Presbyterian Hymnal Problems

Mike Dwight

VIP Member
Jul 23, 2017
So, to bring about the final Presbyterian World Domination, look at these hymnals and decide the one out of place with me. Presbyterians always want to get in the government so don't be surprised, Reformed Government, who, me?
So here's some Presbyterian hymnals and one that just doesn't fit.

This isn't Literally a Presbyterian Ministers work. They wrote a few different or similar ones, they just copied God Save the Queen or Auld Lang Syne for those. But! Theories suggest student of Presbyterian Underwood, "Dosan" Ahn Changho might have made the Korean National Anthem Aegukga.

Scotland the Brave if that isn't enough is a good one in Scotland.

If we all turned over to Presbyterians Reformed Governance, hey, this would work out. Presbyterians led the political debate with Presbyterianism.

One Of TheSe Doesn't FiT At ALL BeCause its some 1958 invention by Ultra-Nationalists like Eisenhower.
I was just at PCUSA officialy had to sing this junk here.
So historically, not this, then? Like Woodrow Wilson, or Andrew Jackson, or like, all Presbyterianism... Oops we're sorry! Burn the history books!. Angry people, we surrender...
We're on a muckraking magazine salary, doesn't pay much, but there's a story to tell! Have you heard? Something fascinating about Chinatown families! 25 cents. So you're a good citizen that happens by interrogations conducted by social media by accosters. likely story! IP skills
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