Prepare For The End Of The American Petro-Dollar!


America First!!!
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 31, 2023
Many are saying (and I believe them) that the dollar is on the verge of collapse. I'm not entirely sure how to prepare for this catastrophe but I'm buying gold and silver, food & water, an other usable, tangible items. I recently purchased a Harvest Right food freeze dryer and have been freeze drying lots of food. I may have a year's supply on hand.

Why does that liar have an audience all he does is lie...It is not the first time, in fact, it was done during Trump and we never heard word one from the right or from this freak.
Why does that liar have an audience all he does is lie...It is not the first time, in fact, it was done during Trump and we never heard word one from the right or from this freak.
Your post has ZERO to do with the fact that the dollar is purposely being devalued and the fact that many large nations are dumping it. Your argument is a foolish one. If Hitler said "the sun is hot" would he be lying?
Your post has ZERO to do with the fact that the dollar is purposely being devalued and the fact that many large nations are dumping it. Your argument is a foolish one. If Hitler said "the sun is hot" would he be lying?
Actually, the dollar has been very strong something Trump hated.
Many are saying (and I believe them) that the dollar is on the verge of collapse. I'm not entirely sure how to prepare for this catastrophe but I'm buying gold and silver, food & water, an other usable, tangible items. I recently purchased a Harvest Right food freeze dryer and have been freeze drying lots of food. I may have a year's supply on hand.


Petrodollar? Is that still a thing? It's like a quaint notion from the 70s!
All the evidence is there OP . It has been predictable for several years and here we fimally are .
Looks certain for this year and could even be very soon now -- a couple of months, say.
If Bank of Amerca or Deutsche bank go -- either of which are distinctly possible , the big reset starts .
Ignore Moon Fart. He is as bright as a bread and pudding candle .
It was MUCH stronger under Trump than it is now.
Not at zero percent interest.

Presidents have for decades touted a strong dollar as a sure sign of American economic strength. President Donald Trump has departed from that tradition. “As your President, one would think that I would be thrilled with our very strong dollar,” he has tweeted. “I am not!” Trump’s objective of a weak dollar, measured against the currencies of US trading partners, is to boost US exports and discourage US imports. He blames the Federal Reserve for not helping.
But how does the dollar’s current value compare with the past? Properly measured, the dollar is currently above its long-run average since 1973. But it has not strengthened much over the past four years. The trade deficit—which Trump deplores as a sign that US trading partners are not playing fair—diminished year-over-year real GDP growth in 2017 and 2018 by 0.3 percentage point.
What are people doing to prepare for the inevitable collapse of the dollar? We know that CBDCs are the next phase. Of course, this is a dangerous thing because the banks will hold the reins of power of our financial comings and goings. As we've recently seen in Canada, the government can control or freeze an account for "wrong-think." I want as much autonomy and freedom as possible so I'm preparing right now. How about you?
the dollar is used as a benchmark since the early 1970s after the collapse of the Bretton Woods gold standard

Not all countries use the greenback only around 88%
What are people doing to prepare for the inevitable collapse of the dollar? We know that CBDCs are the next phase. Of course, this is a dangerous thing because the banks will hold the reins of power of our financial comings and goings. As we've recently seen in Canada, the government can control or freeze an account for "wrong-think." I want as much autonomy and freedom as possible so I'm preparing right now. How about you?
Do you put yer pennies in mason jars also?
Not at zero percent interest.

Presidents have for decades touted a strong dollar as a sure sign of American economic strength. President Donald Trump has departed from that tradition. “As your President, one would think that I would be thrilled with our very strong dollar,” he has tweeted. “I am not!” Trump’s objective of a weak dollar, measured against the currencies of US trading partners, is to boost US exports and discourage US imports. He blames the Federal Reserve for not helping.
But how does the dollar’s current value compare with the past? Properly measured, the dollar is currently above its long-run average since 1973. But it has not strengthened much over the past four years. The trade deficit—which Trump deplores as a sign that US trading partners are not playing fair—diminished year-over-year real GDP growth in 2017 and 2018 by 0.3 percentage point.
I gage the strength of the dollar based on the cost of goods and my ability to buy them. Fuel, rent/mortgages, food, supplies, etc.

I was living a comfortable life under Trump. Do I worship or even like Trump? Not really. I had several things against him (vaccines, gun control, etc.). But he was still better than the currently Tyrant in Chief.

At least he wasn't sending billions and billions of dollars to his favorite money-launderer in the Ukraine.
the dollar is used as a benchmark since the early 1970s after the collapse of the Bretton Woods gold standard

Not all countries use the greenback only around 88%
That that percentage is rapidly dropping.
Do you put yer pennies in mason jars also?
Yes ... pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. A penny saved is a penny earned. I probably have a couple of hundred bucks which can be used in an emergency.

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