force, called AUMF on Capitol Hill, the White House is placing a significant burden on congressional leaders who now must hammer out the details.

Lawmakers from both sides of the aisle have voiced serious concerns. Democrats fear the authorization may open the door to another long, bloody ground war in the Middle East, and Republicans say Mr. Obama is unnecessarily tying his own hands and taking a bizarre step by giving up some power in his role as commander in chief.

Read more: Obama defends request for military force authorization - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Huh, remember when this piece of shit said this about the four murdered citizens in Benghazi?

Have they got around to bringing those things to justice? Would you look at that FAT ASS walking next to scrawny emaciated looking obama?

Just to be clear, the piece of socialist shit makes vague promises and requests. He knows the republicans will demand something more specific, so then he will then look like the guy wanting to fight ISIS and it will make the republicans look weak for not wanting to give into his request.

The fucking media will of course report it accordingly and the moonbats will fall right into line.

Everything, and I mean everything is all about politics to this utter piece of shit. Everything. I mean we know this pile of shit could not give one rat shit about the well being of the American people.

Fucking left wingers.
Those posters suffering from ODS will receive no response.

One, I don't want any more US troops on the ground there, Spec Ops or otherwise.

Two, however, Obama has just stunned the war supporters in both parties and isolated the opponents in both parties. It will take months to for them to sort it all out.

Three, until Congress can pass a new war powers act, Obama runs the war as he wants.
Those posters suffering from ODS will receive no response.

One, I don't want any more US troops on the ground there, Spec Ops or otherwise.

Two, however, Obama has just stunned the war supporters in both parties and isolated the opponents in both parties. It will take months to for them to sort it all out.

Three, until Congress can pass a new war powers act, Obama runs the war as he wants.

See how the far left supports the illegal wars of Obama..
What a dolt, why can't he ask congress to authorize specific attacks, on specific dates, and at specific locations like a real man???
What a dolt, why can't he ask congress to authorize specific attacks, on specific dates, and at specific locations like a real man???


I mean, WTF, surely everyone expects him to tip his hand so that ISIS.... oh, wait, that would be stupid....

So, Rrrraging Rrrrighties want stupid. Got it.

You mean how the far left wanted such things pre 2009?

The irony impaired far left drones and their comments!
What a dolt, why can't he ask congress to authorize specific attacks, on specific dates, and at specific locations like a real man???

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. No really. He was sure quick to point out when the US would withdraw from the Iraq and from Afghanistan.

Oh never mind.

His vague request is ALL about trying to burn republicans. If he was so concerned about justice or protecting the innocent or being concerned about justice he would not have dragged his pathetic slow scrawny socialist feet for 6 months in regards to what these sandniggers have been doing to innocent people. Not to mention he would have exacted a real true response, in response the murders of our ambassador.

He is pathetic. Mainly cause he placates his pathetic moronic moonbat peaceniks.
Everything, and I mean everything is about politics and ways to burn republicans by setting them up. This, is no different.

Obama confounds Congress with vague ISIS war-powers request

Confidently declaring that the Islamic State “is going to lose,” President Obama on Wednesday asked Congress for broad yet intentionally vague war powers as he laid the foundation for a three-year military campaign against the terrorist group that ultimately could involve U.S. ground troops.

By leaving a host of unanswered questions with its authorization for use of military force, called AUMF on Capitol Hill, the White House is placing a significant burden on congressional leaders who now must hammer out the details.

Lawmakers from both sides of the aisle have voiced serious concerns. Democrats fear the authorization may open the door to another long, bloody ground war in the Middle East, and Republicans say Mr. Obama is unnecessarily tying his own hands and taking a bizarre step by giving up some power in his role as commander in chief.

Read more: Obama defends request for military force authorization - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Huh, remember when this piece of shit said this about the four murdered citizens in Benghazi?

Have they got around to bringing those things to justice? Would you look at that FAT ASS walking next to scrawny emaciated looking obama?

Just to be clear, the piece of socialist shit makes vague promises and requests. He knows the republicans will demand something more specific, so then he will then look like the guy wanting to fight ISIS and it will make the republicans look weak for not wanting to give into his request.

The fucking media will of course report it accordingly and the moonbats will fall right into line.

Everything, and I mean everything is all about politics to this utter piece of shit. Everything. I mean we know this pile of shit could not give one rat shit about the well being of the American people.

Fucking left wingers.

Where did you predict it?
Everything, and I mean everything is about politics and ways to burn republicans by setting them up. This, is no different.

Obama confounds Congress with vague ISIS war-powers request

Confidently declaring that the Islamic State “is going to lose,” President Obama on Wednesday asked Congress for broad yet intentionally vague war powers as he laid the foundation for a three-year military campaign against the terrorist group that ultimately could involve U.S. ground troops.

By leaving a host of unanswered questions with its authorization for use of military force, called AUMF on Capitol Hill, the White House is placing a significant burden on congressional leaders who now must hammer out the details.

Lawmakers from both sides of the aisle have voiced serious concerns. Democrats fear the authorization may open the door to another long, bloody ground war in the Middle East, and Republicans say Mr. Obama is unnecessarily tying his own hands and taking a bizarre step by giving up some power in his role as commander in chief.

Read more: Obama defends request for military force authorization - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Huh, remember when this piece of shit said this about the four murdered citizens in Benghazi?

Have they got around to bringing those things to justice? Would you look at that FAT ASS walking next to scrawny emaciated looking obama?

Just to be clear, the piece of socialist shit makes vague promises and requests. He knows the republicans will demand something more specific, so then he will then look like the guy wanting to fight ISIS and it will make the republicans look weak for not wanting to give into his request.

The fucking media will of course report it accordingly and the moonbats will fall right into line.

Everything, and I mean everything is all about politics to this utter piece of shit. Everything. I mean we know this pile of shit could not give one rat shit about the well being of the American people.

Fucking left wingers.

Where did you predict it?

in his wet-dreams.

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