Preferential Treatment, Favoritism for Arabs / Muslims against Jews in Democratic multi-ethnic Israel VS "apartheid" slur - lie


Platinum Member
Nov 6, 2023


Favoritism to Arabs over Jews – discriminatory in:
  • Academia
  • Employment
  • Approaches to Jewish vs Muslim holidays / customs.
  • Court cases
  • Evacuating illegal posts
  • Land issues as a whole
  • Treatment by law enforcement
  • Jail treatment
And more, in attached PDF.

(It's in English and in Hebrew. Forwarded from a penpal).


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Wow, the Mossad has finally realized USMB is a thing. Now we get Zionist trolls on top of our Russian Trolls.
They had to counteract all of you HAMAS trolls
Hamas has employed hate BOTS too.

Then again, they have a major media Corp. Called al JihadZeera AKA al Jazeera.
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Wow, the ..
Not that the M is a bad word. But think for a minute. Anyone connected to them would NOT post on a messageboard , thus revealing IP addresses.
Unless one CHOOSES to "believe" (or claim to believe) in the space laser thing too 😂
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Not that the M is a bad word. But think for a minute. Anyone connected to them would NOT post on a messageboard , thus revealing IP addresses.
Unless one CHOOSES to "believe" (or claim to believe) in the space laser thing too 😂
I suspect they have IP's for that purpose... but man, I definitely hit a nerve, that the Zionists are realizing they aren't gettting the automatic sympathy they expected.
The "apartheid" slur

(Decades before the lying racist-Arab Omar Shakir abused the HRW forum for his Israelophobic campaign since his student years).

Dates back to Oct 1961 -
a -
b .

When Hitler's
Ahmad Shukeiri
(who justified the Holocaust - months after WW2 and had testified in his 1969 book that they all cheered and prayed for Hitler) came up with the apartheid comparison and objected to the Eichmann trial.
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I suspect they
What? IP Address reveals location too. It doesn't make any sense. Relax. You didn't "hit" and no one is "nerv"-ous.🤣
Checking in the mirror about the space lasers...wait..
...that the Zionists are realizing they aren't gettting the automatic sympathy they expected.
What "zionists."
You mean sympathy for the Jewish victims of islamist fascist atrocities?
Not expected from haters.

You didn't expect me not to respond to your invention trying to link me to another person or persons.
What "zionists."
You mean sympathy for the Jewish victims of islamist fascist atrocities?
Not expected from haters.

You didn't expect me not to respond to your invention trying to link me to another person or persons.

Um, well we can tell English isn't your first language, Moshe. I guess someone decided to start getting online and doing some social influencing, given that goodwill toward Israel turned out to be fleeting.
Um, well we ...
Lol. 😁Of course the file was in English and in Hebrew from the penpal who forwarded it.
Now you come up with a new line trying to support your theory. That, after you revealed that you don't actually believe in your inventing weird theory. When you said : "they" at your desperate reply on 11:15 AM. Because if you really believed in your "idea," you would have written 'you,' and not 'they.'

But, please, don't give up. Keep on trying. Thanks for the humor.

Oh, and about the "zionist" thing, soon you are going to tell us in this forum, you 'like' non-Zionist Jews...

It's also interesting that, showing preferential treatment for Arabs vs Jews (by now, showing '90 views'
already) what had hit a nerve by you.

Tip. I'm here to inform on facts, about past and present. Not about support or influence. Ask me about my stand on aid and on troops, if you care about the truth.

Hey, watch out... a spy is behind you.😁
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But, please, don't give up. Keep on trying. Thanks for the humor.

Oh, and about the "zionist" thing, soon you are going to tell us in this forum, you 'like' non-Zionist Jews...

Why, I would never say that. I really dislike ALL religions. My opposition to Israel (or as I lovingly call it, "the Zionist Entity") is that it is religious stupidity cranked up to 11.

"We are going to steal land from people and live next to them even though they want to murder us for stealing their land because a God promised us this land in a book with a talking snake and giants in it!"
Why, I would never say that. I really dislike ALL religions. ..
Hope, Veterans Day was OK.

It's also about history: returning to their historic land - before Arab immigrants came in.

Zionist leaders at the time were mostly secular. Just like Netanyahu and all Israel's leaders since 1948 (apart from short lived N. Bennett).
Most Haredi-Jews refuse to serve in the IDF, on religious ground as opposed to the "settlers" movement. Though the Oct/23 atrocities changed minds of some.

All the while, on the Arab "Palestinian" side, it was always dominated by religious Jihad, al-Husseini 1930s-1946, Shukeiri 1964-69, Arafat till 2002, now Abu Mazen and ot course Hamas-ISIS and Islamic-Jihad in Gaza.

Most Arab "Palestinians" are grandchildren of immigrants.

You also make it sound as it's just about "land," or you haven't seen Hamas' charter's ideological genocidal war on the Jews or their first big leader Hal-Husseini (Hitler's Mufti) legacy, still an inspiration and glorified in that society.[/B][/B]


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Hope, Veterans Day was OK.

It's also about history: returning to their historic land - before Arab immigrants came in.

Zionist leaders at the time were mostly secular. Just like Netanyahu and all Israel's leaders since 1948 (apart from short lived N. Bennett).
Most Haredi-Jews refuse to serve in the IDF, on religious ground as opposed to the "settlers" movement. Though the Oct/23 atrocities changed minds of some.

All the while, on the Arab "Palestinian" side, it was always dominated by religious Jihad, al-Husseini 1930s-1946, Shukeiri 1964-69, Arafat till 2002, now Abu Mazen and ot course Hamas-ISIS and Islamic-Jihad in Gaza.

Most Arab "Palestinians" are grandchildren of immigrants.

You also make it sound as it's just about "land," or you haven't seen Hamas' charter's ideological genocidal war on the Jews or their first big leader Hal-Husseini (Hitler's Mufti) legacy, still an inspiration and glorified in that society.[/B][/B]
If Zionism wasn't about Religion, they wouldn't have set up shop in Palestine, a place where most of them never lived.
The Jews came back to their historic land. "Religion" or not.

Most Arab "Palestinians" were/are children or grandchildren of Arab immigrants.

The non-native "Palestinians" in the land...

And here's from:
"Police Agree Arab Illegal Immigrants Match Jews Fifty to One," The Canadian Jewish Chronicle, Oct 19, 1945.:

"JERUSALEM (JPS-Palcor) — Assistant Superintendent of Police, Matthews, a Briton, confirmed charges by Jews that every Jew crossing the Syrian-Lebanese frontiers into Palestine, fifty Arabs have entered the country without permission.

Mr. Matthews confirmed the Jewish charges at a conference attended by him, of Jordan Valley settlers and Assistant District Commissioner J. F. Cornes at Safad. The settlers pointed out that the Trans-Jordan Frontier Force, comprised mainly of Arabs, made no effort to halt the engaging in provocative acts against Jews crossing the frontier and Jewish settlers in Galilee."

And more:

Palestine. (1946). United States: AZC, p. 71.

The Palestine press reports a constant influx of illegal Arab immigrants from neighboring lands.
" Zionist menace " notwithstanding , Palestine's higher wage level and general development attract citizens of the large and decidedly underpopulated Arab states. It is significant that King Abdullah of Transjordan is reported by a Palestine Arab paper to have issued an order permitting free immigration of Arabs, particularly Bedouin tribes, with a view to overcoming the present sparsity of population.
Palestine apparently has no need to issue orders permitting free Arab immigration.


The Smoking Gun: Arab Immigration into Palestine, 1922-1931

by Fred M. Gottheil
Middle East Quarterly
Winter 2003, pp. 53-64

When and How the Arabs and Muslims Immigrated to the Land of Israel—Period of British Rule, 1918–1948: Volume Two


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The Jews came back to their historic land. "Religion" or not.

Most Arab "Palestinians" were/are children or grandchildren of Arab immigrants.

Most of the Zionists were/are children of Eastern European immigrants.
The Jews came back to their historic land. "Religion" or not.

Most Arab "Palestinians" were/are children or grandchildren of Arab immigrants.

The non-native "Palestinians" in the land...

And here's from:
"Police Agree Arab Illegal Immigrants Match Jews Fifty to One," The Canadian Jewish Chronicle, Oct 19, 1945.:

"JERUSALEM (JPS-Palcor) — Assistant Superintendent of Police, Matthews, a Briton, confirmed charges by Jews that every Jew crossing the Syrian-Lebanese frontiers into Palestine, fifty Arabs have entered the country without permission.

Mr. Matthews confirmed the Jewish charges at a conference attended by him, of Jordan Valley settlers and Assistant District Commissioner J. F. Cornes at Safad. The settlers pointed out that the Trans-Jordan Frontier Force, comprised mainly of Arabs, made no effort to halt the engaging in provocative acts against Jews crossing the frontier and Jewish settlers in Galilee."

And more:

Palestine. (1946). United States: AZC, p. 71.

The Palestine press reports a constant influx of illegal Arab immigrants from neighboring lands.
" Zionist menace " notwithstanding , Palestine's higher wage level and general development attract citizens of the large and decidedly underpopulated Arab states. It is significant that King Abdullah of Transjordan is reported by a Palestine Arab paper to have issued an order permitting free immigration of Arabs, particularly Bedouin tribes, with a view to overcoming the present sparsity of population.
Palestine apparently has no need to issue orders permitting free Arab immigration.


The Smoking Gun: Arab Immigration into Palestine, 1922-1931

by Fred M. Gottheil
Middle East Quarterly
Winter 2003, pp. 53-64

When and How the Arabs and Muslims Immigrated to the Land of Israel—Period of British Rule, 1918–1948: Volume Two

Always the victim. Now post your list of ancient blood libel.

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