Preserving Democracy


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
Republicans hope this election is about inflation and the border. They say these are the top two issues this election. First of all, bullshit. Unemployment is near zero. So the border is an issue but they aren't competing with us for jobs in fact our economy or corporations need them. 10 million unfilled jobs last I checked.

And inflation is being fixed. So it won't even be an issue come November. Plus inflation is not the worse in swing states. Mostly Texas, Florida and California.

Republicans don't realize how big of an issue abortion still is. They're hoping women have forgotten already or got over it. I don't think so.

Anyways, there's one issue that's important to voters I notice Republicans are ignoring.

A new poll found the economy and preserving democracy top the list of registered voters’ most important concerns when deciding who to vote for in the 2024 presidential election.

The new Quinnipiac poll found 30 percent of respondents said the economy was the most important issue to them when deciding who to vote for. This was closely followed by the 27 percent of respondents who said preserving democracy was their top issue.

Trump is not going to get any votes from the people who are concerned about preserving our democracy.
Republicans hope this election is about inflation and the border. They say these are the top two issues this election. First of all, bullshit. Unemployment is near zero. So the border is an issue but they aren't competing with us for jobs in fact our economy or corporations need them. 10 million unfilled jobs last I checked.

And inflation is being fixed. So it won't even be an issue come November. Plus inflation is not the worse in swing states. Mostly Texas, Florida and California.

Republicans don't realize how big of an issue abortion still is. They're hoping women have forgotten already or got over it. I don't think so.

Anyways, there's one issue that's important to voters I notice Republicans are ignoring.

A new poll found the economy and preserving democracy top the list of registered voters’ most important concerns when deciding who to vote for in the 2024 presidential election.

The new Quinnipiac poll found 30 percent of respondents said the economy was the most important issue to them when deciding who to vote for. This was closely followed by the 27 percent of respondents who said preserving democracy was their top issue.

Trump is not going to get any votes from the people who are concerned about preserving our democracy.

nobody with the slightest bit of sanity will vote for Trump or Biden.
Republicans hope this election is about inflation and the border. They say these are the top two issues this election. First of all, bullshit. Unemployment is near zero. So the border is an issue but they aren't competing with us for jobs in fact our economy or corporations need them. 10 million unfilled jobs last I checked.

And inflation is being fixed. So it won't even be an issue come November. Plus inflation is not the worse in swing states. Mostly Texas, Florida and California.

Republicans don't realize how big of an issue abortion still is. They're hoping women have forgotten already or got over it. I don't think so.

Anyways, there's one issue that's important to voters I notice Republicans are ignoring.

A new poll found the economy and preserving democracy top the list of registered voters’ most important concerns when deciding who to vote for in the 2024 presidential election.

The new Quinnipiac poll found 30 percent of respondents said the economy was the most important issue to them when deciding who to vote for. This was closely followed by the 27 percent of respondents who said preserving democracy was their top issue.

Trump is not going to get any votes from the people who are concerned about preserving our democracy.

Preserving Democracy​

Voters are hoping Biden will preserve our democracy?
Biden voters are even dumber than Biden.
another example of abject stupidity
Who you voting for? I think America is great now. Biden's infrastructure bill was long overdue. Obamacare helps millions of poor people. Inflation is being fixed. There are jobs available if you don't like yours.

That is the solution. Republicans used to tell me that in the Bush years. But in the Bush years, wages were low because for every 20 people looking there was 1 job available. It was an employers dream. Do you understand that? Republicans loved the 2000's. They broke the unions in the 2000's and caused a great recession that the rich benefited from. Wake up you dumb middle class conservative Americans with your god, gays and guns. They got you brainwashed on tax breaks to the rich, global warming isn't real, jesus christ people wake the fuck up!

And Unions won big last year on Biden's watch. Obama raised minimum wage. Even Christie and Ron D blame Trump for the inflation. So don't put it all on Biden.

Vote for Biden to preserve our Democracy. Make Trump go away. Biden will pardon Trump. He's a classy guy.
We "preserve" democracy by bringing down the power of the state against one man's attempts to even run for office?

We live in an Orwellian world, folks.
Who you voting for? I think America is great now. Biden's infrastructure bill was long overdue. Obamacare helps millions of poor people. Inflation is being fixed. There are jobs available if you don't like yours.

That is the solution. Republicans used to tell me that in the Bush years. But in the Bush years, wages were low because for every 20 people looking there was 1 job available. It was an employers dream. Do you understand that? Republicans loved the 2000's. They broke the unions in the 2000's and caused a great recession that the rich benefited from. Wake up you dumb middle class conservative Americans with your god, gays and guns. They got you brainwashed on tax breaks to the rich, global warming isn't real, jesus christ people wake the fuck up!

And Unions won big last year on Biden's watch. Obama raised minimum wage. Even Christie and Ron D blame Trump for the inflation. So don't put it all on Biden.

Vote for Biden to preserve our Democracy. Make Trump go away. Biden will pardon Trump. He's a classy guy.
Who you voting for?

if the choices are Biden or Trump, I'll leave that space

NEITHER man should be allowed within 100 miles of DC.
We "preserve" democracy by bringing down the power of the state against one man's attempts to even run for office?

We live in an Orwellian world, folks.
Trump reminds me more of the Superman comics. Life imitates art. I wonder if this is where Trump got the idea.

President Luthor is an event seen in several worlds of the Multiverse when Superman's nemesis Lex Luthor becomes President of the U.S. Government. This happened in the mainstream DC Universe, where Lex Luthor became the 43rd President following Bill Clinton (instead of George W. Bush).
if the choices are Biden or Trump, I'll leave that space

NEITHER man should be allowed within 100 miles of DC.
Well, I find that weird. Here's why. You know what kind of judges conservatives appoint. And you know what kind of judges liberals appoint. Which judges do you prefer? Liberal or conservative. It's that simple.
Well, I find that weird. Here's why. You know what kind of judges conservatives appoint. And you know what kind of judges liberals appoint. Which judges do you prefer? Liberal or conservative. It's that simple.
Liberal or conservative.

I prefer judges that follow the law, not make up their own version.
and please don't bring up RvW. Even Ruth said that was badly decided.

It's that simple.

so are you.
Which one are you?

I prefer judges that follow the law, not make up their own version.
and please don't bring up RvW. Even Ruth said that was badly decided.

so are you.
Your answer leads me to believe you are going to vote for Trump.

Liberal judges follow the law. Con judges have a conservative/perverted interpretation of what is and isn't constitutional. Do you think social security is unconstitutional? Then you're a con.

Sandra Day warned that con judges weren't following stari decisis. She was appointed by Reagan. So what we have is Bush and Trump justice waging a social war on us by going along with Bush in 2000 and Trump now on all his cases. Delay, until after the election. We see. Siding with corporations 100% of the time over We the People and the Environment. They are literally legislating from the bench.
Your answer leads me to believe you are going to vote for Trump.

Liberal judges follow the law. Con judges have a conservative/perverted interpretation of what is and isn't constitutional. Do you think social security is unconstitutional? Then you're a con.

Sandra Day warned that con judges weren't following stari decisis. She was appointed by Reagan. So what we have is Bush and Trump justice waging a social war on us by going along with Bush in 2000 and Trump now on all his cases. Delay, until after the election. We see. Siding with corporations 100% of the time over We the People and the Environment. They are literally legislating from the bench.
Your answer leads me to believe you are going to vote for Trump.
Haven't voted for him yet.
Trump reminds me more of the Superman comics. Life imitates art. I wonder if this is where Trump got the idea.

President Luthor is an event seen in several worlds of the Multiverse when Superman's nemesis Lex Luthor becomes President of the U.S. Government. This happened in the mainstream DC Universe, where Lex Luthor became the 43rd President following Bill Clinton (instead of George W. Bush).
Bobo, Sweetie, I'm really sorry to be the one who has to tell you this, but you are really quite stupid.

You should restrict yourself to reading comic books instead of attempting to discuss politics.

Trump is simply a man. No more, no less.
nobody with the slightest bit of sanity will vote for Trump or Biden.
Some might say, sitting it out, not voting is not the correct answer. There are indeed bigger issues, than what the parties want to be the discussion and what they don't want to be the discussion. This is going to be another picking between the lessor of evils again.

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