Premila Lal, 18, shot dead after jumping out of closet to surprise friend

How about "because he shot someone without determining that it was his girlfriend"...
He thought he was being attacked, you forgot that bit?
Split second decision.
Move too slow and you are dead.

You claim to be a veteran?
Guessing you didn't see much action.

You really believe that cockamamie story?

A girl jumps out of a closet and says BOO so he just happens to be standing there with his gun in his hand and shoots.

Or did he get scared run away get the gun turn around not see who he was shooting at and unload?

Or did he kill her for some other reason and make up a story to cover his ass?

I vote for number 3.

What possible reason could that be?

Frankly, I can't see any problem he was having with this girl that was made better by shooting her, really.

Of course, Gun Nuts live in a different universe than the rest of do, maybe it makes sense there.
He thought he was being attacked, you forgot that bit?
Split second decision.
Move too slow and you are dead.

You claim to be a veteran?
Guessing you didn't see much action.

Saw enough to realize "You make sure of your target before shooting".

Yup, ok.
Not many night ops then?
You return fire when fired at, no need to see who is trying to kill you.

Except this girl wasn' Firing at" him. She wasnt' a threat to him in any way shape or form.
Whoever wrote this article is either lazy or wrote it too soon.
Am I understanding it correctly that a neighbor heard yelling and screaming PRIOR to hearing the shot??
People kill each other for many reasons, many are good reasons, a few are not.
You hate the idea that people can defend themselves against your beloved criminals.
For every accident, suicide or murder with a firearm in the USA there are many self defense/police shoot crook killings.
Interesting how you gun grabbing fanatics ignore that.
For every gun death in the USA there are 40 killings involving hands and feet!!
Should we ban hands and feet?
Or are only guns bad?
Gun grabbers are racist.

Guy, the FBI only recorded 200 cases of self-defense homicides with guns in 2011 compared to 11,000 gun homicides and 19,000 suicides. (The FBI did not count LEO shootings, just civilian shootings.)

Also, here's a helpful graph for you.


68% of homicides were committed with guns. only 8 % with hands and feet.
I have definite questions....there is a big SOMETHING that doesn't make sense.
How did the gun come into play? So this guy walks around his house with a loaded gun, safety off "just in case"? How/When exactly did the gun enter the picture?
Especially if a neighbor heard yelling and screaming prior to the shot. - That is pretty suspicious.
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Yup, ok.
Not many night ops then?
You return fire when fired at, no need to see who is trying to kill you.

Except this girl wasn' Firing at" him. She wasnt' a threat to him in any way shape or form.

A loud screaming person jumps out at you unexpectedly?
Often that's exactly what violent criminals do.
A loud aggressive attack to subdue the victim.
Just like this girl did.
Shit happens.

I'm sorry, I'm just having a hard time picturing ANY scenario where this girl is threatening...

People kill each other for many reasons, many are good reasons, a few are not.
You hate the idea that people can defend themselves against your beloved criminals.
For every accident, suicide or murder with a firearm in the USA there are many self defense/police shoot crook killings.
Interesting how you gun grabbing fanatics ignore that.
For every gun death in the USA there are 40 killings involving hands and feet!!
Should we ban hands and feet?
Or are only guns bad?
Gun grabbers are racist.

Guy, the FBI only recorded 200 cases of self-defense homicides with guns in 2011 compared to 11,000 gun homicides and 19,000 suicides. (The FBI did not count LEO shootings, just civilian shootings.)

Also, here's a helpful graph for you.

68% of homicides were committed with guns. only 8 % with hands and feet.

The FBI huh?
Where does the little pie chart, it's a pie chart not a graph, tell us it's from the FBI?
It's from a gun grabbers blog.

Okay, I guess you are a little slow. I didn't feel the need to REPOST the FBI stats for the 500th time.

But here you go...

FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 15

Guns are almost never used in self-defense.
I don't think there is any way this case is over.
No way can the police just accept this...there is more to this.

You couldn't think of any situation where Trayvon Martin was threatening either.

But the baby in the stroller in Georgia, he was a threat, right.
If someone jumps our at you screaming that could be a crazed killer attacking you.
You gonna wait and die or react and live?

Point is, she wasn't a "Crazed Killer".

She was a friend playing a prank. (Assuming nothing else comes up, like he knocked her up or something.)

Oh, Trayvon never would have been a threat if your boy Jorge listened to the dispatcher and stayed in the damned car.
The FBI huh?
Where does the little pie chart, it's a pie chart not a graph, tell us it's from the FBI?
It's from a gun grabbers blog.

Okay, I guess you are a little slow. I didn't feel the need to REPOST the FBI stats for the 500th time.

But here you go...

FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 15

Guns are almost never used in self-defense.

Links to the FBI stats in this article show different data.
Articles: Murder by Numbers

I linked direct to the FBI, you linked to the horribly misnamed Conservatard Blog, "The American Thinker".
He thought he was being attacked, you forgot that bit?
Split second decision.
Move too slow and you are dead.

You claim to be a veteran?
Guessing you didn't see much action.

You really believe that cockamamie story?

A girl jumps out of a closet and says BOO so he just happens to be standing there with his gun in his hand and shoots.

Or did he get scared run away get the gun turn around not see who he was shooting at and unload?

Or did he kill her for some other reason and make up a story to cover his ass?

I vote for number 3.

What possible reason could that be?

Frankly, I can't see any problem he was having with this girl that was made better by shooting her, really.

Of course, Gun Nuts live in a different universe than the rest of do, maybe it makes sense there.

I can't see any problem with anyone that warrants shooting them other than a direct threat to my or my wife's life.

The guy killed her. Why? I have no fucking clue. Maybe she wouldn't suck his dick, maybe she laughed at his undersized tool.

The motivation for the killing means little to me. He killed her. He happened to do it with a gun but he could just as easily done it with a knife or his bare hands.

He's making up a story to cover his ass. Period. it has nothing to do with guns and everything to do with the nature of people.

And again you want to blame everyone who owns a gun for every gun death.
Here's another article about the shooting.

It seems the young men in the house heard something and were checking for an intruder, then when the young woman jumped out of the closet at them, she was shot.

Colorado teen killed in prank gone wrong -

According to the article, the shooter IS being charged with some crimes, but not the shooting.
Here's another article about the shooting.

It seems the young men in the house heard something and were checking for an intruder, then when the young woman jumped out of the closet at them, she was shot.

Colorado teen killed in prank gone wrong -

According to the article, the shooter IS being charged with some crimes, but not the shooting.

Finally a decent article. That first article was missing WAAAY too much information.
You really believe that cockamamie story?

A girl jumps out of a closet and says BOO so he just happens to be standing there with his gun in his hand and shoots.

Or did he get scared run away get the gun turn around not see who he was shooting at and unload?

Or did he kill her for some other reason and make up a story to cover his ass?

I vote for number 3.

What possible reason could that be?

Frankly, I can't see any problem he was having with this girl that was made better by shooting her, really.

Of course, Gun Nuts live in a different universe than the rest of do, maybe it makes sense there.

I can't see any problem with anyone that warrants shooting them other than a direct threat to my or my wife's life.

The guy killed her. Why? I have no fucking clue. Maybe she wouldn't suck his dick, maybe she laughed at his undersized tool.

The motivation for the killing means little to me. He killed her. He happened to do it with a gun but he could just as easily done it with a knife or his bare hands.

He's making up a story to cover his ass. Period. it has nothing to do with guns and everything to do with the nature of people.

And again you want to blame everyone who owns a gun for every gun death.

Yup, I do want to blame a gun culture that thinks this guy, a guy who goes into his house with a gun locked and loaded and shoots anything that moves, as being part of the problem.

Because the rest of the world. Guess what. They don't have incidents like these because the only people who have guns are the people who NEED guns.
What possible reason could that be?

Frankly, I can't see any problem he was having with this girl that was made better by shooting her, really.

Of course, Gun Nuts live in a different universe than the rest of do, maybe it makes sense there.

I can't see any problem with anyone that warrants shooting them other than a direct threat to my or my wife's life.

The guy killed her. Why? I have no fucking clue. Maybe she wouldn't suck his dick, maybe she laughed at his undersized tool.

The motivation for the killing means little to me. He killed her. He happened to do it with a gun but he could just as easily done it with a knife or his bare hands.

He's making up a story to cover his ass. Period. it has nothing to do with guns and everything to do with the nature of people.

And again you want to blame everyone who owns a gun for every gun death.

Yup, I do want to blame a gun culture that thinks this guy, a guy who goes into his house with a gun locked and loaded and shoots anything that moves, as being part of the problem.

You don't know what happened here. As I said the story being told makes no sense.

Because the rest of the world. Guess what. They don't have incidents like these because the only people who have guns are the people who NEED guns.

I don't give a shit about the rest of the world and guess what the rest of the world doesn't give a shit about me.

People are violent everywhere. always have been always will be.

All you have in the rest of the world are people who can't protect themselves from violence.

And btw you're free to go whenever you want. You'd fit right in with all the control freaks in the rest of the world.
Control freaks don't care about the facts.

They want to blame every legal gun owner for every gun crime.

It's how they push their agenda of control and dominance.
So you think someone pulling a harmless prank should die because someone who had no business having a gun to start with had one?

why does he have no business owning a gun?

please be fact based in your reasoning and not just "he shot someone, duh." please

How about "because he shot someone without determining that it was his girlfriend"...

So you don't actually have a good reason to remove his rights.

John Kerry on
It's strange that the fanatical gun grabbers never concede that of the 19000 murders in the USA each year, at least 18500 are committed by unlicensed gun owners/criminals.
The rest are usually domestic incindents.
Where if no gun was available another weapon would be chosen.

Because it isn't true.

First, the number of murders is closer to 15,000 a year, of which 11,000 are committed with guns.

Second, most people who are murdered are murdered by someone they know. 64% are murdered by someone they know, while only 20% are killed by strangers.

The Spokesman-Review - Google News Archive Search
It's strange that the fanatical gun grabbers never concede that of the 19000 murders in the USA each year, at least 18500 are committed by unlicensed gun owners/criminals.
The rest are usually domestic incindents.
Where if no gun was available another weapon would be chosen.

Because it isn't true.

First, the number of murders is closer to 15,000 a year, of which 11,000 are committed with guns.

Second, most people who are murdered are murdered by someone they know. 64% are murdered by someone they know, while only 20% are killed by strangers.

The Spokesman-Review - Google News Archive Search

How many are allowed to defend themselves?
We are talking about the entire USA right?
Or just Chicago?

Since self-defense never really happens, it's kind of a moot point.

Only 200 "justifiable homicides" in 2011 according to the FBI.

That's how fucking rare it is.

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