Pres. Donald Misleading, Lying or Confused On US Forces in Syria

Maybe someone here can clear up the confusion regarding US Troop strength in Syria. While he proclaimed no US troops were in the area being invaded and attacked by Turkish and Arab Militia forces, he later told a gathering of journalist US forces were no longer in Syria. He has also given the impression that at least some if not all number of US forces had left Syria. The Pentagon has reported while troops have been withdrawn from the invasion area, they remain in Syria and have only been deployed to other areas in Syria.

So, is our President misleading and lying to Americans and the world, or is he confused and or a horribly inept incompetent Commander in Chief.

Shouldn't commanders know where their soldiers are?
If you don't like Trump, don't read about him.
A nod is as good as a wink to a blind bat...
. Don't be a dupe.
You know, I've been posting about the crimes of Obama+administration in my home country of Ukraine for 5 years and almost everybody on this forum told me "Don't be a dupe." and posted whole bunch of useless and lying links. I have a feeling same thing is going on with Syria: your Media keeps you guys in the darkness.

But may be one day some Democrat who was involved in Syria will run for a president and you'll get to know some truth about Syria as well as about my corrupt country of Ukraine.

P.S. We DO need a deep and profound investigation of Obama's administration and Soros war crimes in Ukraine.

Ex-Ukraine prosecutor said he was told to back off probe of Biden-linked firm, files show
OK, if you're in the Ukraine, please start a thread answering the following questions. Who is more right the GOP or Biden?
1. Was the Burisma prosecutor Shokin corrupt as Biden claims, and do you support Biden's extortion of military aid top get him fired?
what happened to Burisma after Shokin was fired? (cleaned up, or more corrupt?)
2. Why did Hunter Biden get a $50,000 a month job? (who got what?)
3. What did Burisma get for that Hunter Biden money? (Soros protection?)
4. Does or did the Soros Group have major influence in the Ukraine? How? What money are they stealing?
5. Are the Bidens good guys or stooges for Soros?
6. WTF were the 4 Ukrainian guys who just got arrested trying to do? Don't they know that the FBI and NSA are really thorough?
7. I know that the Ukraine has billionaires like the US does, and governments have stooges that do the billionaire's bidding, but now that Zelensky was elected, has the government been cleaned up at all, or is it still corrupt just with a different set of crooks running things?
8. Why do you suspect Obama's admin and Soros' war crimes, please detail.
. Don't be a dupe.
You know, I've been posting about the crimes of Obama+administration in my home country of Ukraine for 5 years and almost everybody on this forum told me "Don't be a dupe." and posted whole bunch of useless and lying links. I have a feeling same thing is going on with Syria: your Media keeps you guys in the darkness.

But may be one day some Democrat who was involved in Syria will run for a president and you'll get to know some truth about Syria as well as about my corrupt country of Ukraine.

P.S. We DO need a deep and profound investigation of Obama's administration and Soros war crimes in Ukraine.

Ex-Ukraine prosecutor said he was told to back off probe of Biden-linked firm, files show
OK, if you're in the Ukraine, please start a thread answering the following questions. Who is more right the GOP or Biden?
1. Was the Burisma prosecutor Shokin corrupt as Biden claims, and do you support Biden's extortion of military aid top get him fired?
what happened to Burisma after Shokin was fired? (cleaned up, or more corrupt?)
2. Why did Hunter Biden get a $50,000 a month job? (who got what?)
3. What did Burisma get for that Hunter Biden money? (Soros protection?)
4. Does or did the Soros Group have major influence in the Ukraine? How? What money are they stealing?
5. Are the Bidens good guys or stooges for Soros?
6. WTF were the 4 Ukrainian guys who just got arrested trying to do? Don't they know that the FBI and NSA are really thorough?
7. I know that the Ukraine has billionaires like the US does, and governments have stooges that do the billionaire's bidding, but now that Zelensky was elected, has the government been cleaned up at all, or is it still corrupt just with a different set of crooks running things?
8. Why do you suspect Obama's admin and Soros' war crimes, please detail.
There should be a very profound and independent (of Soros puppets) investigation which should answer all your questions. Everything I can tell you now is: all the questions you listed MUST be answered and only after that the world will know a lot of ugly truth about Ukraine which will help Republicans against Dems quite a bit, many top Dems will go to prison and my home country will have chance to be deliberated and independent.
Zelensky has been helped to be elected by Ukrainian oligarch Kolomoysky who keeps increasing his income on the civil war in Donbass (as well as other top Ukrainian politicians and oligarchs including ex-president Poroshenko). As far as I know there are over 70% of Soros people in the new Zelensky's administration. My home country of Ukraine has been in dirty and bloody Soros hands since they overthrew a dully elected president in 2014 and started killing their own people for not excepting the coup, especially in Donbass.
Shokin was trying to legally do his job investigating the corrupt Bidens. I'm really concerned about his life as a witness to Bidens' crimes.
Watch the video below, you'll see what Ukrainians are shelling and whom they are killing, an American with a nickname "Texas" is showing the reality he has witnessed. Meanwhile all Western news, supporting Ukrainian version, are spreading nothing but lies about situation in SE Ukraine.

And yes. Soros sponsored Ukrainian coup and basically, controls Ukraine now at the same time spreading fake info about Ukraine using his loyal Media.

Leaked memo proves George Soros ruled Ukraine in 2014, minutes from 'Breakfast with US Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt'

Soros Ran US Foreign Policy on Post-Coup Ukraine

Leaked: George Soros 'Puppet Master' Behind Ukrainian Regime, Trails Of Corruption Revealed

George Soros admits to funding the Ukraine crisis - Hang The Bankers

P.S. Russian news have been truly highlighting all the events in Ukraine for all those long 5 years. Who paid any attention? Everybody called that "pravda" and laughed. However what's going on in the post-coup Ukraine now is a real tragedy for her people.
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Maybe someone here can clear up the confusion regarding US Troop strength in Syria. While he proclaimed no US troops were in the area being invaded and attacked by Turkish and Arab Militia forces, he later told a gathering of journalist US forces were no longer in Syria. He has also given the impression that at least some if not all number of US forces had left Syria. The Pentagon has reported while troops have been withdrawn from the invasion area, they remain in Syria and have only been deployed to other areas in Syria.

So, is our President misleading and lying to Americans and the world, or is he confused and or a horribly inept incompetent Commander in Chief.

Shouldn't commanders know where their soldiers are?

Only for some with less than normal mental capacity.
Maybe someone here can clear up the confusion regarding US Troop strength in Syria. While he proclaimed no US troops were in the area being invaded and attacked by Turkish and Arab Militia forces, he later told a gathering of journalist US forces were no longer in Syria. He has also given the impression that at least some if not all number of US forces had left Syria. The Pentagon has reported while troops have been withdrawn from the invasion area, they remain in Syria and have only been deployed to other areas in Syria.

So, is our President misleading and lying to Americans and the world, or is he confused and or a horribly inept incompetent Commander in Chief.

Shouldn't commanders know where their soldiers are?
Trumpov used to have 3 Generals in the WH.
Now the Lunatic is out of control.

Maybe someone here can clear up the confusion regarding US Troop strength in Syria. While he proclaimed no US troops were in the area being invaded and attacked by Turkish and Arab Militia forces, he later told a gathering of journalist US forces were no longer in Syria. He has also given the impression that at least some if not all number of US forces had left Syria. The Pentagon has reported while troops have been withdrawn from the invasion area, they remain in Syria and have only been deployed to other areas in Syria.

So, is our President misleading and lying to Americans and the world, or is he confused and or a horribly inept incompetent Commander in Chief.

Shouldn't commanders know where their soldiers are?
Trumpov used to have 3 Generals in the WH.
Now the Lunatic is out of control.

No, your posts are out of control-they make no sense, except for the hate shining thru.
Maybe someone here can clear up the confusion regarding US Troop strength in Syria. While he proclaimed no US troops were in the area being invaded and attacked by Turkish and Arab Militia forces, he later told a gathering of journalist US forces were no longer in Syria. He has also given the impression that at least some if not all number of US forces had left Syria. The Pentagon has reported while troops have been withdrawn from the invasion area, they remain in Syria and have only been deployed to other areas in Syria.

So, is our President misleading and lying to Americans and the world, or is he confused and or a horribly inept incompetent Commander in Chief.

Shouldn't commanders know where their soldiers are?
as usual--you provide NO evidence for your babbling crap = BULLSHIT
you are just babbling
How come no one can answer the question in the OP?
Maybe someone here can clear up the confusion regarding US Troop strength in Syria. While he proclaimed no US troops were in the area being invaded and attacked by Turkish and Arab Militia forces, he later told a gathering of journalist US forces were no longer in Syria. He has also given the impression that at least some if not all number of US forces had left Syria. The Pentagon has reported while troops have been withdrawn from the invasion area, they remain in Syria and have only been deployed to other areas in Syria.

So, is our President misleading and lying to Americans and the world, or is he confused and or a horribly inept incompetent Commander in Chief.

Shouldn't commanders know where their soldiers are?
If you don't like Trump, don't read about him.
True, but that would be unpatriotic and unAmerican. The patriotic and American thing the do is to oppose the incompetent compulsive serial lying malicious fool.
I realize this was just another "hit" thread on the President, but as a rule of thumb, I never trust what he says when it comes to .... much of anything. I don't know how this man gets so friggin screwed up, but it's obvious he isn't paying attention in his briefings. Since he was inaugurated, it's been clear he is half listening, at best, to whatever he's getting his information from--whether it be Fox or the Generals.
Ay, caramba.
Not a "hit thread". I post threads I think are important news and being largely ignored by media.
you post without evidence

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