Preperation for a big one

Go look up EMP and stop exposing your ignorance.

An EMP has nothing to do with the reversal of the poles.
Another Leftard scientist. Yeah, magnetic fields have nothing to do with electricity.
View attachment 58169

Dont know where you've been but i'm about as far right as you can get.
The science on the effects of pole reversal vary from no real changes to damage from the sun due to a weak magnetic field that weakens the ozone layer.
Exactly. And in the geologic record, there is no evidence of any kind of change during or after those reversals, which occur about every 200,000 years. That is an average, and that varies radically. As little as 50,000, to as much as a million years.
There is no geological evidence of polar reversals? You're dumber than a rock. How do you think we know it happens?
Leftards and common sense shall never meet.
Lordy, lordy, another damned 'Conservative' that cannot read. No geologic change, as in the fossil record. Of course there is evidence of the reversal in the rocks, or we would not know about the reversals. In fact, in Steens Mountain there is a rather complete record of a reversal in the basalt layers.
And a death wish to add to my collection. Excellent!

What? You have already advocated for the deaths of all the sceptics so take your mock outrage and shove it up your ass you fucking hypocrite!

When I want to advocate death for deniers, you'll know it. Till then, I have my collection to illustrate the extreme variability of your sensitivity to this. I have 37 instances of deniers making a variety of death wishes against "warmists" and neither you nor SSDD nor Frank nor FCT nor Westwall nor the management here have voiced one single word of complaint. But, for my hypothetical, in response to the very real suicide request from Ms Stephanie (to whom you've all never said a thing), I get agony and outrage over and over and over again.

You people are - demonstrably - complete shite.

BTW, Global warming is real. The corrections being made to datasets are all justified. Human activity is responsible for more than 50% (very likely much more) of the warming observed over the last 150 years and particularly the last 50. That is based on good science making use of mountains of empirical evidence and very capable and demonstrably accurate GCMs.

Of course global warming is real. It started 14,000 years ago in this last interglacial period. Any literate person knows that. So why don't you?
An EMP has nothing to do with the reversal of the poles.
Another Leftard scientist. Yeah, magnetic fields have nothing to do with electricity.
View attachment 58169

Dont know where you've been but i'm about as far right as you can get.
The science on the effects of pole reversal vary from no real changes to damage from the sun due to a weak magnetic field that weakens the ozone layer.
Exactly. And in the geologic record, there is no evidence of any kind of change during or after those reversals, which occur about every 200,000 years. That is an average, and that varies radically. As little as 50,000, to as much as a million years.
There is no geological evidence of polar reversals? You're dumber than a rock. How do you think we know it happens?
Leftards and common sense shall never meet.
Lordy, lordy, another damned 'Conservative' that cannot read. No geologic change, as in the fossil record. Of course there is evidence of the reversal in the rocks, or we would not know about the reversals. In fact, in Steens Mountain there is a rather complete record of a reversal in the basalt layers.

Lordy, lordy, yet another progressive dimwit claiming to be taking university classes not understanding that the fossil record is referred to as the PALEONTOLOGICAL record. Commonly shortened to "PALEO record". Duh! As far as the magnetic reversal record the most accurate is in the Atlantic ocean floor where the striping is extremely regular on both sides of the Mid Atlantic Ridge.

Sheesh you really don't know a darned thing do you, well nothing that isn't on your dear wiki.

What a 'tard.
Your babblling Mr Westwall. Old Rocks is correct. Weatherman, a right-winger, seems to be the idiot in this conversation, arguing with HereWeGoAgain, another right-winger.. Most kids learn about the record of pole reversals as the Atlantic basin was formed by spreading from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in middle school. So, hey, I'm impressed.
And a death wish to add to my collection. Excellent!

What? You have already advocated for the deaths of all the sceptics so take your mock outrage and shove it up your ass you fucking hypocrite!

When I want to advocate death for deniers, you'll know it. Till then, I have my collection to illustrate the extreme variability of your sensitivity to this. I have 37 instances of deniers making a variety of death wishes against "warmists" and neither you nor SSDD nor Frank nor FCT nor Westwall nor the management here have voiced one single word of complaint. But, for my hypothetical, in response to the very real suicide request from Ms Stephanie (to whom you've all never said a thing), I get agony and outrage over and over and over again.

You people are - demonstrably - complete shite.

BTW, Global warming is real. The corrections being made to datasets are all justified. Human activity is responsible for more than 50% (very likely much more) of the warming observed over the last 150 years and particularly the last 50. That is based on good science making use of mountains of empirical evidence and very capable and demonstrably accurate GCMs.

Of course global warming is real. It started 14,000 years ago in this last interglacial period. Any literate person knows that. So why don't you?

It started ~4.5 billion years ago when the proto-disk began collapsing. Why didn't you know that? Oh, why you must be exceptionally stupid.

As I stated earlier and as upon which none of you have yet to throw the slightest doubt: global warming is real. The corrections being made to datasets are all justified. Human activity is responsible for very likely much more than 50% of the warming observed over the last 150 years and particularly the last 50. That is based on good science making use of mountains of empirical evidence and very capable and demonstrably accurate GCMs.

So, get a life, join the human race and stop working so hard to put all of our descendants into such a huge pile of shit and convince everyone you're a monstrously ignorant asshole at the same time.
Your babblling Mr Westwall. Old Rocks is correct. Weatherman, a right-winger, seems to be the idiot in this conversation, arguing with HereWeGoAgain, another right-winger.. Most kids learn about the record of pole reversals as the Atlantic basin was formed by spreading from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in middle school. So, hey, I'm impressed.
The only people I argue with are idiots. Like you.
White House is preparing for catastrophic solar flares which could wipe out power around the world for months - bringing an end to modern civilization as we know it
  • Massive electromagnetic pulse caused by solar flares could bring an end to modern civilization as we know it
  • Extreme space weather event could wipe out power for months and render cellphones and internet useless
  • One study estimates that in the U.S. alone it could cost the fragile economy up to $2.6 trillion
  • Now the White House are preparing for the threat after a major solar flare narrowly missed the Earth in 2012
  • Strategy includes improving prediction abilities as forecasters only have been 15-60 minutes warning and how to protect energy grids

Read more: White House is preparing for catastrophic solar flares
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Far more likely than an asteroid impact.

Funny; they happen about once every 160 years. It is a known cyclical cycle of the sun. Now somehow, this known event is a problem and is caused by AGW and man on earth....


The moronic and idiotic thinking of the far left drones is stunning!
Now Silly Billy, just where has anyone on this thread stated that a Carrington Event has anything to do with man or AGW? You just keep getting increasingly stupid. And we do not know how many times that the Earth gets a direct hit from a Carrington Event in any given time period. We know it happened once. We know that there have been X class flares that, had the made a direct hit on the Earth, would have caused substantial damage to our present infrastructure since then.
Your babblling Mr Westwall. Old Rocks is correct. Weatherman, a right-winger, seems to be the idiot in this conversation, arguing with HereWeGoAgain, another right-winger.. Most kids learn about the record of pole reversals as the Atlantic basin was formed by spreading from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in middle school. So, hey, I'm impressed.

Babbling? Really? How about a demonstration as to how I am babbling.
Record yourself on your phone reading your last post out loud. Then play it back to a perfect stranger and ask him what he thinks of it.

All that crap about PALEO? That was babbling. Bringing up the striping from the MAR (that every school kid knows) as if you'd dropped a scientific bombshell? That was babbling.

Global warming is real. The corrections are justified. AGW is valid. We need to act.

Them's the facts, Jack.
Record yourself on your phone reading your last post out loud. Then play it back to a perfect stranger and ask him what he thinks of it.

All that crap about PALEO? That was babbling. Bringing up the striping from the MAR (that every school kid knows) as if you'd dropped a scientific bombshell? That was babbling.

Global warming is real. The corrections are justified. AGW is valid. We need to act.

Them's the facts, Jack.

Paleo is the normal shortcut for referring to the fossil record so no, it is not babbling. olfraud was wrong, as you 'tards always are. olfraud brought up Steens mountains as a source for pole reversal evidence and while it is true it does indeed record pole reversals it has nothing to do with the more recent reversals. The nature of mountain building renders them immaterial. The MAR is THE most accurate record we have though the Juan De Fuca ridge likewise has a good record, though of much shorter duration. Funny how olfraud would choose a locale that is irrelevant while ignoring a local source that is quite good though of shorter duration.

Yes, global warming as a concept is real. The rality is it comes in cycles. We are currently static and possibly going cool. We honestly don't know yet. And no, NONE of the "corrections" are justified. They are a gross example of academic fraud. Something you silly people excel at.

AGW is a failed theory with little to no empirical evidence to support it any longer. Them's the facts, and yes we need to stop wasting money on your bullshit, so yes, we need to act now.
Paleo is the normal shortcut for referring to the fossil record so no, it is not babbling.

Babbling. Easily as bad as me correcting other folks' typos.

olfraud was wrong, as you 'tards always are.

That is a lie. Everything Old Rocks said was correct.

olfraud brought up Steens mountains as a source for pole reversal evidence

An indication that he's every bit the geologist he claims to be and more of one than you.

and while it is true it does indeed record pole reversals it has nothing to do with the more recent reversals.

So the fuck what? The discussion was not being limited or concentrating on RECENT pole reversals. Your scrambling for an excuse and losing.

The nature of mountain building renders them immaterial.

It renders them rare. And Steens is famous for being the first place that evidence for fast reversals were ever found.

The MAR is THE most accurate record we have though the Juan De Fuca ridge likewise has a good record, though of much shorter duration.

Wrong. The MAR is the longest record but like other proxies that have come up around here, its chronological resolution is poor. It was considered adequate until fast flipping was discovered at Steens.

Funny how olfraud would choose a locale that is irrelevant while ignoring a local source that is quite good though of shorter duration.

Funny how a fellow claiming a PhD in geology would fail to know the significance of Steens Mountain

Yes, global warming as a concept is real.

It's slightly more than a concept, numbnuts.

The rality is it comes in cycles. We are currently static and possibly going cool. We honestly don't know yet.

We know this:

And no, NONE of the "corrections" are justified. They are a gross example of academic fraud. Something you silly people excel at.

That opinion might actually have some value if at least one of all the deniers on Earth had ever actually examined the justifications provided by the various dataset holders. But you haven't. All you EVER do is look at the direction. If you think it's going to make warming look worse, you declare it a lie. Is that how your good science works?

AGW is a failed theory

That is a lie and a very stupid one. AGW is a very widely accepted theory.

with little to no empirical evidence to support it any longer.

Any longer? What does that mean? It has mountains of evidence. You just lack the balls to admit the truth.
Paleo is the normal shortcut for referring to the fossil record so no, it is not babbling.

Babbling. Easily as bad as me correcting other folks' typos.

olfraud was wrong, as you 'tards always are.

That is a lie. Everything Old Rocks said was correct.

olfraud brought up Steens mountains as a source for pole reversal evidence

An indication that he's every bit the geologist he claims to be and more of one than you.

and while it is true it does indeed record pole reversals it has nothing to do with the more recent reversals.

So the fuck what? The discussion was not being limited or concentrating on RECENT pole reversals. Your scrambling for an excuse and losing.

The nature of mountain building renders them immaterial.

It renders them rare. And Steens is famous for being the first place that evidence for fast reversals were ever found.

The MAR is THE most accurate record we have though the Juan De Fuca ridge likewise has a good record, though of much shorter duration.

Wrong. The MAR is the longest record but like other proxies that have come up around here, its chronological resolution is poor. It was considered adequate until fast flipping was discovered at Steens.

Funny how olfraud would choose a locale that is irrelevant while ignoring a local source that is quite good though of shorter duration.

Funny how a fellow claiming a PhD in geology would fail to know the significance of Steens Mountain

Yes, global warming as a concept is real.

It's slightly more than a concept, numbnuts.

The rality is it comes in cycles. We are currently static and possibly going cool. We honestly don't know yet.

We know this:

And no, NONE of the "corrections" are justified. They are a gross example of academic fraud. Something you silly people excel at.

That opinion might actually have some value if at least one of all the deniers on Earth had ever actually examined the justifications provided by the various dataset holders. But you haven't. All you EVER do is look at the direction. If you think it's going to make warming look worse, you declare it a lie. Is that how your good science works?

AGW is a failed theory

That is a lie and a very stupid one. AGW is a very widely accepted theory.

with little to no empirical evidence to support it any longer.

Any longer? What does that mean? It has mountains of evidence. You just lack the balls to admit the truth.

Bullshit. All you clowns are capable of is lying. When the data didn't fit your crappy computer models you "corrected" the data. As plain a case of data falsification as the world has ever seen. You silly people are propagandists and nothing more. Whenever real science rears its ugly head you criminals bury it and then claim that nothing needs to be talked about because it is all settled. Here's the deal silly man....the only people who don't argue about their subject matter are priests. Scientists LOVE to argue. It's our reason for being. The only people who don't argue are priests with their scriptures and assholes, like you, who have nothing. Nothing at all.

That's why you assholes are so desperate to suppress any sort of scientific discussion.
Then bring something to the argument. Refute the justifications being provided for those data corrections with something besides "I don't like it".

What a shit you are.
The Steens Mountain (Oregon) geomagnetic polarity transition: 1. Directional history, duration of episodes, and rock magnetism


The thick sequence of Miocene lava flows exposed on Steens Mountain in southeastern Oregon is well known for containing a detailed record of a reversed-to-normal geomagnetic polarity transition. Paleomagnetic samples were obtained from the sequence for a combined study of the directional and intensity variations recorded; the paleointensity study is reported in a companion paper. This effort has resulted in the first detailed history of total geomagnetic field behavior during a reversal of polarity. A comparison of the directional variation history of the reversed and normal polarity intervals on either side of the transition with the Holocene record has allowed an estimate of the duration of these periods to be made. These time estimates were then used to calculate accumulation rates for the volcanic sequence and thereby provide a means for estimating time periods within the transition itself. The polarity transition was found to consist of two phases, each with quite different characteristics. At the onset of the first phase, a one-third decrease in magnetic field intensity may have preceded the first intermediate field directions by about 600 years. Changes in field direction were confined near the local north-south vertical plane when the actual reversal in direction occurred and normal polarity directions may have been attained within 550±150 years. The end of the first phase of the transition was marked by a brief (possibly 100–300 years) period with normal polarity and a pretransitional intensity which suggests a quasi-normal dipole field structure existed during this interval. The second phase of the transition was characterized by a return to very low field intensities with the changes in direction describing a long counterclockwise loop in contrast to the earlier narrowly constrained changes. This second phase lasted 2900±300 years, and both normal directions and intensities were recovered at the same time. Both directional and intensity data document very erratic geomagnetic field behavior during the polarity transition. Changes in magnetic field direction were variable and occurred either (1) in a regular, progressive manner, (2) with sudden, extremely rapid angular changes (58°±21°/year), or (3) with little or no movement for periods of the order of 600±200 years. Changes in magnetic intensity occurred in a like manner and were sometimes correlated with changes in direction, but during other periods both directional and intensity changes occurred independently. Directional changes following the polarity transition occurred in a seemingly normal manner, although intensity fluctuations attest to some instability of the newly reestablished dipole.

The Steens Mountain (Oregon) geomagnetic polarity transition: 1. Directional history, duration of episodes, and rock magnetism - Mankinen - 1985 - Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth - Wiley Online Library

The Steens Mountain (Oregon) geomagnetic polarity transition: 2. Field intensity variations and discussion of reversal models


We carried out an extensive paleointensity study of the 15.5±0.3 m.y. Miocene reversed-to-normal polarity transition recorded in lava flows from Steens Mountain (south central Oregon). One hundred eighty-five samples from the collection whose paleodirectional study is reported by Mankinen et al. (this issue) were chosen for paleointensity investigations because of their low viscosity index, high Curie point and reversibility, or near reversibility, of the strong field magnetization curve versus temperature. Application of the Thellier stepwise double heating method was very successful, yielding 157 usable paleointensity estimates corresponding to 73 distinct lava flows. After grouping successive lava flows that did not differ significantly in direction and intensity, we obtained 51 distinguishable, complete field vectors of which 10 are reversed, 28 are transitional, and 13 are normal. The record is complex, quite unlike that predicted by simple flooding or standing nondipole field models. It begins with an estimated several thousand years of reversed polarity with an average intensity of 31.5±8.5 μT, about one third lower than the expected Miocene intensity. This difference is interpreted as a long-term reduction of the dipole moment prior to the reversal. When site directions and intensities are considered, truly transitional directions and intensities appear almost at the same time at the beginning of the transition, and they disappear simultaneously at the end of the reversal. Large deviations in declination occur during this approximately 4500±1000 year transition period that are compatible with roughly similar average magnitudes of zonal and nonzonal field components at the site. The transitional intensity is generally low, with an average of 10.9±4.9 μT for directions more than 45° away from the dipole field and a minimum of about 5 μT. The root-mean-square of the three field components X, Y, and Z are of the same order of magnitude for the transitional field and the historical nondipole field at the site latitude. However, a field intensity increase to pretransitional values occurs when the field temporarily reaches normal directions, which suggests that dipolar structure could have been briefly regenerated during the transition in an aborted attempt to reestablish a stationary field. Changes in the field vector are progressive but jerky, with at least two, and possibly three, large swings at astonishingly high rates. Each of those transitional geomagnetic impulses occurs when the field intensity is low (less than 10 μT) and is followed by an interval of directional stasis during which the magnitude of the field increases greatly. For the best documented geomagnetic impulse the rapid directional change corresponds to a vectorial intensity change of 6700±2700 nT yr−1, which is about 15–50 times larger than the maximum rate of change of the nondipole field observed during the last centuries. The occurrence of geomagnetic impulses seems to support reversal models assuming an increase in the level of turbulence within the liquid core during transitions. The record closes with an estimated several thousand years of normal polarity with an average intensity of 46.7±20.1 μT, agreeing with the expected Miocene value. However, the occurrence of rather large and apparently rapid intensity fluctuations accompanied by little change in direction suggests that the newly reestablished dipole was still somewhat unstable.

The Steens Mountain (Oregon) geomagnetic polarity transition: 2. Field intensity variations and discussion of reversal models - Prévot - 1985 - Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth - Wiley Online Library

The discussion involved the fact that Weatherman believed that a magnetic reversal would create the same kind of EMP flux that a nuclear burst or X class solar flare would. Not only is the flux of the magnetic field of the Earth far weaker, the speed of the change is slow enough that it would create no flux at all. Not only that, the Steens mountain basalts contain a very accurate record of the time and directional changes during the flip Much more accessable than those on the ocean floor.
Then bring something to the argument. Refute the justifications being provided for those data corrections with something besides "I don't like it".

What a shit you are.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: You're funny. How about you present us a compelling reason for the changes to occur.
Record yourself on your phone reading your last post out loud. Then play it back to a perfect stranger and ask him what he thinks of it.

All that crap about PALEO? That was babbling. Bringing up the striping from the MAR (that every school kid knows) as if you'd dropped a scientific bombshell? That was babbling.

Global warming is real. The corrections are justified. AGW is valid. We need to act.

Them's the facts, Jack.

That was the exact same theme 20 years ago......has moved nobody to any kind of significant action. Well......every year a bunch of scientists get together to banter about AGW for a couple of days but that's been the extent of it. Beyond that, nobody is caring........the facts indeed.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Paleo is the normal shortcut for referring to the fossil record so no, it is not babbling.

Babbling. Easily as bad as me correcting other folks' typos.

olfraud was wrong, as you 'tards always are.

That is a lie. Everything Old Rocks said was correct.

olfraud brought up Steens mountains as a source for pole reversal evidence

An indication that he's every bit the geologist he claims to be and more of one than you.

and while it is true it does indeed record pole reversals it has nothing to do with the more recent reversals.

So the fuck what? The discussion was not being limited or concentrating on RECENT pole reversals. Your scrambling for an excuse and losing.

The nature of mountain building renders them immaterial.

It renders them rare. And Steens is famous for being the first place that evidence for fast reversals were ever found.

The MAR is THE most accurate record we have though the Juan De Fuca ridge likewise has a good record, though of much shorter duration.

Wrong. The MAR is the longest record but like other proxies that have come up around here, its chronological resolution is poor. It was considered adequate until fast flipping was discovered at Steens.

Funny how olfraud would choose a locale that is irrelevant while ignoring a local source that is quite good though of shorter duration.

Funny how a fellow claiming a PhD in geology would fail to know the significance of Steens Mountain

Yes, global warming as a concept is real.

It's slightly more than a concept, numbnuts.

The rality is it comes in cycles. We are currently static and possibly going cool. We honestly don't know yet.

We know this:

And no, NONE of the "corrections" are justified. They are a gross example of academic fraud. Something you silly people excel at.

That opinion might actually have some value if at least one of all the deniers on Earth had ever actually examined the justifications provided by the various dataset holders. But you haven't. All you EVER do is look at the direction. If you think it's going to make warming look worse, you declare it a lie. Is that how your good science works?

AGW is a failed theory

That is a lie and a very stupid one. AGW is a very widely accepted theory.

with little to no empirical evidence to support it any longer.

Any longer? What does that mean? It has mountains of evidence. You just lack the balls to admit the truth.
I would like to correct something here. I am not a geologist, at least not yet. I am a 72 year old millwright, still working full time in a steel mill, and taking courses at a university toward getting a degree in Geology.

I have had a life long interest in geology, and have read journals since I was in my twenties. My fun is going out and exploring areas in the Western states. Gathered some trilobites and topaz near Delta, Utah. If I never finish, it will have been fun. However, most of my people, on both sides, live into their 90's. Some actively. So I might get a couple of decades to have some fun.

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