Premila Lal, 18, shot dead after jumping out of closet to surprise friend

No guns no murders?
Oh I'm going to have such fun with that little lie.

In 1929 there were far fewer guns than there are today.
Yet mass shootings were more common then than now?
Less guns = MORE MURDER.
That's to start with.
We shall continue the de retardation of liberals.
Less guns=more murders.

Murder rates in the UK are far higher now than in the years before 1997s firearms act.
No guns=more murders in the UK, explain?

Are you some kind of retard.

Besides the fact 1929 represented a complete collapse of society, the fact is, the murder rate was relatively low compared to today.

Also, the firearm murder rate in the UK has ALWAYS been lower than the US>


SHAZAM. It's lower now that it was in 1997. And only a quarter of what ours is.
Was he pointing a gun at the closet when the girl jumped out? The scenario doesn't make sense.

If she just screamed booo and he reached for his gun and killed her, he should be charged. I am all for RESPONSIBLE gun ownership but this man should not be armed if that is how it went down.
Was he pointing a gun at the closet when the girl jumped out? The scenario doesn't make sense.

If she just screamed booo and he reached for his gun and killed her, he should be charged. I am all for RESPONSIBLE gun ownership but this man should not be armed if that is how it went down.

Per the article I linked earlier, the man and 15-year-old heard a noise in what they thought was an otherwise unoccupied house and were investigating. It's entirely possible he had his gun out while searching the house following an unexpected noise at 8 in the evening, and shot the young woman when she jumped out at them before realizing who it was.

The quotes from the police claim the witness testimony to that effect is consistent with their investigation.
there should be some investigation.

unless she was wearing a disguise of some kind, he should have been able to recognize her before pulling his gun out.

I always support RESPONSIBLE gun owners. This guy....I just don't know.

That is my opinion. Does anyone else here think this was just an accident?

Less than 800 accidental killings a year. I am sure each one is a heart breaker but hardly news worthy.
there should be some investigation.

unless she was wearing a disguise of some kind, he should have been able to recognize her before pulling his gun out.

I always support RESPONSIBLE gun owners. This guy....I just don't know.

That is my opinion. Does anyone else here think this was just an accident?

Less than 800 accidental killings a year. I am sure each one is a heart breaker but hardly news worthy.

That's four times as many "justified" homicides with guns.

And combined with 11K murders and 19K suicides with guns, you just have to wonder why you guys are so keen to keep something so dangerous available to the general public.
beautiful, yet stupid.

guns are irrelevant.

more brains are advisable

So you think someone pulling a harmless prank should die because someone who had no business having a gun to start with had one?

She entered his home illegally and jumped out at him.
Self defense.
He did nothing wrong.
If the chick was butt ugly and as fat as a liberal woman, you would support the shooting.
Call it a mercy killing even!

Have you ever seen the women who attend Tea Party functions?
Control freaks don't care about the facts.

They want to blame every legal gun owner for every gun crime.

It's how they push their agenda of control and dominance.

No Guns. No murders. Simple as that.

People have killed other people before guns were invented.

People kill other people without guns all the time.

People will always kill other people even if you destroy every gun on the planet,

You are stupid beyond belief if you think otherwise.
Control freaks don't care about the facts.

They want to blame every legal gun owner for every gun crime.

It's how they push their agenda of control and dominance.

No Guns. No murders. Simple as that.

People have killed other people before guns were invented.

People kill other people without guns all the time.

People will always kill other people even if you destroy every gun on the planet,

You are stupid beyond belief if you think otherwise.

It's a lot easier to kill someone with a gun than without one.

Which is why 68% of murders in this country happen- with guns.

And countries without guns only have a fraction of our murder rate.

11,101 gun murders in the US.
11 gun murders in Japan

Hmmmmm... Makes you wonder what the Japanese are doing right.
No Guns. No murders. Simple as that.

People have killed other people before guns were invented.

People kill other people without guns all the time.

People will always kill other people even if you destroy every gun on the planet,

You are stupid beyond belief if you think otherwise.

It's a lot easier to kill someone with a gun than without one.

Which is why 68% of murders in this country happen- with guns.

And countries without guns only have a fraction of our murder rate.

11,101 gun murders in the US.
11 gun murders in Japan

Hmmmmm... Makes you wonder what the Japanese are doing right.

Of course guns make killing easier.

However, I'd like to see where you get your statistics that countries 'without guns' have a fraction of our murder rate.

Everything I have been able to find shows the US as being no higher than middle of the pack when it comes to international rates of murder. I haven't seen it broken down by rate of gun ownership or anything like that, however.
No Guns. No murders. Simple as that.

People have killed other people before guns were invented.

People kill other people without guns all the time.

People will always kill other people even if you destroy every gun on the planet,

You are stupid beyond belief if you think otherwise.

It's a lot easier to kill someone with a gun than without one.

Which is why 68% of murders in this country happen- with guns.

And countries without guns only have a fraction of our murder rate.

11,101 gun murders in the US.
11 gun murders in Japan

Hmmmmm... Makes you wonder what the Japanese are doing right.

That's not what you said.

You said no guns no murder.

And you have no proof whatsoever that no guns will mean less murder. We already know that no guns does no mean less violent crime just more helpless victims of violent crimes.

And FYI you might want to research how other countries report murder stats.

For example in the UK ( one of your favorite control freak countries) they only report a death as a murder of there is a conviction.

In the US we call any death that is not suicide or natural causes murder.

Of course guns make killing easier.

However, I'd like to see where you get your statistics that countries 'without guns' have a fraction of our murder rate.

Everything I have been able to find shows the US as being no higher than middle of the pack when it comes to international rates of murder. I haven't seen it broken down by rate of gun ownership or anything like that, however.


the only way you get the US in the "Middle" of a pack if the Pack includes third world countries or countries that are very poor and have high crime rates.

Compared to other, industrialized Democracies, we are in terrible shape.
No Guns. No murders. Simple as that.

People have killed other people before guns were invented.

People kill other people without guns all the time.

People will always kill other people even if you destroy every gun on the planet,

You are stupid beyond belief if you think otherwise.

It's a lot easier to kill someone with a gun than without one.

Which is why 68% of murders in this country happen- with guns.

And countries without guns only have a fraction of our murder rate.

11,101 gun murders in the US.
11 gun murders in Japan

Hmmmmm... Makes you wonder what the Japanese are doing right.

I would think that the reason is that in Japan there are mostly Japanese
People have killed other people before guns were invented.

People kill other people without guns all the time.

People will always kill other people even if you destroy every gun on the planet,

You are stupid beyond belief if you think otherwise.

It's a lot easier to kill someone with a gun than without one.

Which is why 68% of murders in this country happen- with guns.

And countries without guns only have a fraction of our murder rate.

11,101 gun murders in the US.
11 gun murders in Japan

Hmmmmm... Makes you wonder what the Japanese are doing right.

I would think that the reason is that in Japan there are mostly Japanese

But the problem is, every other industrialized democracy restricts guns and gets the exact same result.

Except us. The Gun Manufacturers collect their money and we shrug off 32K gun deaths like it's no big thing.
No Guns. No murders. Simple as that.

People have killed other people before guns were invented.

People kill other people without guns all the time.

People will always kill other people even if you destroy every gun on the planet,

You are stupid beyond belief if you think otherwise.

It's a lot easier to kill someone with a gun than without one.

Which is why 68% of murders in this country happen- with guns.

And countries without guns only have a fraction of our murder rate.

11,101 gun murders in the US.
11 gun murders in Japan

Hmmmmm... Makes you wonder what the Japanese are doing right.

Australia same thing.

Of course guns make killing easier.

However, I'd like to see where you get your statistics that countries 'without guns' have a fraction of our murder rate.

Everything I have been able to find shows the US as being no higher than middle of the pack when it comes to international rates of murder. I haven't seen it broken down by rate of gun ownership or anything like that, however.


the only way you get the US in the "Middle" of a pack if the Pack includes third world countries or countries that are very poor and have high crime rates.

Compared to other, industrialized Democracies, we are in terrible shape.

I just looked up murder rates by country. I didn't specify.

I don't doubt that the prevalence of guns in the US is a factor in our murder rates. I question if the supposed 'gun culture' of this country is causal, however.
He thought he was being attacked, you forgot that bit?
Split second decision.
Move too slow and you are dead.

You claim to be a veteran?
Guessing you didn't see much action.

Saw enough to realize "You make sure of your target before shooting".

Yup, ok.
Not many night ops then?
You return fire when fired at, no need to see who is trying to kill you.

If you do not bother to see who is shooting at you then how are you going to shoot that person back? In actual combat, it is very important that you make every shot count or else the other guy will get you.

This is definitely a murder. It was his responsibility to see what he was shooting. You getting spooked is not an excuse for going around shooting people.

These kind of low IQ gun owners give bad name to all gun owners. I am beginning to get convinced that we need to start testing people before handing them guns.
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Also, I am not entirely convinced that it was an accident. This incident definitely warrants a thorough investigation.

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