Pregnancy-A Question For Men

If the mother has had a difficult time dealing with the behavior of the father, then she's likely to encounter the very same behavior in the child as the child matures.

I'm not going to ask for any evidence of this, because to a small degree, there is probably an element of truth that nature does influence personality.

However, in the case of single mother's with multiple children, I would guess that nurture is the more likely influence over behavior and that more often than not, conditions will not prevail to make an ideal nurturing environment in with single mothers.
Obviously you wonder about your future, having two children, one from being raped..and men who may or may not be interested in knowing you further so you can eventually have a happy life with a partner. Don't sweat it. There are lots of guys out there that will love your kids as much as he will love you. Just take your time, concentrate on your kid you have now and the one you are carrying and things will fall into place. Less stress to freak out over, ya know? You got enough on your plate without worrying about things that can be put on hold.:)
You know nothing of me.

I know you claim
1. to be curious about what guys think.

2. that "just because you are single doesn't mean you cannot care for myself or my children."

3. your son's father helps in caring for him.

4. the [other?] father of you baby is "a piece of shit who shouldn't be able to father children,"

5 you "don't believe in making an innocent child pay for their father's mistake."

Finally, I know you have little idea what the future will hold. This in itself isn't all that unusual, but combined with an almost complete disregard of future consequences is pretty damaging.

What will happen in 5 years? 10 years?

I'm no longer going to waste my time with you. Peace.

If questioning the future bothers you this much, then you're certainly not responsible enough to raise children.

Think Adoption if you REALLY "don't believe in making an innocent child pay for their father's mistake."
You didn't move far enough. Joplin is not that far from Springfield, is it?
Do you have parents to help you during your pregnancy? Or some kind of organization for rape victims who decide to keep the baby?

Joplin is roughly 60 miles from Springfield. I am working with this maternity home to find better protection, just in case. My mom is dealing with breast cancer and lives in Joplin. My dad lives about 20 minutes from here.
If the mother has had a difficult time dealing with the behavior of the father, then she's likely to encounter the very same behavior in the child as the child matures.

I'm not going to ask for any evidence of this, because to a small degree, there is probably an element of truth that nature does influence personality.

However, in the case of single mother's with multiple children, I would guess that nurture is the more likely influence over behavior and that more often than not, conditions will not prevail to make an ideal nurturing environment in with single mothers.

Evidence smevidence. I'd rather give support to someone than pick them apart to see if what they say is legit. If it isn't, it will eventually come out as it always does.
Be sensitive to those who are expecting, please and thank you.

What do you men think of the single expectant moms?

five bucks and Two minutes at the drug store would have prevented a child from suffering a life with one parent missing.

Most single mothers (not divorced, widows or victims of rape) are idiots.
children are the biggest responsibility you will ever have and one person cannot do the job.

the history is there, the research has been done, children of single parents suffer needlessly.
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Be sensitive to those who are expecting, please and thank you.

What do you men think of the single expectant moms?

Too bad.

She's letting herself, her child and America down.

But if the single mother is you and if yours is the image gracing your avatar, then I will say, the baby is fortunate to have such an attractive, sexy and intelligent looking Mommie.

Two parent families are the thing these days, ya know, Sweetie?

You shouldn't wait to find a guy.

It gets harder with time.


I'm learning more and more just how difficult being a single mom is. Yes, that's a real picture of me though I have a different picture on my facebook profile. I moved from Joplin, MO to Springfield, MO recently and I don't know anyone here and I'm not about to start dating right away.

Having read only the first post and the most recent page, you seem like a terrific girl.

If I wasn't so old I'd be interested in getting to know you better.

Yeah, just take your time for now but I know it is really tough at times.

When your back aches and your feet are swollen in your later months come here to USMB and there will likely be any numbers of Men (and Women!) who will volunteer a massage, I'd bet!

Obviously you wonder about your future, having two children, one from being raped..and men who may or may not be interested in knowing you further so you can eventually have a happy life with a partner. Don't sweat it. There are lots of guys out there that will love your kids as much as he will love you. Just take your time, concentrate on your kid you have now and the one you are carrying and things will fall into place. Less stress to freak out over, ya know? You got enough on your plate without worrying about things that can be put on hold.:)

How have you concluded Darlene, "wonder's about her future?"

There's no evidence to support the notion that she lives entirely in the present.
You didn't move far enough. Joplin is not that far from Springfield, is it?
Do you have parents to help you during your pregnancy? Or some kind of organization for rape victims who decide to keep the baby?

Joplin is roughly 60 miles from Springfield. I am working with this maternity home to find better protection, just in case. My mom is dealing with breast cancer and lives in Joplin. My dad lives about 20 minutes from here.

Well..hon...I'm gonna give it to you straight. A message board is not the right place to share some intimate details. Especially this one. This is a rough crowd, as you can see. I would suggest leaving it on facebook and if you need support, a sponsor of some sort with a rape crisis counselor. Don't tell too much here. Best to keep things to yourself. :smiliehug:
If the mother has had a difficult time dealing with the behavior of the father, then she's likely to encounter the very same behavior in the child as the child matures.

I'm not going to ask for any evidence of this, because to a small degree, there is probably an element of truth that nature does influence personality.

However, in the case of single mother's with multiple children, I would guess that nurture is the more likely influence over behavior and that more often than not, conditions will not prevail to make an ideal nurturing environment in with single mothers.

Evidence smevidence. I'd rather give support to someone than pick them apart to see if what they say is legit. If it isn't, it will eventually come out as it always does.

Me too.

That's why adoption is Darlene's best option.
Obviously you wonder about your future, having two children, one from being raped..and men who may or may not be interested in knowing you further so you can eventually have a happy life with a partner. Don't sweat it. There are lots of guys out there that will love your kids as much as he will love you. Just take your time, concentrate on your kid you have now and the one you are carrying and things will fall into place. Less stress to freak out over, ya know? You got enough on your plate without worrying about things that can be put on hold.:)

How have you concluded Darlene, "wonder's about her future?"

There's no evidence to support the notion that she lives entirely in the present.

Not being a female, Samson, you have no clue just what happens to the female body when pregnant. So I won't bother to explain it to you. Suffice it to say....she has MANY thoughts rolling through her head right now..and a shitload more will be rolling over the ones already rolling until that baby is born. Then more thoughts and worries will be building up to roll after the ones that just made a dent.

Lighten up and chill out. Geez.
I'm not going to ask for any evidence of this, because to a small degree, there is probably an element of truth that nature does influence personality.

However, in the case of single mother's with multiple children, I would guess that nurture is the more likely influence over behavior and that more often than not, conditions will not prevail to make an ideal nurturing environment in with single mothers.

Evidence smevidence. I'd rather give support to someone than pick them apart to see if what they say is legit. If it isn't, it will eventually come out as it always does.

Me too.

That's why adoption is Darlene's best option.

I know A LOT of people raised by single mother AND grandmother. Decent, good people they turned out to be. If she wants this baby, its none of your business and who the hell are you to insist she give it up for adoption? She will do whatever she feels is right for her..and that baby. You don't even know her. Oy.
Be sensitive to those who are expecting, please and thank you.

What do you men think of the single expectant moms?

five bucks and Two minutes at the drug store would have prevented a child from suffering a life with one parent missing.

Most single mothers (not divorced or widows) are idiots.
children are the biggest responsibility you will ever have and one person cannot do the job.

the history is there, the research has been done, children of single parents suffer needlessly.

And what about the thousands of single parents that are successful in raising their family? I'm a single mother but my son's father is still involved in his life. In fact, my son's father is a wonderful dad but a crappy partner. He had me in tears practically the whole time I was pregnant with Malikai. I'm much happier not with him, and we get a long a whole lot better not living together. There are plenty of single parents who go against the tide and the "research" and are wonderful parents. What you are saying is not true at all. Not true with everyone.
Evidence smevidence. I'd rather give support to someone than pick them apart to see if what they say is legit. If it isn't, it will eventually come out as it always does.

Me too.

That's why adoption is Darlene's best option.

I know A LOT of people raised by single mother AND grandmother. Decent, good people they turned out to be. If she wants this baby, its none of your business and who the hell are you to insist she give it up for adoption? She will do whatever she feels is right for her..and that baby. You don't even know her. Oy.

Hey its just a suggestion, and she asked for my opinion.

Please refer to the Title of the thread.

But, certainly, because Gracie knows "a LOT of people" successfully raised by single mothers, then it must naturally be true that its a great option for everyone.

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