Preperation for a big one

Do you live in a state fear?
Well of course, a serious thread is not going to be answered in kind by the 'Conservative' dumb asses here. No brains, no intellect, and mostly first class dipshits.

This is a serious problem. We have had major power outages from far less powerful flares. A flare such as the Carrington event could effectively shut down most of the technically advanced world.
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Top story on DRUDGE right now..........this solar flare storm may hit on New Years Eve!!!:blowup:

Artist rendition of the 1989 blackout.
Credits: NASA

Solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs), associated giant clouds of plasma in space, are the largest explosions in the solar system. They are caused by the buildup and sudden release of magnetic stress in the solar atmosphere above the giant magnetic poles we see as sunspots. CMEs can cause magnetic storms affecting communication systems, power grids and astronauts in space.
Credits: NASA/ Walt Feimer
Click to view animation

Power systems in areas of igneous rock (gray) are the most vulnerable to the effects of intense geomagnetic activity because the high resistance of the igneous rock encourages geomagnetically induced currents (GICs) to flow in the power transmission lines situated above the rock. Shown in cross-hatching are the auroral zone and the extremes that the aurora can reach during severe disturbances such as March 13, 1989.
Credits: American Geophysical Union

On March 13, 1989 the entire province of Quebec, Canada suffered an electrical power blackout. Hundreds of blackouts occur in some part of North America every year. The Quebec Blackout was different, because this one was caused by a solar storm!

On Friday March 10, 1989 astronomers witnessed a powerful explosion on the sun. Within minutes, tangled magnetic forces on the sun had released a billion-ton cloud of gas. It was like the energy of thousands of nuclear bombs exploding at the same time. The storm cloud rushed out from the sun, straight towards Earth, at a million miles an hour. The solar flare that accompanied the outburst immediately caused short-wave radio interference, including the jamming of radio signals from Radio Free Europe into Russia. It was thought that the signals had been jammed by the Kremlin, but it was only the sun acting up!

On the evening of Monday, March 12 the vast cloud of solar plasma (a gas of electrically charged particles) finally struck Earth's magnetic field. The violence of this 'geomagnetic storm' caused spectacular 'northern lights' that could be seen as far south as Florida and Cuba. The magnetic disturbance was incredibly intense. It actually created electrical currents in the ground beneath much of North America. Just after 2:44 a.m. on March 13, the currents found a weakness in the electrical power grid of Quebec. In less than 2 minutes, the entire Quebec power grid lost power. During the 12-hour blackout that followed, millions of people suddenly found themselves in dark office buildings and underground pedestrian tunnels, and in stalled elevators. Most people woke up to cold homes for breakfast. The blackout also closed schools and businesses, kept the Montreal Metro shut during the morning rush hour, and closed Dorval Airport.

The Quebec Blackout was by no means a local event. Some of the U.S. electrical utilities had their own cliffhanger problems to deal with. New York Power lost 150 megawatts the moment the Quebec power grid went down. The New England Power Pool lost 1,410 megawatts at about the same time. Service to 96 electrical utilities in New England was interrupted while other reserves of electrical power were brought online. Luckily, the U.S. had the power to spare at the time…but just barely. Across the United States from coast to coast, over 200 power grid problems erupted within minutes of the start of the March 13 storm. Fortunately none of these caused a blackout.

The Day the Sun Brought Darkness

Damned near happened once already.
Do you live in a state fear?
Well of course, a serious thread is not going to be answered in kind by the 'Conservative' dumb asses here. No brains, no intellect, and mostly first class dipshits.

This is a serious problem. We have had major power outages from far less powerful flares. A flare such as the Carrington event could effectively shut down most of the technically advanced world.
As a technician, when I work on a machine, I lock out all sources of energy, pneumatic, hydraulic, electrical, gravitational. That is how you survive 50 years of millwrighting without a major accident.

Now when you know that there is a repeating danger, and you have equipment that can be damaged by it, you make prepartions to at least protect your most vital components. Failing to do so is the action of a fool. It is not living in fear, it is living with reality. Something you apparently don't understand.

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