Pregnant Weight Lifter Stirs Debate

The pregger chick is not exactly exploding with muscle, thank God. Who does she think she is anyway? Michelle Obama?
The pregger chick is not exactly exploding with muscle, thank God. Who does she think she is anyway? Michelle Obama?

You're right, she's not overly muscular which means she can keep her shape and tone doing less strenuous excercise. Why even risk it? Kinda selfish and self centered because it's only 9 months out of your life.
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Most Americans are being told they are not exercising enough. Lea-Ann Ellison is being told she has taken her exercise routine too far.

The 35-year-old Ms. Ellison found herself on the receiving end of a firestorm of criticism after pictures of her doing a heavy weight-lifting routine two weeks before her due date appeared on Facebook. The photos quickly went viral, showing Ms. Ellison, a stay-at-home mother from California, doing kettlebell swings, pull-ups and Olympic-style barbell lifts like squats and overhead presses.

Ms. Ellison is a follower of CrossFit, the popular strength and conditioning program that uses grueling, high-intensity workouts. The caption on one of her photos reads in part:

8 months pregnant with baby number 3 and CrossFit has been my sanity. I have been CrossFitting for 2-and-a-half years and strongly believe that pregnancy is not an illness, but a time to relish in your body’s capabilities.

But there was also a barrage of criticism, with many people calling Ms. Ellison irresponsible and the photos “shocking.” One woman asked Ms. Ellison why she would risk “hurting your baby just to stay in shape.”

Well do you think she is hurting her baby?

Shes already been working out for years. its not like she just decided to take it up. No harm is being done.
I didn't know doctor's would refrain from commenting on things that aren't good for a pregnant woman to do.

I wasn't trying to tell you anything.

I had never seen an 8 months pregnant woman lift weights like that.

I was just posting the story to see what others thought about it.

doctors usually don't like FB and other social media. and they don't comment in the media in general - not in this litigious society of ours.
There are some professional reasons for that.
Not everyone wants to be involved in psychological exhibitionism :D

Oh, and doctors usually never read their ratings on Angie's list or related sites as well.

Doctors will comment on other health hazards in public columns or talk shows, I don't think they mind speaking on things that can harm a person health, but I think it depends on the topic and the platform.

You could be right about facebook but this made national news now, so I just thought it could provoke discussion from the medical community.

It just came out so in a few days we may hear from some.

talk show or a column in a newspaper is not a comment on a personal site. Those comments are shielded from lawsuits, personal advices, aside form being unethical, are vulnerable to financial gauge, especially in such a risky area.

When I was in residency I had a FB and all my co-residents did. They still use it for social interaction, I quit.
You are on a radar screen anyway with ML and all the applications, no need to additional highlighting and exposure.
There are times when a doctor's advice can be taken with a grain of salt.

If you were to ask a typical OB/GYN whether this sort of activity is OK, he will say, "Absolutely NOT!"

And the reason for this is the threat of a lawsuit for malpractice. Because if there is any problem with the birth or the child, that doctor will be sued, and the woman's attorney will bring up a string of doctors who will testify that no competent OB/GYN would permit this activity.

But that does not necessarily mean that the activity is harmful to the mother or baby in the womb. It's just the doctor covering his ass.

Not in this instance. Heavy lifting is a potentially life threatening hazard BOTH to the mother and the baby. Might be just silently harming the baby.
Might do nothing - but to take a high risk on harming the baby and have a very serious potential risk of harming even precious self - is idiocy to the highest extent. and irresponsibility.
My PCP advised me AGAINST vigorous exercise for 20 years (I ignored him) because of a mis-diagnosis of a harmless heart condition. When the correct diagnosis was finally made (during an angiogram), he told me he was constantly worried that I would drop dead on the road one day and he would get sued for condoning my running - that's why he made it a point to recommend against it.

and he was right. not becasue of the malpractice, but because of the risks involvesd.
what he should have done - refer you to more extensive testing.
Bottom line, this woman is horribly selfish for risking injury to her child, just so she can "stay in shape." But as for the medical part, my personal belief is that one's body sends signals (called "pain") when something is amiss. If there is a problem she will know about it soon enough to stop what she's doing before anything serious occurs.

there is no pain often with abruptio placentae, which this selfish idiot is risking all the time and if the hemorrhaging is slow and on-off going - can be missed until the due date.Pregnancy is a hypercoagulable state, so small bleeding can clot, but resume again with increased abdominal pressure.

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