Prepare for Civil War: PA will decide the election via the SCOTUS.

The Deep State and Fake News Media may have given us fake polls in favor of Biden for the past few months, but they always knew the truth internally, that Pennsylvania would decide the election.

This is why Mass Unsolicited Mail In Ballot Fraud (under the false premise of COVID) is occurring in this state, this is why they pushed the overaction of COVID since March, this is why China released COVID, to give the Democrats the cover and excuse they needed to tweak one (or at most two) states.

No matter which side the SCOTUS rules in favor of concerning the unsolicited ballots, civil war will ensue.
Sadly I think you are absolutely right about the Covid and China, and what has taken place here. We the American people have been duped by it all for the last 7 or 8 months, and the fact that Trump proved in every state that he was campaigning in that he wins hands down in a fair election in those states especially Pennsylvania, just shows big time that there is something bad wrong in all of this. Trump knows it, the people know it, and now it's time for the investigations to begin.

Trump is probably ready to go back to his life of being a billionaire entrepreneur, because no one has ever been treated that bad as our president who didn't do anything but try to help a country that was spinning out of control way before he got the presidency in 2016.

To vote for real corruption like we have in Biden is simply an extension of what we had in the Clinton's who sold us out in the Nafta treaty to China and etc around the world.

The forced social engineering of this nation by leftist is going to stalemate the nation into an economic disaster of epic proportions. Communism will almost have to ensue due to resistance mounted by anyone that isn't having any of what the left if wanting to shove down the good citizen's throats.

The attempt to come after the good citizen's gun's will be the unraveling of the left, because that will be the biggest mistake they will ever have made (the straw that breaks the camel's back).

The fact that Trump had thousands show up to his rallies in PA, and after Biden made attacks on their industries definitely tells anyone with a brain that corruption is involved in the voting process taking place there or anywhere that the people came out in the thousands to continue the economic recovery in this country through Trump, that was almost destroyed by China and the capitulating Democrat's.

The long term implications of this are immense, if it is not on the level. Global allies who have well oiled democracies are going to be cautious in dealing with the U.S. Allies in Chinas orbit are going to question just what lengths American elites will go to get CLOSER to China, not confront them.

Just as bad is the domestic implications and foreign recruitment efforts. Russia, China, Iran and others profit off of distrust in a system. It's why Obama wisely told Hillary to concede, he knew a distrusting society is bad business. Economically and National Security wise.
Iran needs an Allie, and they will find it in Joe, just like it found it in Obama and Joe during the Obummer period. The sell out of the American people will be immense. Either the nation stands up for everything it believes in or it falls to the DC swamp who will rape and pillage the nation forever more. Republicans who didn't help Trump, and figured that they can rule by the houses or senate that it might control, is another form of selling us out in a bid to get rid of an Allie in the white house that truly was representing the citizen's of this country. To ignore the domestic sides of this in favor of foreign interest and personal interest is a huge form of disrespecting the citizen's of this nation, and it plays right into the hands of our internal enemies who are chomping at the bit wanting to gain vengence on us in it all. People's eyes are wide open now, and it's laid out for everyone to see. The nation might be doomed I'm afraid. We'll see in the coming days where this nation is heading, and we will know if we are screwed or not.

It's time for the people to rise up if they feel that they have been wronged, and to challenge everything.

The problem as to why the true Americans are afraid to rise up, is because 100% of them are working to give themselves and others the American dream, and so they are paying for everything in this country, and I mean everything. The government has no money except through them, and the poor has no money except through them, and so in knowing this awesome responsibility in which they have, then they can't see themselves stopping or being distracted enough to turn loose of the hands they are holding onto, and just letting them plunge to their economic deaths. The Democrats are likened to the movie "SAW", where they are that evil character who places his victim's (the true working class citizen's), in positions to either cut their own arm off or let another die instead. Lucky for the Democrats, the good citizen's are cutting their own arms off in order to help everyone else live. I just wonder how much longer before the good citizen's say that this is enough of cutting my own arm off in order to allow the other one to then be cut off by the one's that were helped by one cutting his or her arm off for them, and all in order to save them ?? Talk about the ultimate betrayal. That's what the good citizen's have gotten out of these Democrats for ever now, the ultimate betrayal.
Joes really weak on foreign policy he's a real suck up.
hup.has anyone seen any democrats crying with their arms reaching to the sky yet. Seems there has been a small amount of riots .
Its not decided yet but it looks like the senate remains in republican hands some pickups in the house and its looking good for trump.
Aoc cost joe florida cubans know what socialist and commies are like
Wow, I just heard what sounded like shots in the distance... May have been fired in the surrounding neighborhood's, but close enough to hear it. Not sure if fireworks or gunfire though. Wow. Sounded like rapid successions as if the weapon (if it is a weapon), has a bump stock. Dogs going crazy out in the yard. Hope it's just fireworks.
The Deep State and Fake News Media may have given us fake polls in favor of Biden for the past few months, but they always knew the truth internally, that Pennsylvania would decide the election.

This is why Mass Unsolicited Mail In Ballot Fraud (under the false premise of COVID) is occurring in this state, this is why they pushed the overaction of COVID since March, this is why China released COVID, to give the Democrats the cover and excuse they needed to tweak one (or at most two) states.

No matter which side the SCOTUS rules in favor of concerning the unsolicited ballots, civil war will ensue.
Sleepy Joe has already lost the contest thanks to a dedicated & determined American constituency. Looks like we picked up some now former Dems which will help the drain the swamp movement, put more $$$$$ in my fellow Americans pockets, get g'ment debt spending under control(strengthen the fed reserve notes), end the freakin wars(as much as humanly possible), & trash those less than worthless profe$$ional politician$ & replace them with constitutionally based Representatives of & for the people. I mean those profe$$ional politician$ are like babies, one has to monitor their every move. TRUE TRANSPARENCY is the way to keep American government on the straight & true path. It would be a dream come true if the American constituency as a whole was on the same path regarding the above mentioned.
Democrats spent over 120 million on 2 senate races and lost them both.
It's ok, it wasn't their money. Just like their atrocious government spending on everything except for what the tax payers deserve, that's not their money either. You give a Democrat money, then you are a fool. That's the way I've always seen it.
The Deep State and Fake News Media may have given us fake polls in favor of Biden for the past few months, but they always knew the truth internally, that Pennsylvania would decide the election.

This is why Mass Unsolicited Mail In Ballot Fraud (under the false premise of COVID) is occurring in this state, this is why they pushed the overaction of COVID since March, this is why China released COVID, to give the Democrats the cover and excuse they needed to tweak one (or at most two) states.

No matter which side the SCOTUS rules in favor of concerning the unsolicited ballots, civil war will ensue.
Sadly I think you are absolutely right about the Covid and China, and what has taken place here. We the American people have been duped by it all for the last 7 or 8 months, and the fact that Trump proved in every state that he was campaigning in that he wins hands down in a fair election in those states especially Pennsylvania, just shows big time that there is something bad wrong in all of this. Trump knows it, the people know it, and now it's time for the investigations to begin.

Trump is probably ready to go back to his life of being a billionaire entrepreneur, because no one has ever been treated that bad as our president who didn't do anything but try to help a country that was spinning out of control way before he got the presidency in 2016.

To vote for real corruption like we have in Biden is simply an extension of what we had in the Clinton's who sold us out in the Nafta treaty to China and etc around the world.

The forced social engineering of this nation by leftist is going to stalemate the nation into an economic disaster of epic proportions. Communism will almost have to ensue due to resistance mounted by anyone that isn't having any of what the left if wanting to shove down the good citizen's throats.

The attempt to come after the good citizen's gun's will be the unraveling of the left, because that will be the biggest mistake they will ever have made (the straw that breaks the camel's back).

The fact that Trump had thousands show up to his rallies in PA, and after Biden made attacks on their industries definitely tells anyone with a brain that corruption is involved in the voting process taking place there or anywhere that the people came out in the thousands to continue the economic recovery in this country through Trump, that was almost destroyed by China and the capitulating Democrat's.

The long term implications of this are immense, if it is not on the level. Global allies who have well oiled democracies are going to be cautious in dealing with the U.S. Allies in Chinas orbit are going to question just what lengths American elites will go to get CLOSER to China, not confront them.

Just as bad is the domestic implications and foreign recruitment efforts. Russia, China, Iran and others profit off of distrust in a system. It's why Obama wisely told Hillary to concede, he knew a distrusting society is bad business. Economically and National Security wise.
Iran needs an Allie, and they will find it in Joe, just like it found it in Obama and Joe during the Obummer period. The sell out of the American people will be immense. Either the nation stands up for everything it believes in or it falls to the DC swamp who will rape and pillage the nation forever more. Republicans who didn't help Trump, and figured that they can rule by the houses or senate that it might control, is another form of selling us out in a bid to get rid of an Allie in the white house that truly was representing the citizen's of this country. To ignore the domestic sides of this in favor of foreign interest and personal interest is a huge form of disrespecting the citizen's of this nation, and it plays right into the hands of our internal enemies who are chomping at the bit wanting to gain vengence on us in it all. People's eyes are wide open now, and it's laid out for everyone to see. The nation might be doomed I'm afraid. We'll see in the coming days where this nation is heading, and we will know if we are screwed or not.

It's time for the people to rise up if they feel that they have been wronged, and to challenge everything.

The problem as to why the true Americans are afraid to rise up, is because 100% of them are working to give themselves and others the American dream, and so they are paying for everything in this country, and I mean everything. The government has no money except through them, and the poor has no money except through them, and so in knowing this awesome responsibility in which they have, then they can't see themselves stopping or being distracted enough to turn loose of the hands they are holding onto, and just letting them plunge to their economic deaths. The Democrats are likened to the movie "SAW", where they are that evil character who places his victim's (the true working class citizen's), in positions to either cut their own arm off or let another die instead. Lucky for the Democrats, the good citizen's are cutting their own arms off in order to help everyone else live. I just wonder how much longer before the good citizen's say that this is enough of cutting my own arm off in order to allow the other one to then be cut off by the one's that were helped by one cutting his or her arm off for them, and all in order to save them ?? Talk about the ultimate betrayal. That's what the good citizen's have gotten out of these Democrats for ever now, the ultimate betrayal.
Joes really weak on foreign policy he's a real suck up.
He's a sell out.
The Deep State and Fake News Media may have given us fake polls in favor of Biden for the past few months, but they always knew the truth internally, that Pennsylvania would decide the election.

This is why Mass Unsolicited Mail In Ballot Fraud (under the false premise of COVID) is occurring in this state, this is why they pushed the overaction of COVID since March, this is why China released COVID, to give the Democrats the cover and excuse they needed to tweak one (or at most two) states.

No matter which side the SCOTUS rules in favor of concerning the unsolicited ballots, civil war will ensue.

PA is going to be an obvious win for Trump at this rate. No question

Biden would need to have 75% of the mail in vote for that to be true, which will not happen
More like 55-60%. You're not accounting for increased turnout.

Or y ou're just using the NYT times numbers which are vastly inflated relative to everyone else
The Deep State and Fake News Media may have given us fake polls in favor of Biden for the past few months, but they always knew the truth internally, that Pennsylvania would decide the election.

This is why Mass Unsolicited Mail In Ballot Fraud (under the false premise of COVID) is occurring in this state, this is why they pushed the overaction of COVID since March, this is why China released COVID, to give the Democrats the cover and excuse they needed to tweak one (or at most two) states.

No matter which side the SCOTUS rules in favor of concerning the unsolicited ballots, civil war will ensue.

PA is going to be an obvious win for Trump at this rate. No question

Biden would need to have 75% of the mail in vote for that to be true, which will not happen
More like 55-60%. You're not accounting for increased turnout.

Or y ou're just using the NYT times numbers which are vastly inflated relative to everyone else

News to me; I haven't quoted the Times.
The Deep State and Fake News Media may have given us fake polls in favor of Biden for the past few months, but they always knew the truth internally, that Pennsylvania would decide the election.

This is why Mass Unsolicited Mail In Ballot Fraud (under the false premise of COVID) is occurring in this state, this is why they pushed the overaction of COVID since March, this is why China released COVID, to give the Democrats the cover and excuse they needed to tweak one (or at most two) states.

No matter which side the SCOTUS rules in favor of concerning the unsolicited ballots, civil war will ensue.

PA is going to be an obvious win for Trump at this rate. No question

Biden would need to have 75% of the mail in vote for that to be true, which will not happen
More like 55-60%. You're not accounting for increased turnout.

Or y ou're just using the NYT times numbers which are vastly inflated relative to everyone else

News to me; I haven't quoted the Times.

Then the number is 70/75 not 55-60. He's fucked in PA
Think again, OP. China did not release the virus deliberately. Only an uneducated fool can believe that, because the RBD amino acid sequences clearly show that an animal engineered it. It would be stupid for a lab creation not to concentrate on the human bias in the sequence, which is not there. Believe this: Fauci knows that the Chinese know the source in nature. Review the mystifications of ebola: there is still no precise animal vector/reservoir named. The fairy tale continues with C-19, which is being held esoteric hostage.
There will be no civil war.

CORRECT....and Broke Loser explained it perfectly.....
You could literally murder their babies and they'd just sigh and ask God to forgive you.
You could take their guns....and they'll just whine while handing them over.

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
The Deep State and Fake News Media may have given us fake polls in favor of Biden for the past few months, but they always knew the truth internally, that Pennsylvania would decide the election.

This is why Mass Unsolicited Mail In Ballot Fraud (under the false premise of COVID) is occurring in this state, this is why they pushed the overaction of COVID since March, this is why China released COVID, to give the Democrats the cover and excuse they needed to tweak one (or at most two) states.

No matter which side the SCOTUS rules in favor of concerning the unsolicited ballots, civil war will ensue.

PA is going to be an obvious win for Trump at this rate. No question

Biden would need to have 75% of the mail in vote for that to be true, which will not happen
More like 55-60%. You're not accounting for increased turnout.

Or y ou're just using the NYT times numbers which are vastly inflated relative to everyone else

News to me; I haven't quoted the Times.

Then the number is 70/75 not 55-60. He's fucked in PA

I'll take your word for it I guess. Your math isn't making a whole lot of sense.

If the turnout stays the same as it was in 2016....he would need over 100% of the known voters.
But if the turnout grows by 5% or more, the percentage needed drops.


He goes from needing 105% to 74% to 55% if there are 10% more voters.

But there are tons of variables in the mix. Just because there are more voters doesn't mean there are that many more votes for President. There is no guarantee that a 3rd or 4th party doesn't get a lot of them--their 2016 numbers are not in the model I threw together.

Bottom line...I don't think Joe wins PA. But I think he narrows the gap.
Think again, OP. China did not release the virus deliberately. Only an uneducated fool can believe that, because the RBD amino acid sequences clearly show that an animal engineered it. It would be stupid for a lab creation not to concentrate on the human bias in the sequence, which is not there. Believe this: Fauci knows that the Chinese know the source in nature. Review the mystifications of ebola: there is still no precise animal vector/reservoir named. The fairy tale continues with C-19, which is being held esoteric hostage.
Ok so what if it is animal engineered, does that stop the Chinese lab from capturing it, studying it, and enhancing it ????
Think again, OP. China did not release the virus deliberately. Only an uneducated fool can believe that, because the RBD amino acid sequences clearly show that an animal engineered it. It would be stupid for a lab creation not to concentrate on the human bias in the sequence, which is not there. Believe this: Fauci knows that the Chinese know the source in nature. Review the mystifications of ebola: there is still no precise animal vector/reservoir named. The fairy tale continues with C-19, which is being held esoteric hostage.

According to fake news and fake experts who said we were all going to die and shut down the world.

This is why Trump will win.

Fuck the phonies, like you.
The Deep State and Fake News Media may have given us fake polls in favor of Biden for the past few months, but they always knew the truth internally, that Pennsylvania would decide the election.

This is why Mass Unsolicited Mail In Ballot Fraud (under the false premise of COVID) is occurring in this state, this is why they pushed the overaction of COVID since March, this is why China released COVID, to give the Democrats the cover and excuse they needed to tweak one (or at most two) states.

No matter which side the SCOTUS rules in favor of concerning the unsolicited ballots, civil war will ensue.
When will you stop masturbating to the idea of civil war? The system is working as intended,idiot.
The Deep State and Fake News Media may have given us fake polls in favor of Biden for the past few months, but they always knew the truth internally, that Pennsylvania would decide the election.

This is why Mass Unsolicited Mail In Ballot Fraud (under the false premise of COVID) is occurring in this state, this is why they pushed the overaction of COVID since March, this is why China released COVID, to give the Democrats the cover and excuse they needed to tweak one (or at most two) states.

No matter which side the SCOTUS rules in favor of concerning the unsolicited ballots, civil war will ensue.

There will be no civil war.
But you wackos riot no matter who wins.....
The Deep State and Fake News Media may have given us fake polls in favor of Biden for the past few months, but they always knew the truth internally, that Pennsylvania would decide the election.

This is why Mass Unsolicited Mail In Ballot Fraud (under the false premise of COVID) is occurring in this state, this is why they pushed the overaction of COVID since March, this is why China released COVID, to give the Democrats the cover and excuse they needed to tweak one (or at most two) states.

No matter which side the SCOTUS rules in favor of concerning the unsolicited ballots, civil war will ensue.

Nah....Arizona, Wisconsin and Michigan put Biden at 275. Nevada pushes that to 281.

Pennsylvania is just gravy at this point.
There will be no civil war.

CORRECT....and Broke Loser explained it perfectly.....
You could literally murder their babies and they'd just sigh and ask God to forgive you.
You could take their guns....and they'll just whine while handing them over.

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
Sadly Trump may have been undermined by his own republican party in this mess. I also vote with conservatives, but the corruption doesn't just run Democrat deep as people might think. And you are correct that conservatives are ignoring their own children as they are being scooped up by the leftist in public schools, and are being taught to hate their parents, hate their history, hate the nation's accomplishments, and to hate their country just to hate.
The Deep State and Fake News Media may have given us fake polls in favor of Biden for the past few months, but they always knew the truth internally, that Pennsylvania would decide the election.

This is why Mass Unsolicited Mail In Ballot Fraud (under the false premise of COVID) is occurring in this state, this is why they pushed the overaction of COVID since March, this is why China released COVID, to give the Democrats the cover and excuse they needed to tweak one (or at most two) states.

No matter which side the SCOTUS rules in favor of concerning the unsolicited ballots, civil war will ensue.

There will be no civil war.
But you wackos riot no matter who wins.....
It's true... LOL
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