Preperation for a big one

Well of course, a serious thread is not going to be answered in kind by the 'Conservative' dumb asses here. No brains, no intellect, and mostly first class dipshits.

This is a serious problem. We have had major power outages from far less powerful flares. A flare such as the Carrington event could effectively shut down most of the technically advanced world.
We should probably make preparations to stop nuclear bombs post explosion too...
LOL Brass, lead, and powder pretty low in nutrative value

But you can use em to acquire all the calories you way or another.
Once, maybe twice, then you end up decorating a tree or lamp post.

Why would hunting get you hung from a lamp post?
And besides..if there is another Carrington type event the third world would look inviting and I'd give it less than a month before it was dog eat dog in America.
Only the strong will survive.
White House is preparing for catastrophic solar flares which could wipe out power around the world for months - bringing an end to modern civilization as we know it
  • Massive electromagnetic pulse caused by solar flares could bring an end to modern civilization as we know it
  • Extreme space weather event could wipe out power for months and render cellphones and internet useless
  • One study estimates that in the U.S. alone it could cost the fragile economy up to $2.6 trillion
  • Now the White House are preparing for the threat after a major solar flare narrowly missed the Earth in 2012
  • Strategy includes improving prediction abilities as forecasters only have been 15-60 minutes warning and how to protect energy grids

Read more: White House is preparing for catastrophic solar flares
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Far more likely than an asteroid impact.

A couple years latter and they are still just talking about it?

Btw you are quick real quick old rocks

Who cares about Global Warming?~ Near miss for earth 2 weeks ago | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

A near miss for Earth: Solar flare that could have knocked out power, cars and phones came so close two weeks ago
From my link..... 2013, yup no money to be made from it, instead the boogeyman AGW is the top priority......

President Bill Clinton’s former Director of Central Intelligence, James Woolsey, led a panel earlier this week on the threat of a natural or nuclear EMP.

Experts have also recently demanded that Washington prepare the nation's electric grid for an EMP.
No way to shutdown the grid in time. Preparing is just a lie.

I really dont see how they could protect the whole grid.
I would think the best way to prepare would be to lay in stocks of replacement parts you know you're going to need since manufacturing will be totally shut down.
You are correct. No way to protect the whole of the grid. But you could protect critical parts of it. And, yes, laying in spare parts is a very good ideal.
LOL Brass, lead, and powder pretty low in nutrative value

But you can use em to acquire all the calories you way or another.
Once, maybe twice, then you end up decorating a tree or lamp post.

Why would hunting get you hung from a lamp post?
And besides..if there is another Carrington type event the third world would look inviting and I'd give it less than a month before it was dog eat dog in America.
Only the strong will survive.
"One way or another". That implied taking from other people. Other people would not like that. And other people, sane ones, stick together, and go get assholes that steal and kill.
LOL Brass, lead, and powder pretty low in nutrative value

But you can use em to acquire all the calories you way or another.
Once, maybe twice, then you end up decorating a tree or lamp post.

Why would hunting get you hung from a lamp post?
And besides..if there is another Carrington type event the third world would look inviting and I'd give it less than a month before it was dog eat dog in America.
Only the strong will survive.
"One way or another". That implied taking from other people. Other people would not like that. And other people, sane ones, stick together, and go get assholes that steal and kill.

Those "other" people would be just as desperate.
People will go to great lengths when they're watching their family starve to death.
My, my, even to the great length of working together. And those will be the survivors in a really catastrophic survival situation.

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