Preserving My Children’s Innocence Is Preserving White supremacy.

Sorry, didn't happen that way. What happened was that when Repukes stripped away all those good union jobs, Moms had to go into the workforce.

Not because of the feminists nor the gummit, but because the 1% is too fucking greedy.

But you keep greasing up your butthole for the Plutocrats, buddy.

How did Republicans strip away good union jobs? Republicans had nothing to do with industry or their hiring. Right-to-Work states didn't come out until decades later. All the moms that were around in the 60's and 70's that I knew of remained as stay-at-home wives.

Plus your argument fails the smell test. Not all jobs were union back then. In fact, only one-third of the jobs were union, and unions didn't always guarantee a good paying job. When I was a kid, I worked two union jobs at minimum wage.

50 Years Of Shrinking Union Membership, In One Map
According to your chart, the drop started under Bush and Obama actually won some ground back.. According to your chart. but obviously, "Chart Reading" isn't one of those skills you picked up.

Maybe look at the chart again and try using glasses this time.

The CPI adjusted started to drop (from 10%) at the recession and ended up in 2015 at around 6%. Six is lower than ten Joe. It continued to drop right through DumBama's first term well into half of his second. And with that slight blip you are referring to, it started to go back down again.
That is utter bull. Unions are what helped close down shops and making them move out of state or out of the country. We've lost several customers because of stupid unions.

Right. Frakly, I've never worked in a union shop outside my time in the service when I had to deal with gov. workers. I've seen plenty of non-union shops get closed down, usually because of shitty management decisions that often hastened the demise of the company.

For your information, Democrats supported the same trade deals. Remember it was Bill Clinton that signed NAFTA into law.

After Bush-41 negotiated it. And Republicans in Congress approved it.

Furthermore is that unions should not have the right to force potential employees into their union against their will. Unions should not have the power to force companies to overpay people working monkey jobs and promoting people that are absolutely worthless in the company because they were with the company for a length of time.

Why not? Frankly, I've never seen a company where they promoted on the basis of merit. The good people usually leave for better paying gigs (which is what I usually end up doing).

As far as Im concerned, "working monkeys" getting paid fair wages is better for the economy than a few rich douchebags making six and seven figures.

Guy, we've tried it your way. Everything since Ronnie Raygun has been a fucking disaster. I'm sort of done with the oky-dokes from the plutocrats....

But you'll sit there, let your boss FUCK you out of good health insurance, and blame the black guy.

Why not? Frankly, I've never seen a company where they promoted on the basis of merit. The good people usually leave for better paying gigs (which is what I usually end up doing).

As far as Im concerned, "working monkeys" getting paid fair wages is better for the economy than a few rich douchebags making six and seven figures.

Guy, we've tried it your way. Everything since Ronnie Raygun has been a fucking disaster. I'm sort of done with the oky-dokes from the plutocrats....

But you'll sit there, let your boss FUCK you out of good health insurance, and blame the black guy.

That's because I had insurance coverage my entire life until the black guy. My employer even told me that it's because of Commie Care he was getting out of providing coverage.

After Bush-41 negotiated it. And Republicans in Congress approved it.

And so did Democrats, so quit saying it was a partisan issue.

Right. Frakly, I've never worked in a union shop outside my time in the service when I had to deal with gov. workers. I've seen plenty of non-union shops get closed down, usually because of shitty management decisions that often hastened the demise of the company.

This is true, union and non-union places do close up. But the companies I delivered crates to (so they could pack their equipment and move to Brazil or somewhere) did so because of unions. On a few occasions I even spoke to the union workers. Their claim is the company was trying to F them, so they held their ground even though the company was moving. I asked if backing down a bit was worth keeping their job? They said F the job, the union promised them they would find another good paying job for them. Boy did those clowns get taken to the cleaners.
How did Republicans strip away good union jobs? Republicans had nothing to do with industry or their hiring. Right-to-Work states didn't come out until decades later. All the moms that were around in the 60's and 70's that I knew of remained as stay-at-home wives.

Most of the ones I knew went to work. When Reagan declared open season on unions, that's when it started.

This is true, union and non-union places do close up. But the companies I delivered crates to (so they could pack their equipment and move to Brazil or somewhere) did so because of unions. On a few occasions I even spoke to the union workers. Their claim is the company was trying to F them, so they held their ground even though the company was moving. I asked if backing down a bit was worth keeping their job? They said F the job, the union promised them they would find another good paying job for them. Boy did those clowns get taken to the cleaners.

Right, I'm betting you blame short skirts for rapes, too.

Ever notice that with you, it's always the victims fault.

Thug cop shoots a child. Well, that child shouldn't have been playing.
Greedy company outsources jobs, well, those guys were demanding fair pay. How dare they?
Unemployment is different to not being in employment. If a person makes it rich and doesn't work and doesn't collect unemployment benefits, they're not unemployed. That's why you have unemployment statistics. The number of people not in employment but not unemployed doesn't matter so much, unless of course the Republicans or Democrats decided to go on about it and confuse the hell out of people.

Nope, it's the way they've been taking those surveys for years.

If you are out of a job and looking for one, you are considered part of the workforce. If you are not working nor looking for a job, you are not in the workforce. It doesn't matter whether you are collecting unemployment or not. Believe it or not, many of the unemployed never collect unemployment.

Many jobless in U.S. don't collect unemployment

So unemployment is calculated basically by those in the workforce not working and looking for work. If you would add all those people not considered in the workforce, your unemployment numbers would be much higher.

I do know what this statistic means. I'm just worried about why you think this is important.

You have a child and you want to stay home and look after it. You don't look for a job, you're not counted as unemployed. Why would you be?

Unemployment statistics are people who are looking for work, who want to work but can't. The higher the number the more people the govt is giving money to, rather than collecting taxes, and the more people are fed up with life etc.

Unemployment is basically calculated by those people who are unemployed. WOW. That's, like, totally amazing dude.

What's the point here?
I do know what this statistic means. I'm just worried about why you think this is important.

You have a child and you want to stay home and look after it. You don't look for a job, you're not counted as unemployed. Why would you be?

Unemployment statistics are people who are looking for work, who want to work but can't. The higher the number the more people the govt is giving money to, rather than collecting taxes, and the more people are fed up with life etc.

Unemployment is basically calculated by those people who are unemployed. WOW. That's, like, totally amazing dude.

What's the point here?

My point is that unemployment is not counted by how many people are getting unemployment checks. They do surveys to find out if there are any working age people in the household, how many there are, what their employment status is, and if they are looking for a job or not.

Like any survey, it's a sample, but that's how they've always done it and base their unemployment numbers on how the questions were answered.
How did Republicans strip away good union jobs? Republicans had nothing to do with industry or their hiring. Right-to-Work states didn't come out until decades later. All the moms that were around in the 60's and 70's that I knew of remained as stay-at-home wives.

Most of the ones I knew went to work. When Reagan declared open season on unions, that's when it started.

This is true, union and non-union places do close up. But the companies I delivered crates to (so they could pack their equipment and move to Brazil or somewhere) did so because of unions. On a few occasions I even spoke to the union workers. Their claim is the company was trying to F them, so they held their ground even though the company was moving. I asked if backing down a bit was worth keeping their job? They said F the job, the union promised them they would find another good paying job for them. Boy did those clowns get taken to the cleaners.

Right, I'm betting you blame short skirts for rapes, too.

Ever notice that with you, it's always the victims fault.

Thug cop shoots a child. Well, that child shouldn't have been playing.
Greedy company outsources jobs, well, those guys were demanding fair pay. How dare they?

Right, I'm betting you blame short skirts for rapes, too.

Ever notice that with you, it's always the victims fault.

Thug cop shoots a child. Well, that child shouldn't have been playing.
Greedy company outsources jobs, well, those guys were demanding fair pay. How dare they?

The union decides what fair pay is? Fair pay is decided by the employer--not the employee or union. Manufacturers have to leave the country thanks to unions because their overseas competition takes their customers by the dozens every month. They have no real choice. The American consumer is not going to buy a widget made in the USA by union workers if they can get it cheaper from China for half the price. Talk about blaming the victim........

Continuing to lie about the Rice case only makes your stance even weaker. Give it up already.

Most of the ones I knew went to work. When Reagan declared open season on unions, that's when it started.

He did no such thing. He fired the air traffic controllers and that's about it.
I do know what this statistic means. I'm just worried about why you think this is important.

You have a child and you want to stay home and look after it. You don't look for a job, you're not counted as unemployed. Why would you be?

Unemployment statistics are people who are looking for work, who want to work but can't. The higher the number the more people the govt is giving money to, rather than collecting taxes, and the more people are fed up with life etc.

Unemployment is basically calculated by those people who are unemployed. WOW. That's, like, totally amazing dude.

What's the point here?

My point is that unemployment is not counted by how many people are getting unemployment checks. They do surveys to find out if there are any working age people in the household, how many there are, what their employment status is, and if they are looking for a job or not.

Like any survey, it's a sample, but that's how they've always done it and base their unemployment numbers on how the questions were answered.

And do you find that they are inaccurate?

Seeing as there are 23.1% of people unemployed receiving unemployment benefits


You'd have to suggest that the figure of the number of people unemployed is HIGHER than it would be if we took just those receiving benefits.


Probably the figure is the lowest in the Midwest, and higher in those places with 99 weeks.

However you appeared to be trying to show that unemployment rates were higher than they actually are. Do you have any evidence for this?
The union decides what fair pay is? Fair pay is decided by the employer--not the employee or union. Manufacturers have to leave the country thanks to unions because their overseas competition takes their customers by the dozens every month. They have no real choice. The American consumer is not going to buy a widget made in the USA by union workers if they can get it cheaper from China for half the price. Talk about blaming the victim........

Yes, in your world, Big Corporation are the victims of mean old unions making sure they can't abuse workers.

Saying a manufacturer has to go to a third world shithole is like saying a rapist has to sodomize that girl in the short skirt because she was just asking for it.

He did no such thing. He fired the air traffic controllers and that's about it.

Exactly. He sent a loud and clear message that if you screw working people, government will not have their back.
The union decides what fair pay is? Fair pay is decided by the employer--not the employee or union. Manufacturers have to leave the country thanks to unions because their overseas competition takes their customers by the dozens every month. They have no real choice. The American consumer is not going to buy a widget made in the USA by union workers if they can get it cheaper from China for half the price. Talk about blaming the victim........

Yes, in your world, Big Corporation are the victims of mean old unions making sure they can't abuse workers.

Saying a manufacturer has to go to a third world shithole is like saying a rapist has to sodomize that girl in the short skirt because she was just asking for it.

He did no such thing. He fired the air traffic controllers and that's about it.

Exactly. He sent a loud and clear message that if you screw working people, government will not have their back.

Yes, in your world, Big Corporation are the victims of mean old unions making sure they can't abuse workers.

Saying a manufacturer has to go to a third world shithole is like saying a rapist has to sodomize that girl in the short skirt because she was just asking for it.

That shows how much you know about the subject. I've talked with business owners, managers and workers alike when they began the moving process. American business owners do not want to leave their very own country for an extra couple of bucks. But again, they have no choice because people like you are out to get the best deal possible. You're not going to pay $3,500 for that union American made big screen. You'll do like everybody else, you'll gladly buy the foreign made one for $1,800.

I spoke with the manager of the last company that moved out on us. He wasn't supposed to discuss the move, but we worked together for years and he opened up to me.

The business lost their lease on the building they were in, so they had to relocate. Moving all that machinery cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars. The cost is in ripping all those machines down, loading them, unloading them when they get to the new place, and then reassembling them. The transportation part was actually reasonable.

They had countless meetings on the move, and their original plan was to stay in the Cleveland area. But after examining the costs involved, for a few thousand more, they could go down south and get away from the unions. They had to offer their employees jobs at the new place, but who the hell would pack up and move for a blue-collar job? The manager I spoke with decided to move with the company, but the other couldn't convince his family to make the move.

This is what happens all the time with union shops.

Exactly. He sent a loud and clear message that if you screw working people, government will not have their back.

If I remember correctly, the air traffic controllers broke their contract because they were not allowed to strike, but did so anyhow. But Reagan (outside of that situation) had nothing to do with breaking up the unions, that was the consumers call.
That shows how much you know about the subject. I've talked with business owners, managers and workers alike when they began the moving process. American business owners do not want to leave their very own country for an extra couple of bucks.

Again, the rapist will claim she led him on, he had no c hoice, he's sick...whatever. it's horseshit.

It's nothing but greed, tot he level of stupidity. If people can't make a decent living, people can't buy your products, no matter how cheap you make them. And eventually, people just end up voting for socialism.

"The Capitalist will sell us the rope we use to hang him"- Vladimir Lenin.
Again, the rapist will claim she led him on, he had no c hoice, he's sick...whatever. it's horseshit.

It's nothing but greed, tot he level of stupidity. If people can't make a decent living, people can't buy your products, no matter how cheap you make them. And eventually, people just end up voting for socialism.

"The Capitalist will sell us the rope we use to hang him"- Vladimir Lenin.

Can you explain how you sell your overpriced products to customers that don't want them?

Why do you suppose Walmart is number one today? How about Sam's club? People are drawn to the lowest prices. They will not buy products from a company that pays their floor sweepers 50K plus benefits a year. They won't buy products from companies that pay people to turn nuts onto bolts for 40K a year either.

Employee costs are passed down to the product, and people refuse to buy products that are overpriced in comparison to the same imported products. The American consumer won't support high paying monkey jobs nor will they support paying humans for something that machines can do for much cheaper. If they did, these companies would be more than happy to provide. But companies that sell products cater to the demands of their customers, and their customers demand cheap prices.
I always buy American on principle. So would most people.

But you'll sit there and whine about how the rich aren't making enough while your boss cheats you out of health care...

And then you blame the black guy.


No, most people don't buy American. That's the point. Most people buy whatever is cheapest. Do you think the number one store in America is selling mostly American made products? Think again.
McShoooty couldn't handle himself on a gun range, which is why he was fired. He clearly couldn't make a good judgement call here, either.

So what was a good judgement call, wait until the gun is pointed at you and the first bullet comes out?

Wait to make sure that isn't a child, make sure he heard you and understood,

but fuck it, it was a darkie, they don't have any rights...

What is poverty? Poverty is not having enough money.

What is the solution to poverty? Money.

How does one get money? Getting a job, working a lot of hours if needed, and not spending on anything you don't need to spend money on.

Says the guy who whines and snivels that he can't get good health coverage though his work, and it's all Obama's fault.

So a younger person doesn't have the ability to shoot a gun? Interesting. I bet the parents of Jacob Hall, the 6 year old killed in Townville, SC that will be buried today disagrees being that a 14 year old used a gun to kill his dad then Jacob.
William Bonney and Jesse James were both killers by age 15.
You mean like unions that create situations where shitty employees can't be gotten rid of without an act of congress?

again, I've seen too many shitty employees kept around because they are pals with the boss, and too many good employees fucked over for petty reasons. Unions aren't the problem in the workforce.

If 40% of those households have someone working, they don't need food stamps. If they do, tells me the one working isn't offering much in the way of skills.

If the only job someone can get is Walmart of McDonalds, tells me they don't have much to offer in skills.

No, it tells me that big corporations will screw working people. We have adjunct professors on food stamps and pilots selling their blood plasma.

Most born out of wedlock have their fathers in their lives? Prove it. If they do, then why do those of us not those fathers get the bill when the mother raising them can't support herself or her kids. If he's in the life of his child, wouldn't that mean the costs to the rest of us wouldn't be there? That's right. You say things that aren't true then expect the rest of us to believe you.

For Millennials, Out-of-Wedlock Childbirth Is the Norm. Now What?

Not all of those mothers were single: Many were living with partners. Among high school graduates, depicted in the chart below, for instance, 28 percent of children were born to cohabiting couples. Combine that with the 41 percent of children born to married couples, then most babies were born into two-parent households.

actually, you repeat whatever shit you heard on Hate Radio and think it's true. that's kind of the problem.

The first problem is you think that there's a permanent welfare class. there isn't. Welfare isn't a hammock, it's a safety net.

This new data follows participation from 2009 to 2012. And it reveals, across those four years, that the vast majority of people receiving welfare — about 63 percent — participated in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program for cumulatively less than 12 months. Less than 10 percent were enrolled in the program for most of that time. Similarly, about a third of people using food stamps and Medicaid were what the Census would consider “short-term program participants.” And the same is true of about a quarter of people getting housing assistance.

Of course, a big cause of this isn't out of wedlock birth, it's divorce..

Reason: In-depth study: After divorce, 44% of women fell into poverty

The income decline that follows divorce, particularly among women, is well documented. Divorcing or separating mothers are 2.83 times more likely to be in poverty than those who remain married.

Following a divorce, the parent with custody of the children experiences a 52 percent drop in his or her family income.

The children of divorced mothers are less likely to earn incomes in the top third of the income distribution, regardless of where in the income distribution their parents’ income fell.

No, it tells me that big corporations will screw working people. We have adjunct professors on food stamps and pilots selling their blood plasma.


again, I've seen too many shitty employees kept around because they are pals with the boss, and too many good employees fucked over for petty reasons. Unions aren't the problem in the workforce.

That is utter bull. Unions are what helped close down shops and making them move out of state or out of the country. We've lost several customers because of stupid unions.

As a truck driver, I could write a book on union workers; much of it comedy because it's so unrealistic to believe. If I went to make a delivery to a company I was totally unfamiliar with, I could tell you within ten minutes if they were union or not simply by the attitude of the workers--particularly shipping and receiving.
I don't doubt it. I figure Joey was a typical goldbricking slacker!
I always buy American on principle. So would most people.

But you'll sit there and whine about how the rich aren't making enough while your boss cheats you out of health care...

And then you blame the black guy.


No, most people don't buy American. That's the point. Most people buy whatever is cheapest. Do you think the number one store in America is selling mostly American made products? Think again.
Not to mention...I recall Joey drives a Mexican-built car.
Wow Joe, look at this! Something that never happens in America today and it happened right here in the Cleveland area! A white guy with a toy gun was killed by police officers in an all white suburb. Of course I'm assuming the police officers were white as well.

The thing is, he wasn't pointing the gun at police. They just shot and killed this white guy while he was driving away. What do you make of that Joe???

How long before the national media picks up on this Joe? After all, if this guy was black, it would have made MSM an hour after it happened. How long before your news agencies cover this story in Chicago? Let me know, will ya?

I guess I better prepare for the riots, don't you think Joe? You know what animals those white suburbia people can turn into.

Real Crime, Fake Gun? Westlake police investigate after robbery suspect killed

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