Predictably, Obama makes a VAGUE ISIS war powers request.

What a dolt, why can't he ask congress to authorize specific attacks, on specific dates, and at specific locations like a real man???

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. No really. He was sure quick to point out when the US would withdraw from the Iraq and from Afghanistan.

Oh never mind.

His vague request is ALL about trying to burn republicans. If he was so concerned about justice or protecting the innocent or being concerned about justice he would not have dragged his pathetic slow scrawny socialist feet for 6 months in regards to what these sandniggers have been doing to innocent people. Not to mention he would have exacted a real true response, in response the murders of our ambassador.

He is pathetic. Mainly cause he placates his pathetic moronic moonbat peaceniks.

"SANDNIGGERS" ?????????

See ya.

I'm sure you couldn't care less, but you just burned a bridge with me anyway.
What a dolt, why can't he ask congress to authorize specific attacks, on specific dates, and at specific locations like a real man???

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. No really. He was sure quick to point out when the US would withdraw from the Iraq and from Afghanistan.

Oh never mind.

His vague request is ALL about trying to burn republicans. If he was so concerned about justice or protecting the innocent or being concerned about justice he would not have dragged his pathetic slow scrawny socialist feet for 6 months in regards to what these sandniggers have been doing to innocent people. Not to mention he would have exacted a real true response, in response the murders of our ambassador.

He is pathetic. Mainly cause he placates his pathetic moronic moonbat peaceniks.

"SANDNIGGERS" ?????????

See ya.

I'm sure you couldn't care less, but you just burned a bridge with me anyway.

Oh, that's typical for Rrrrraging Rrrrrighties. But of course, it's never about race.
I have a question: Why does obama call them ISIL and everyone else in the world calls them ISIS?

Is this more of his refusing to admit that they are islamic terrorists?
What a dolt, why can't he ask congress to authorize specific attacks, on specific dates, and at specific locations like a real man???

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. No really. He was sure quick to point out when the US would withdraw from the Iraq and from Afghanistan.

Oh never mind.

His vague request is ALL about trying to burn republicans. If he was so concerned about justice or protecting the innocent or being concerned about justice he would not have dragged his pathetic slow scrawny socialist feet for 6 months in regards to what these sandniggers have been doing to innocent people. Not to mention he would have exacted a real true response, in response the murders of our ambassador.

He is pathetic. Mainly cause he placates his pathetic moronic moonbat peaceniks.

"SANDNIGGERS" ?????????

See ya.

I'm sure you couldn't care less, but you just burned a bridge with me anyway.

Oh, that's typical for Rrrrraging Rrrrrighties. But of course, it's never about race.

Says the racist/bigoted irony impaired far left drone!!
Given the real problem that ISIS is, I have already written My Congressman and Senator urging them to give the President some form of authorization to conduct a war against this group of people.

If he [the President] is willing to put troops into the fray in the hopes of making this a decisive war, I support him 100%...

However, no more Nation building. Just kill the fuckers and go home afterward.
What a dolt, why can't he ask congress to authorize specific attacks, on specific dates, and at specific locations like a real man???
:lol: Each one prefaced with "this is an illegal war."

And signed - moooslim Barry

in christian blood.

on the back of his redacted birth certificate

with some baby fat mixed in.
Given the real problem that ISIS is, I have already written My Congressman and Senator urging them to give the President some form of authorization to conduct a war against this group of people.

If he [the President] is willing to put troops into the fray in the hopes of making this a decisive war, I support him 100%...

However, no more Nation building. Just kill the fuckers and go home afterward.

I tend to agree in this case - I don't think we would be leaving a vacuum behind for someone even worse to swoop in and seize power.
Given the real problem that ISIS is, I have already written My Congressman and Senator urging them to give the President some form of authorization to conduct a war against this group of people.

If he [the President] is willing to put troops into the fray in the hopes of making this a decisive war, I support him 100%...

However, no more Nation building. Just kill the fuckers and go home afterward.

I agree.
I have a question: Why does obama call them ISIL and everyone else in the world calls them ISIS?

Is this more of his refusing to admit that they are islamic terrorists?

It means exactly the same thing. In fact, most in Europe also call it ISIL.

Hint: L stands for Levant.
I have a question: Why does obama call them ISIL and everyone else in the world calls them ISIS?

Is this more of his refusing to admit that they are islamic terrorists?
Why does he say Pocky-stan when everyone else say Packy-stan?

I think it is because he is an elitist dickhead.
Given the real problem that ISIS is, I have already written My Congressman and Senator urging them to give the President some form of authorization to conduct a war against this group of people.

If he [the President] is willing to put troops into the fray in the hopes of making this a decisive war, I support him 100%...

However, no more Nation building. Just kill the fuckers and go home afterward.

I tend to agree in this case - I don't think we would be leaving a vacuum behind for someone even worse to swoop in and seize power.
Right. If we take out ISIS and Assad, there isn't much left in the way of uber bad guys to take the top spot...area might be in turmoil (more than it normally is) for a while...but hey..its the middle east....

I'd just make sure that Iran stays out of the smoking craters...
I have a question: Why does obama call them ISIL and everyone else in the world calls them ISIS?

Is this more of his refusing to admit that they are islamic terrorists?

Glad you asked.

Here is something more for the disaster of the beloved left wing Jewish Americans who are nothing but a curse to their land of their people since they gladly vote in their biggest threat. The American democrats and left wingers who are admitted and obvious Israel haters.

The Coded Message Obama Delivers When He Says ISIL Instead Of ISIS - Now The End Begins Now The End Begins

ISIL stands for the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant. Now, to us Westerners we don’t really make much of a distinction, do we? No, honestly from our perspective its all about the same. But how would a Muslim living in the Middle East view it? Just what is the Levant anyway? Let’s take a look.

The geographical term LEVANT refers to a multi-nation region in the Middle East. It’s aland bridge between Turkey to the north and Egypt to the south. If you look on a map, however, in the near exact middle of the nations that comprise the Levant, guess what you see? Come on, guess!

It’s Israel.

When Barack Obama refers over and over to the Islamic State as ISIL, he is sending a message to Muslims all over the Middle East that he personally does not recognize Israel as a sovereign nation, but as territory belonging to the Islamic State.


He is a fucking pig.
I have a question: Why does obama call them ISIL and everyone else in the world calls them ISIS?

Is this more of his refusing to admit that they are islamic terrorists?

In short, both translations are accurate, both are correct, and both have deficiencies — one refers to a state, the other has an archaic ring. The executive branch of the U.S. government adopted the ISIL nomenclature and its staff generally use this term, even though members of Congress, the media, and specialists generally prefer ISIS.
I have a question: Why does obama call them ISIL and everyone else in the world calls them ISIS?

Is this more of his refusing to admit that they are islamic terrorists?

It means exactly the same thing. In fact, most in Europe also call it ISIL.

Hint: L stands for Levant.
Who the fuck really cares what acronym is being used by any particular group or cell.

It is all part of the same problem, a problem that is not ours.

We need to let all these Muslims sort this shit out themselves, with one side dragging the other back into the 7th century, or the other side maybe jerking the Muslim world into at least the 20th century.

If they kill a quarter of a billion of each other, so be it.
Given the real problem that ISIS is, I have already written My Congressman and Senator urging them to give the President some form of authorization to conduct a war against this group of people.

If he [the President] is willing to put troops into the fray in the hopes of making this a decisive war, I support him 100%...

However, no more Nation building. Just kill the fuckers and go home afterward.

That is the problem with such things, when does one claim victory?

It will create a vacuum of power, however Obama will not fight a decisive war as he has been running the limited war narrative in his current illegal wars..

He has stated many time he wants to contain ISIS, yet they still grow by leaps and bounds.

The more that Obama caters to the extremists in his party (the far left) the faster ISIS will gain power.
What a dolt, why can't he ask congress to authorize specific attacks, on specific dates, and at specific locations like a real man???
:lol: Each one prefaced with "this is an illegal war."

And signed - moooslim Barry
Oh, you leftist drone, you. :lol:

Yep the far left drones agreeing with one another, go figure that one..

But then again what do you expect from the irony impaired far left drones that support Obama illegal wars..
I have a question: Why does obama call them ISIL and everyone else in the world calls them ISIS?

Is this more of his refusing to admit that they are islamic terrorists?

It means exactly the same thing. In fact, most in Europe also call it ISIL.

Hint: L stands for Levant.
Who the fuck really cares what acronym is being used by any particular group or cell.

It is all part of the same problem, a problem that is not ours.

We need to let all these Muslims sort this shit out themselves, with one side dragging the other back into the 7th century, or the other side maybe jerking the Muslim world into at least the 20th century.

If they kill a quarter of a billion of each other, so be it.

I think folks were saying the same thing about Bin Laden and Al Qaida about 20 years ago.

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