Premila Lal, 18, shot dead after jumping out of closet to surprise friend

It wasn't a harmless prank. It was a dangerous prank. It was a prank that people should never play. The girl deserves this year's Darwin Award.
I just heard a report on this case.

It wasn't the shooters house, it was the girl's house. She and a friend weren't playing a prank on the guy who owned the gun. She was playing the prank on her 15 year old brother who she believed was home alone. She snuck into the house and hid in a closet intending to jump out and scare her brother. She did not know that this other man was going to be in the house. At this point, the man who owns the gun isn't charged because he may not have pulled the trigger. The brother might actually have been the one that pulled the trigger.

That makes this prank infinitely more dangerous.
I just heard a report on this case.

It wasn't the shooters house, it was the girl's house. She and a friend weren't playing a prank on the guy who owned the gun. She was playing the prank on her 15 year old brother who she believed was home alone. She snuck into the house and hid in a closet intending to jump out and scare her brother. She did not know that this other man was going to be in the house. At this point, the man who owns the gun isn't charged because he may not have pulled the trigger. The brother might actually have been the one that pulled the trigger.

That makes this prank infinitely more dangerous.

I haven't seen this yet, where did you hear it? All the reports I've seen till now say the family friend fired the gun, that the family and police all agree with that.
I just heard a report on this case.

It wasn't the shooters house, it was the girl's house. She and a friend weren't playing a prank on the guy who owned the gun. She was playing the prank on her 15 year old brother who she believed was home alone. She snuck into the house and hid in a closet intending to jump out and scare her brother. She did not know that this other man was going to be in the house. At this point, the man who owns the gun isn't charged because he may not have pulled the trigger. The brother might actually have been the one that pulled the trigger.

That makes this prank infinitely more dangerous.

I haven't seen this yet, where did you hear it? All the reports I've seen till now say the family friend fired the gun, that the family and police all agree with that.

It was on the news. The whole story of who did what will come out in a few days.
She entered his home illegally and jumped out at him.
Self defense.
He did nothing wrong.
If the chick was butt ugly and as fat as a liberal woman, you would support the shooting.
Call it a mercy killing even!

Obviously, if these people were all friends, it wasn't a case of breaking and entering..

And frankly, the only really ugly chicks I see are on the COnservative side...

Hillary, MOOOOCHELLE, red Betty, Chelsea, Nancy Pelosi, yup, them there's some hotties.

I have Freinds, they never let themselves into my homes without permission.

A clear cut case of self defense.

If it happened in my home, the assailant would have been decapitated.

Well, I doubt you have friends, unless you're counting the imaginary kind, but they have medicine for that now.

Again, proving the best argument for gun control is to let gun nuts spout off about all the people they'd LOVE to kill

Which apparently include friends playing pranks...
there should be some investigation.

unless she was wearing a disguise of some kind, he should have been able to recognize her before pulling his gun out.

There will be an investigation and my guess is the shooter will be charged. Clearly he should at least lose his license to own, possess or have in his custody or control a gun of any type. Well, he would if we lived in a culture which held such gun violence as anathema and had laws which controlled guns.

Would such a law have prevented this incident? Of course not, but it would keep stupid people from buying a gun legally and make those who choose to sell guns on the black market as criminally culpable as those who traffic in dangerous drugs.
Personally, I just don't think this guy is a RESPONSIBLE gun owner.
Beautiful girl - dead.

Answer = More guns.

Right, nutters?

beautiful, yet stupid.

guns are irrelevant.

more brains are advisable

So you think someone pulling a harmless prank should die because someone who had no business having a gun to start with had one?

why does he have no business owning a gun?

please be fact based in your reasoning and not just "he shot someone, duh." please
Yea, it was an accident. The accident was allowing this moron to own a gun. I'm not against people owning guns, but what the fuck was he shooting at? Did he have any idea? Sorry, but there is no way in Hell this guy should get off without being charged. It's not first degree murder, but how can a case not be made for involuntary manslaughter? The guy is a dipshit and should not be permitted to have a gun in his hands ever again.

actually, he, probably, gets off scot free

she was in his home illegally

ah gun grabbers, blurt before you think, then blurt some more.

LOL This is hilarious and quintessentially ironic. At least we aren't shooting before thinking.

So you are assuming that he's a conservative.

there should be some investigation.

unless she was wearing a disguise of some kind, he should have been able to recognize her before pulling his gun out.

There will be an investigation and my guess is the shooter will be charged. Clearly he should at least lose his license to own, possess or have in his custody or control a gun of any type. Well, he would if we lived in a culture which held such gun violence as anathema and had laws which controlled guns.

Would such a law have prevented this incident? Of course not, but it would keep stupid people from buying a gun legally and make those who choose to sell guns on the black market as criminally culpable as those who traffic in dangerous drugs.

Why should he automatically lose his rights?

He hasn't been charged so he's not even guilty of anything, yet.

damn, you freedom haters never stop.
Beautiful girl - dead.

Answer = More guns.

Right, nutters?

Death can happen at any time for any's a part of life. Guns are a minute fraction of what causes death.

You're right...................guns are a minute fraction of what causes death.

However..................they are a MAJOR fraction of what causes death from other human beings.

If you can't identify your target as friendly or foe, you shouldn't have a gun. In the Security Force, we were taught how to identify who stood up in front of you, and we were taught as well to not fire until we saw the target as a foe.

But then again...........................most civilians don't have the luxury of getting training as to who to shoot, but they should.

I mean, even when Gabby Giffords was shot, there was a person in the crowd who had a CCL who almost shot an innocent person because they thought it was the shooter, but they held back until they were told that it wasn't the shooter.

Sorry, but lots of accidents happen, as well as most of those accidents happen because the shooter didn't take the time to identify their target.

Shoot first and ask questions later, eh?
beautiful, yet stupid.

guns are irrelevant.

more brains are advisable

So you think someone pulling a harmless prank should die because someone who had no business having a gun to start with had one?

why does he have no business owning a gun?

please be fact based in your reasoning and not just "he shot someone, duh." please

How about "because he shot someone without determining that it was his girlfriend"...
I don't buy the premise.

Unless he was standing there gun in hand when she said "BOO" it's highly unlikely.

I'm willing to bet he killed her then made up the story.

And this would be better for you gun-nutters, how, exactly?

The story doesn't make sense.

If you can't see that because you're obsessed with guns that's your problem.

And if I'm right and I probably am all it means is that there are violent people in the world and people need to protect themselves.

And a gun is an excellent tool for self defense.
I don't buy the premise.

Unless he was standing there gun in hand when she said "BOO" it's highly unlikely.

I'm willing to bet he killed her then made up the story.

And this would be better for you gun-nutters, how, exactly?

The story doesn't make sense.

If you can't see that because you're obsessed with guns that's your problem.

And if I'm right and I probably am all it means is that there are violent people in the world and people need to protect themselves.

And a gun is an excellent tool for self defense.

Actually, it makes perfect sense.

You give guns to stupid crackers, eventually they end up shooting people.
why does he have no business owning a gun?

please be fact based in your reasoning and not just "he shot someone, duh." please

How about "because he shot someone without determining that it was his girlfriend"...
He thought he was being attacked, you forgot that bit?
Split second decision.
Move too slow and you are dead.

You claim to be a veteran?
Guessing you didn't see much action.

Saw enough to realize "You make sure of your target before shooting".
why does he have no business owning a gun?

please be fact based in your reasoning and not just "he shot someone, duh." please

How about "because he shot someone without determining that it was his girlfriend"...
He thought he was being attacked, you forgot that bit?
Split second decision.
Move too slow and you are dead.

You claim to be a veteran?
Guessing you didn't see much action.

You really believe that cockamamie story?

A girl jumps out of a closet and says BOO so he just happens to be standing there with his gun in his hand and shoots.

Or did he get scared run away get the gun turn around not see who he was shooting at and unload?

Or did he kill her for some other reason and make up a story to cover his ass?

I vote for number 3.
And this would be better for you gun-nutters, how, exactly?

The story doesn't make sense.

If you can't see that because you're obsessed with guns that's your problem.

And if I'm right and I probably am all it means is that there are violent people in the world and people need to protect themselves.

And a gun is an excellent tool for self defense.

Actually, it makes perfect sense.

You give guns to stupid crackers, eventually they end up shooting people.

I do not give guns to anyone.

And no people with guns do not eventually end up shooting someone.

I've owned guns over 40 years and have never shot anyone.

In fact most gun owners will never shoot anyone so stop with the fucking hysterical hyperbole.

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