Pregnant Weight Lifter Stirs Debate

Some of the advocates have said it strengthens muscles for labor and delivery.

I guess it just depends on who you talk to.

I would think you need spotters close by, the danger being dropping weights.


It has nothing to do with MUSCLES.

But everything with vessels in the placenta and between the placenta and uterus.
Additional abdominal pressure and additional pressure in that circulation system may cause some of them disrupting and causing abraptio placentae - maybe not catastrophic but enough to cause relative hypoxia to the baby and her brain. Vessels in the placenta are fragile and the more close to the delivery date the riskier it gets. That is the reason a pregnant woman should not lift ANY heavy objects - even something she usually does and is able to - not even the other child.

Why would any SANE mother to be would risk hypoxia to the brain( and therefore risking the life-long impairment of the child) of her supposedly wanted baby just before delivery is beyond me :cuckoo:

Well if you read her facebook page, it looks like a lot of women do it and support her, just as many as those who don't support it.

Mainly, I guess I assumed if it was dangerous some doctor's would come out and say so.
Some of the advocates have said it strengthens muscles for labor and delivery.

I guess it just depends on who you talk to.

I would think you need spotters close by, the danger being dropping weights.


It has nothing to do with MUSCLES.

But everything with vessels in the placenta and between the placenta and uterus.
Additional abdominal pressure and additional pressure in that circulation system may cause some of them disrupting and causing abraptio placentae - maybe not catastrophic but enough to cause relative hypoxia to the baby and her brain. Vessels in the placenta are fragile and the more close to the delivery date the riskier it gets. That is the reason a pregnant woman should not lift ANY heavy objects - even something she usually does and is able to - not even the other child.

Why would any SANE mother to be would risk hypoxia to the brain( and therefore risking the life-long impairment of the child) of her supposedly wanted baby just before delivery is beyond me :cuckoo:

Well if you read her facebook page, it looks like a lot of women do it and support her, just as many as those who don't support it.

Mainly, I guess I assumed if it was dangerous some doctor's would come out and say so.

Not in the age of Obama/Holder.....they will be sued and they will lose....
Some of the advocates have said it strengthens muscles for labor and delivery.

I guess it just depends on who you talk to.

I would think you need spotters close by, the danger being dropping weights.


It has nothing to do with MUSCLES.

But everything with vessels in the placenta and between the placenta and uterus.
Additional abdominal pressure and additional pressure in that circulation system may cause some of them disrupting and causing abraptio placentae - maybe not catastrophic but enough to cause relative hypoxia to the baby and her brain. Vessels in the placenta are fragile and the more close to the delivery date the riskier it gets. That is the reason a pregnant woman should not lift ANY heavy objects - even something she usually does and is able to - not even the other child.

Why would any SANE mother to be would risk hypoxia to the brain( and therefore risking the life-long impairment of the child) of her supposedly wanted baby just before delivery is beyond me :cuckoo:

Well if you read her facebook page, it looks like a lot of women do it and support her, just as many as those who don't support it.

Mainly, I guess I assumed if it was dangerous some doctor's would come out and say so.

you want to tell me "a lot of women on the FB" know better than OB/GYN? think again.
her doctor might not know EXACTLY what she is doing.
Otherwise he/she should drop her from her care. I would.
OB/GYN is the area which has the highest litigation and the highest malpractice insurance in the whole medical field.
Exactly because of the risks involved of being sued if the baby eventually has inborn problems.
Selfish mamas don't blame those problems on their behavioral patterns ( smoking, pot, cocaine, pain killers, alcohol, weight lifting, antidepressants and other drugs, et cetera et cetera) but on a doctor or the hospital ( anybody, except herself)
Her only danger is hemorrhoids or pooping her pants.

idiot, her main risk is abruptio placentae

your hemorrhoids are of no interest here

Many women work up the moment of water breaking. So stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

working is not heavy lifting.

and not ALL the women work until they break.

Women, who have prenatal leave - do not.

Those are the women being taken care of by NORMAL feminists first ( and the legislators later), not American idiot ones. :D

I had a 3 year maternity leave with 2 months prenatal. So my pipe is perfect :eusa_whistle:
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It has nothing to do with MUSCLES.

But everything with vessels in the placenta and between the placenta and uterus.
Additional abdominal pressure and additional pressure in that circulation system may cause some of them disrupting and causing abraptio placentae - maybe not catastrophic but enough to cause relative hypoxia to the baby and her brain. Vessels in the placenta are fragile and the more close to the delivery date the riskier it gets. That is the reason a pregnant woman should not lift ANY heavy objects - even something she usually does and is able to - not even the other child.

Why would any SANE mother to be would risk hypoxia to the brain( and therefore risking the life-long impairment of the child) of her supposedly wanted baby just before delivery is beyond me :cuckoo:

Well if you read her facebook page, it looks like a lot of women do it and support her, just as many as those who don't support it.

Mainly, I guess I assumed if it was dangerous some doctor's would come out and say so.

you want to tell me "a lot of women on the FB" know better than OB/GYN? think again.
her doctor might not know EXACTLY what she is doing.
Otherwise he/she should drop her from her care. I would.
OB/GYN is the area which has the highest litigation and the highest malpractice insurance in the whole medical field.
Exactly because of the risks involved of being sued if the baby eventually has inborn problems.
Selfish mamas don't blame those problems on their behavioral patterns ( smoking, pot, cocaine, pain killers, alcohol, weight lifting, antidepressants and other drugs, et cetera et cetera) but on a doctor or the hospital ( anybody, except herself)

I didn't know doctor's would refrain from commenting on things that aren't good for a pregnant woman to do.

I wasn't trying to tell you anything.

I had never seen an 8 months pregnant woman lift weights like that.

I was just posting the story to see what others thought about it.
It has nothing to do with MUSCLES.

But everything with vessels in the placenta and between the placenta and uterus.
Additional abdominal pressure and additional pressure in that circulation system may cause some of them disrupting and causing abraptio placentae - maybe not catastrophic but enough to cause relative hypoxia to the baby and her brain. Vessels in the placenta are fragile and the more close to the delivery date the riskier it gets. That is the reason a pregnant woman should not lift ANY heavy objects - even something she usually does and is able to - not even the other child.

Why would any SANE mother to be would risk hypoxia to the brain( and therefore risking the life-long impairment of the child) of her supposedly wanted baby just before delivery is beyond me :cuckoo:

Well if you read her facebook page, it looks like a lot of women do it and support her, just as many as those who don't support it.

Mainly, I guess I assumed if it was dangerous some doctor's would come out and say so.

Not in the age of Obama/Holder.....they will be sued and they will lose....

one can drop the non-compliant patient from your care.
Well if you read her facebook page, it looks like a lot of women do it and support her, just as many as those who don't support it.

Mainly, I guess I assumed if it was dangerous some doctor's would come out and say so.

you want to tell me "a lot of women on the FB" know better than OB/GYN? think again.
her doctor might not know EXACTLY what she is doing.
Otherwise he/she should drop her from her care. I would.
OB/GYN is the area which has the highest litigation and the highest malpractice insurance in the whole medical field.
Exactly because of the risks involved of being sued if the baby eventually has inborn problems.
Selfish mamas don't blame those problems on their behavioral patterns ( smoking, pot, cocaine, pain killers, alcohol, weight lifting, antidepressants and other drugs, et cetera et cetera) but on a doctor or the hospital ( anybody, except herself)

I didn't know doctor's would refrain from commenting on things that aren't good for a pregnant woman to do.

I wasn't trying to tell you anything.

I had never seen an 8 months pregnant woman lift weights like that.

I was just posting the story to see what others thought about it.

doctors usually don't like FB and other social media. and they don't comment in the media in general - not in this litigious society of ours.
There are some professional reasons for that.
Not everyone wants to be involved in psychological exhibitionism :D

Oh, and doctors usually never read their ratings on Angie's list or related sites as well.
you want to tell me "a lot of women on the FB" know better than OB/GYN? think again.
her doctor might not know EXACTLY what she is doing.
Otherwise he/she should drop her from her care. I would.
OB/GYN is the area which has the highest litigation and the highest malpractice insurance in the whole medical field.
Exactly because of the risks involved of being sued if the baby eventually has inborn problems.
Selfish mamas don't blame those problems on their behavioral patterns ( smoking, pot, cocaine, pain killers, alcohol, weight lifting, antidepressants and other drugs, et cetera et cetera) but on a doctor or the hospital ( anybody, except herself)

I didn't know doctor's would refrain from commenting on things that aren't good for a pregnant woman to do.

I wasn't trying to tell you anything.

I had never seen an 8 months pregnant woman lift weights like that.

I was just posting the story to see what others thought about it.

doctors usually don't like FB and other social media. and they don't comment in the media in general - not in this litigious society of ours.
There are some professional reasons for that.
Not everyone wants to be involved in psychological exhibitionism :D

Oh, and doctors usually never read their ratings on Angie's list or related sites as well.

Doctors will comment on other health hazards in public columns or talk shows, I don't think they mind speaking on things that can harm a person health, but I think it depends on the topic and the platform.

You could be right about facebook but this made national news now, so I just thought it could provoke discussion from the medical community.

It just came out so in a few days we may hear from some.
If I got pregnant and some ignorant fool told me to give up my karate training, I'd tell them to go and jump. I'll still be training hard, five days a week, and sparring, and entering tournaments until the day the kid arrives.
Instead of all the speculation, is there anyone here who is a doctor who can tell us if this is a bad thing or not.

Good for her.

"Exercise is encouraged during pregnancy, says Dr. Siobhan Dolan, an ob-gyn and medical adviser for March of Dimes. Ellison's routine is an extreme example, but most moms can benefit from aerobic activity and strength training before and after childbirth, she says.

"A woman's overall health, including obstetric and medical risks, should be evaluated before prescribing an exercise program," the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists' guidelines say. "Generally, participation in a wide range of recreational activities appears to be safe during pregnancy; however, each sport should be reviewed individually for its potential risk."

In general doctors recommend 30 minutes of moderate physical activity most days of the week, Dolan says. What "moderate" means varies from person to person, and depends on how active someone was before becoming pregnant. Competitive athletes, the gynecologists' organization notes, may be able to perform at higher rates during pregnancy and return to vigorous activity sooner after giving birth."

Pregnant woman a weighlifter: How much is too much exercise? -
There are times when a doctor's advice can be taken with a grain of salt.

If you were to ask a typical OB/GYN whether this sort of activity is OK, he will say, "Absolutely NOT!"

And the reason for this is the threat of a lawsuit for malpractice. Because if there is any problem with the birth or the child, that doctor will be sued, and the woman's attorney will bring up a string of doctors who will testify that no competent OB/GYN would permit this activity.

But that does not necessarily mean that the activity is harmful to the mother or baby in the womb. It's just the doctor covering his ass.

My PCP advised me AGAINST vigorous exercise for 20 years (I ignored him) because of a mis-diagnosis of a harmless heart condition. When the correct diagnosis was finally made (during an angiogram), he told me he was constantly worried that I would drop dead on the road one day and he would get sued for condoning my running - that's why he made it a point to recommend against it.

Bottom line, this woman is horribly selfish for risking injury to her child, just so she can "stay in shape." But as for the medical part, my personal belief is that one's body sends signals (called "pain") when something is amiss. If there is a problem she will know about it soon enough to stop what she's doing before anything serious occurs.
There are times when a doctor's advice can be taken with a grain of salt.

If you were to ask a typical OB/GYN whether this sort of activity is OK, he will say, "Absolutely NOT!"

And the reason for this is the threat of a lawsuit for malpractice. Because if there is any problem with the birth or the child, that doctor will be sued, and the woman's attorney will bring up a string of doctors who will testify that no competent OB/GYN would permit this activity.

But that does not necessarily mean that the activity is harmful to the mother or baby in the womb. It's just the doctor covering his ass.

My PCP advised me AGAINST vigorous exercise for 20 years (I ignored him) because of a mis-diagnosis of a harmless heart condition. When the correct diagnosis was finally made (during an angiogram), he told me he was constantly worried that I would drop dead on the road one day and he would get sued for condoning my running - that's why he made it a point to recommend against it.

Bottom line, this woman is horribly selfish for risking injury to her child, just so she can "stay in shape." But as for the medical part, my personal belief is that one's body sends signals (called "pain") when something is amiss. If there is a problem she will know about it soon enough to stop what she's doing before anything serious occurs.

You had a lousy doctor to begin with. I tell any medical practitioner my profession prior to treatment during a meet and greet, if they flinch I seek out another medical practitioner. I need medical care and advice not a bundle of nerves or fear of what may occur.
omg really....she is not squatting in a field...picking cotton or anything else...good gosh...preg women are not hot house flowers...if one was use to exercising hard...then go for it...

when i was wasnt all this dont do this and dont do that...i was told not to drink....and to exercise as much as i wished.....i took a hard fall and of course called the ob/gyn...his first question when i told him i had fallen several feet....'which part of your body hit the ground'
when i replied my butt...he replied...'that is why pregnant women have big butts' the only thing he refused to allow me to do...go to the world's fair...due to high temperatures and long bathroom lines...and the distance away from home....

a friend who does the tri althons thing...biking, running, swimming...

she had a fine bouncing baby boy and never stopped her exercise program
There are times when a doctor's advice can be taken with a grain of salt.

If you were to ask a typical OB/GYN whether this sort of activity is OK, he will say, "Absolutely NOT!"

And the reason for this is the threat of a lawsuit for malpractice. Because if there is any problem with the birth or the child, that doctor will be sued, and the woman's attorney will bring up a string of doctors who will testify that no competent OB/GYN would permit this activity.

But that does not necessarily mean that the activity is harmful to the mother or baby in the womb. It's just the doctor covering his ass.

My PCP advised me AGAINST vigorous exercise for 20 years (I ignored him) because of a mis-diagnosis of a harmless heart condition. When the correct diagnosis was finally made (during an angiogram), he told me he was constantly worried that I would drop dead on the road one day and he would get sued for condoning my running - that's why he made it a point to recommend against it.

Bottom line, this woman is horribly selfish for risking injury to her child, just so she can "stay in shape." But as for the medical part, my personal belief is that one's body sends signals (called "pain") when something is amiss. If there is a problem she will know about it soon enough to stop what she's doing before anything serious occurs.

you really had an old school or bad doctor...hell when mother had her heart attack...she was 81....she was released into cardio rehab with walking as tolerated...i figured he would stop her 4 miles daily walks...for a while...but noooo....she is still with us and still walking....

wow staying in shape? perhaps she thinks her baby will benefit from this too.....
omg really....she is not squatting in a field...picking cotton or anything else...good gosh...preg women are not hot house flowers...if one was use to exercising hard...then go for it...

when i was wasnt all this dont do this and dont do that...i was told not to drink....and to exercise as much as i wished.....i took a hard fall and of course called the ob/gyn...his first question when i told him i had fallen several feet....'which part of your body hit the ground'
when i replied my butt...he replied...'that is why pregnant women have big butts' the only thing he refused to allow me to do...go to the world's fair...due to high temperatures and long bathroom lines...and the distance away from home....

a friend who does the tri althons thing...biking, running, swimming...

she had a fine bouncing baby boy and never stopped her exercise program

IDK I know it was 25 years ago but with my first pregnancy I had a job where I lifted 75 lb boxes over my head to put them on shelves. I did this every day for seven years, the doctor told me I had to stop. I was far from being a hot house flower but he still told me to stop lifting anything over 35 lbs. IMHO she is putting her baby at risk when there are other ways to safly excercise.

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