Prediction: Trump will die in jail, the MAGA folks will scream & moan for a few days, then they'll move on to something else

Spirited piece of Easter fun .
But more interesting than fixating on the Nazarine being nailed on with all of his BS promises and lunatic chat with a dad whom these days would be hauled in for negligence and advised to get a stronger hearing aid .
spirited fun? i was accused of being a murderer!
The GOP calls calls January 6th… sightseeing. Holding Donald Trump accountable for his actions… injustice. The expulsion of Black legislators in Tennessee for protesting gun violence… justified. They are a racist, Christo-facist, authoritarian theocracy. They have virtually no minority support and are losing women and young voters in droves. GenZ gonna breakout a can a whoop ass on you come Election Day.
Why don’t facts matter to you? Doesn’t fit your hate?
let me rephrase that: anyone who dares getting elected president by covering up the fact that he cheated on his wife by fucking a p*rn star will get the same treatment

The deep state is going after Trump to warn all of the rest of us. The time is fast approaching when there is no longer law and order. That is a time you should fear, but you don't. Because you are a moron.
spirited fun? i was accused of being a murderer!
Are you feeling wronged?

Dont incite violence when you cant be sure how far it will go

You posted a very insulting and inflammatory headline and now the insulted are pushing back
you're biased. if the shoe was on the other foot, you'd be singing a different tune about Jan 6th.
There was plenty of violence at officials by blm and antifa without any outrage by demofks. Stay in your lane of hate
Are you feeling wronged?

Dont incite violence when you cant be sure how far it will go

You posted a very insulting and inflammatory headline and now the insulted are pushing back
He wants Trump dead!
let me explain my reasoning for my prediction:

if i was president of the world (the world, not just the united states) and i passed a law that said you have to put your right sock on first before your left sock in the morning on your feet, punishable by 5 years in prison if you violate the law, the right socks first crowd would be ecstatic, the left socks first crowd would scream and yell for a couple of days, then they'd abide by the law. you just get used to it, and the MAGA folks will learn to live with their Godlike figure crumbling at the feet of lady justice.

In this modern day Banana Republic we call the United States there is a fair chance that what you say will happen. Trump will end up behind bars while the Clintons and the Bidens will continue on like The Rolling Stones.

basquebromance wants trump voters dead

There will be another trump if this one falls

Its trump voters that the libs hate more than trump himself
now you switch from trump to trump voters

what's next? i want jesus dead? and reagan? you do realize those folks already died, right?
now you switch from trump to trump voters

what's next? i want jesus dead? and reagan? you do realize those folks already died, right?
I’ve been talking about trump voters all along

You posted a very insulting headline about trump supporters that was intended to offend

And it did
I’ve been talking about trump voters all along

You posted a very insulting headline about trump supporters that was intended to offend

And it did
Just making a prediction. you guys criticize the left for being woke, you guys are just as bad
ok moderators please re-phrase my title and insert: "i hope i'm wrong!"

happy now?

i don't want anyone dead, your sick fantasies notwithstanding
But you want your political opposition locked up by violating his 6th amendment rights True third world view
But you want your political opposition locked up by violating his 6th amendment rights True third world view
i don't want ANYTHING. predicting is not the same as wanting, you dusty old senile clueless dumbass
You have to be careful. Go too far on that and Quid Pro gets the same treatment for their coverup of Hunter's laptop. I'm telling you, democrats never seem to understand that the can of worms they keep opening up have more than one worm in them.
Justice awaits all law-breakers. Looks like Hunter Biden is in the clear, right now. But dear leader? He's in the lead by a long mile.
Maybe not according to the gutter culture that defines liberals

But the rest of us didn't like it one bit

Now stop proving that libs can dish it out but you cant take it
i'm a "lib" now?

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