Prepare to be disappointed

Another echo? Please see the post from GMU and my response to him, and thus to you.
I don't take orders from loons.

Odd that, as a bird brain one would assume you would. BTW, do you know that crows/ravens are smarter than the average conservative? It's a fact, based on brain size and body weight the brain of the Family Corvidae can solve puzzles where the average conservative simply echoes the errs of other conservatives:
Family Corvidae - Crows, jays, magpies and ravens
Oh look, more trolling. Shocked I tell you...

Trolling? Not me, the fact of the matter can be seen by those who are curious and watch PBS, not Fox. Check out Nova some day, you might, maybe, possibly learn something.

BTW, the series is partially funded by David Koch.
How cute. You're pretending to be smart because of tv

I attempted to watch PBS in NY after being a fan for years in another was perhaps the most biased dishonest blatantly over the top pro Democratic party propaganda I ever heard in my life. Forget MSNBC or CNN even they did not compare.

/\ Fake News Alert!!!! /\

This shit is already getting old and Trump isn't even in office yet. No one cares about white supremacy groups. I also don't care about other groups who are nothing but racists.

Radicals always attach themselves to groups that they think have at least one thing in common with them. They are lunatics and only speak for themselves, not those that they claim to support. Plenty of radicals supported Obama and Hillary.

The left just can't seem to get a grip on reality these days.
dude, you're right you disappointed me.

Don't like hearing that the alt-right and white supremacists supported Trump? They did, quite vocally.
i don't understand why that's on trump? that's what I don't get. especially since he denounced them and yet here you all are like ohhhhhhh, ohhhhh, ohhhh. WTF grow the fk up.

The SPLC estimates that there are 5,000 to 8,000 KKK members in the U.S. The 2006 census had 58,000 members of the Church of Jedi. IOW, more people have adopted the Star Wars religion than follow the major organized White Supremacist group in the U.S. At most, the White Supremacist movement is a tiny fringe minority.

The real issue for whites is to be treated fairly under the law like any other minority group, which is hardly a radical or extreme position to take.
dude, you're right you disappointed me.

Don't like hearing that the alt-right and white supremacists supported Trump? They did, quite vocally.
i don't understand why that's on trump? that's what I don't get. especially since he denounced them and yet here you all are like ohhhhhhh, ohhhhh, ohhhh. WTF grow the fk up.

Trump and Bannon encouraged them and gave them a degree of legitimacy during the campaign. Now he's disavowed them. a bit late.

/\ Fake News Alert!!!! /\

This shit is already getting old and Trump isn't even in office yet. No one cares about white supremacy groups. I also don't care about other groups who are nothing but racists.

Radicals always attach themselves to groups that they think have at least one thing in common with them. They are lunatics and only speak for themselves, not those that they claim to support. Plenty of radicals supported Obama and Hillary.

The left just can't seem to get a grip on reality these days.

:lmao: GREAT sig!

/\ Fake News Alert!!!! /\

This shit is already getting old and Trump isn't even in office yet. No one cares about white supremacy groups. I also don't care about other groups who are nothing but racists.

Radicals always attach themselves to groups that they think have at least one thing in common with them. They are lunatics and only speak for themselves, not those that they claim to support. Plenty of radicals supported Obama and Hillary.

The left just can't seem to get a grip on reality these days.

What is actually fake about it?

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