Preet Bharara to MSNBC's Melber: I seriously thought about recording Trump when he called to fire me

Bharara says he "mistrusts" Trump so he thought he might say something inappropriate. there must be more to this!
i'll have the interview up shortly. it just happened. what do you think?

Recording the president without his knowledge (in the White House) seems like it should be a felony. It would be super interesting to hear those conversations., but that sets a bad precedent.
Pistol Preet says Trump was trying to cultivate a relationship with him so that he helps him with the Russia investigation down the road, and when Pistol Preet refused to take Trump's call, he got fired!
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i'll have the interview up shortly. it just happened. what do you think?

I didn't watch your vid, but I have always suspected that Trump got rid of Bharara in order to get someone in there who would make the Russian money laundering case go away that was being defended by the attorney that arranged the meeting at Trump Tower in 2016.

Jeff Sessions ordered that case be settled for a ridiculously small amount of money. I've always wondered what Trump was sweeping under the rug. Or maybe the Russians were just calling in a favor?
Pistole Preet says Trump was trying to cultivate a relationship with him so that he helps him with the Russia investigation down the road, and when Pistol Preet refused to take Trump's call, he got fired!
Man o man, Trump was being creepy when he first got elected. All that buddy-buddy "scratch my back, will ya, and maybe I'll scratch yours someday." And loyalty oaths and non disclosure agreements. He sounds more like a mob boss.
Pistol Preet prosecuted more Democrats than Republicans as US Attorney. he is an American patriot!
"How do you spell self-congratulations. People are hurting and it’s going to get worse before it gets better, and we’re focused on what someone ALMOST DID? Almost doing something means you didn’t do it, last time I checked. Reward the doers, not the talkers. (Of course Preet was a great doer “back in the day”, but the fight changes and goes on, and self aggrandizement ain’t going to cut it, respectfully)"
Also lost on Preet is that firings of this type routinely happen under new administrations. Clinton fired every US Attorney when he took office. Preet did some good things for New York (getting Slver and Skelos were huge wins) and maybe he thought he was destined for bigger things. Still, not nearly as big a controversy as people make it out to be.
Pistol Preet says Trump was trying to cultivate a relationship with him so that he helps him with the Russia investigation down the road, and when Pistol Preet refused to take Trump's call, he got fired!
Not even close. As an obamalover, Preety was asked to resign along with some other loyalists. He refused and got canned.

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