Preserving My Children’s Innocence Is Preserving White supremacy.

The "Furgeson effect" is bullshit. Just like the claims that more cops are being killed when 2016 was the second lowest year for police fatalties on record.

The Ferguson effect debunked: The theory not only lacks evidence, it makes no sense

If anything is causing the problem, it's that the communities no longer trust a police force that drives in from the suburbs and goes home to them at night.

Right, Could you have picked anymore of a joke site than that?

The Ferguson effect
Nobody gets paid to be a sitting duck for criminals to shoot at them. Nobody would take the job, just like nobody would take the job if politicians and liberals disabled them from self-defense or threat. You claim to love black people so much, but this Ferguson effect is all across the nation. Cops won't go the extra mile to protect the black public and it's costing many black lives. But of course, you don't care about that as long as the police have no authority in the black community. You don't care if a thousand black people get shot and killed, just as long as not one of them is by a white officer.

The "Furgeson effect" is bullshit. Just like the claims that more cops are being killed when 2016 was the second lowest year for police fatalties on record.

The Ferguson effect debunked: The theory not only lacks evidence, it makes no sense

If anything is causing the problem, it's that the communities no longer trust a police force that drives in from the suburbs and goes home to them at night.

With Ferguson, all that matters is a piece of shit thug got what he deserved and can no longer be a burden on society.
No, the problem isn't that. The problem is that people play the partisan game instead of looking at the real problems.

Take the 2A. The right claim it means something it clearly does not mean, bear arms does not mean carry arms, it means militia duty. However the left then fight against the right by attacking what the right say, and not knowing what it means either. A massive mess.

This has been an age old debate. The founders did not mean exclusively for the militia. Even the founders realized that we would not have militias forever. Militias would eventually evolve into a military which the founders wanted citizens to have equal firepower against.

I'm here to tell you most of our problems stem from liberalism.

Well I'm here to tell you all our problems stem from dragons.

Yeah, let's play this bullshit game. Let's pretend that we live in some simplistic world where we don't need to think too much and we can put the blame on whoever we choose and it'll be true, true because we've decided that it's true.

Again, the reason why the US is going downhill, because the majority of people live in their own little fantasy world and decide that the solution to problems are whatever the hell they decide they are. The refrigerator is broken, hell, it's the sink's fault, let's change one part and tell everyone how great we are, then when the refrigerator doesn't work again, let's blame the person we got in to fix the sink.
Ah, the American way of "solving problems", er.. you can't, so don't bother.

Do you know why the US is going downhill? I'm going to suggest this sort of attitude is why.

America is going downhill in many ways. Which way were you referring to?

Most of the problems we have in this country is liberalism.

No, the problem isn't that. The problem is that people play the partisan game instead of looking at the real problems.

Take the 2A. The right claim it means something it clearly does not mean, bear arms does not mean carry arms, it means militia duty. However the left then fight against the right by attacking what the right say, and not knowing what it means either. A massive mess.

Since carry is a synonym for bear, you would be incorrect about not meaning the same.

As for the military, my state's laws say in Section 25-1-60:

(A) The militia of this State consists of all able-bodied persons over seventeen years of age who are:
(1) citizens of the United States residing within this State;
(2) citizens of the United States bound by law, lawful order, or contract to serve in the militia or military forces of this State; or
(3) persons who have declared their intention to become citizens of the United States and are bound by law, lawful order, or contract to serve in the militia or military forces of this State.

(B) The militia is divided into three classes:
(1) the National Guard;
(2) the organized militia not in National Guard service; and
(3) the unorganized militia.

Since I'm over 17, able bodied, and a citizen of the U.S. residing in the State, it makes me part of the militia. Under the 2nd Amendment and according to my State's laws, I, according to YOUR words meet what the 2nd amendment guarantees me the right to do.
Well I'm here to tell you all our problems stem from dragons.

Yeah, let's play this bullshit game. Let's pretend that we live in some simplistic world where we don't need to think too much and we can put the blame on whoever we choose and it'll be true, true because we've decided that it's true.

There are not many advantages to getting older, but one advantage is being able to make comparisons of yesterday to today.

I think society and life in general was much better with less government. I think people having integrity and pride was better than submitting to failure. I think rewarding success and criticizing failure made a better country than doing the opposite which we do today. I think punishing criminals was better than pandering to them. I think there was more morality in the country than before we took God out of it. I think we were better off when we didn't make excuses for our failures, and instead, tried to overcome them. I think we had a better society when you were considered the gender you were born instead of what gender you think you are. I think society was much better off when children were raised in a normal two-parent family, and I don't mean two queers.

I've witnessed a lifetime of decay thanks to liberalism. If you want to call that blaming the sink because the refrigerator is broken, then go right ahead.
Well I'm here to tell you all our problems stem from dragons.

Yeah, let's play this bullshit game. Let's pretend that we live in some simplistic world where we don't need to think too much and we can put the blame on whoever we choose and it'll be true, true because we've decided that it's true.

There are not many advantages to getting older, but one advantage is being able to make comparisons of yesterday to today.

I think society and life in general was much better with less government. I think people having integrity and pride was better than submitting to failure. I think rewarding success and criticizing failure made a better country than doing the opposite which we do today. I think punishing criminals was better than pandering to them. I think there was more morality in the country than before we took God out of it. I think we were better off when we didn't make excuses for our failures, and instead, tried to overcome them. I think we had a better society when you were considered the gender you were born instead of what gender you think you are. I think society was much better off when children were raised in a normal two-parent family, and I don't mean two queers.

I've witnessed a lifetime of decay thanks to liberalism. If you want to call that blaming the sink because the refrigerator is broken, then go right ahead.

The problem you have is that you've seen change, and you've decided you know what caused that change just because you saw it happen. But often what we see isn't the whole story.

Go to China, a country that is safe. I mean their murder rate is much, much lower than the US's murder rate, you can walk the streets of big cities at night, even being a woman, and not have problems, almost no ghettos or no-go areas, (I've heard of them, one in Beijing, but still probably much safer than US cities). Large, I mean massive government that is in people's lives, and yet people are getting richer, they're getting better lives.

So, potentially big govt can make things better too. So a Chinese person would have the exact opposite view to yours.

You've witnessed a lifetime of decay, and you're trying to pass it off as the fault of liberals. But do you know this? No, you just choose to decide it's true.

The question is, do you want to know the truth or not? Maybe you're too set in your ways to give a damn about changing your views.
The problem you have is that you've seen change, and you've decided you know what caused that change just because you saw it happen. But often what we see isn't the whole story.

Go to China, a country that is safe. I mean their murder rate is much, much lower than the US's murder rate, you can walk the streets of big cities at night, even being a woman, and not have problems, almost no ghettos or no-go areas, (I've heard of them, one in Beijing, but still probably much safer than US cities). Large, I mean massive government that is in people's lives, and yet people are getting richer, they're getting better lives.

So, potentially big govt can make things better too. So a Chinese person would have the exact opposite view to yours.

You've witnessed a lifetime of decay, and you're trying to pass it off as the fault of liberals. But do you know this? No, you just choose to decide it's true.

The question is, do you want to know the truth or not? Maybe you're too set in your ways to give a damn about changing your views.

If you get up in the middle of the night and stub your toe against the doorway, it's pretty reasonable to assume that it's not just bad luck. You decided to walk around without turning the lights on. You decided to cut corners and rush to the bathroom.

It's a simple matter of cause and effect. You see a problem, and then examine what caused the problem. It's the only reasonable thing to do.

We have more people not working nor looking for work since the early 70's. We also have an administration that promotes government dependency. If you can't see a correlation between these two, then you are partisan and refuse to seek answers.

We have young black males getting shot by police. We have record high out of wedlock births in the black community. Coincidence?

We now have the fattest people on earth in this country. We also have people that look at their four walls for entertainment. Our kids are not playing sports, they are playing text or sports on the internet or video games. Is the problem what they are eating?
Preserving My Children’s Innocence Is An Act Of Preserving White supremacy.

A familiar colloquialism is “let kids be kids.” But of course, not all kids are granted this privilege. Tamir Rice certainly was not afforded this privilege. Trayvon Martin was not afforded this privilege. Dajerria Becton was not afforded this privilege. The Black and brown children racially profiled on my neighborhood listserves are not afforded this privilege. Children who do not have their basic needs met due to poverty are not afforded this privilege.

I want my children to explore, play and enjoy the world around them. I also want them to understand that injustice exists. If I am unwilling to unveil how systems of oppression work, I’m playing into the notion that my children’s innocence is more fragile and more important than other children who do not have the option to have their innocence preserved. White supremacy lives on through this choice.

It is simply never going to end. Never.
Evidence of intellectual white supremacy.

The problem you have is that you've seen change, and you've decided you know what caused that change just because you saw it happen. But often what we see isn't the whole story.

Go to China, a country that is safe. I mean their murder rate is much, much lower than the US's murder rate, you can walk the streets of big cities at night, even being a woman, and not have problems, almost no ghettos or no-go areas, (I've heard of them, one in Beijing, but still probably much safer than US cities). Large, I mean massive government that is in people's lives, and yet people are getting richer, they're getting better lives.

So, potentially big govt can make things better too. So a Chinese person would have the exact opposite view to yours.

You've witnessed a lifetime of decay, and you're trying to pass it off as the fault of liberals. But do you know this? No, you just choose to decide it's true.

The question is, do you want to know the truth or not? Maybe you're too set in your ways to give a damn about changing your views.

If you get up in the middle of the night and stub your toe against the doorway, it's pretty reasonable to assume that it's not just bad luck. You decided to walk around without turning the lights on. You decided to cut corners and rush to the bathroom.

It's a simple matter of cause and effect. You see a problem, and then examine what caused the problem. It's the only reasonable thing to do.

We have more people not working nor looking for work since the early 70's. We also have an administration that promotes government dependency. If you can't see a correlation between these two, then you are partisan and refuse to seek answers.

We have young black males getting shot by police. We have record high out of wedlock births in the black community. Coincidence?

We now have the fattest people on earth in this country. We also have people that look at their four walls for entertainment. Our kids are not playing sports, they are playing text or sports on the internet or video games. Is the problem what they are eating?

Like I said, you're argument appears to be that you stub your toe and blame it on the next door neighbor because it can't possibly be your fault.

Cause and effect. You're dealing with complex issues and trying to come up with the simplest form of cause you can find, one that suits your view of the world.

Okay, there are more people not working than there were before. Your view is to blame liberals for this. How convenient and simple that is. You've managed to completely ignore all the changes and issues that have happened in the last 40 years and simply go for something that you can easily understand. "It's their fault".

I'm going to challenge you on this.

Current Unemployment Rates for States and Historical Highs/Lows

US states by unemployment rate.

1) Alaska. A Republican state, with all Republican representatives in Washington.
2) Nevada. A Republican leaning state with 4 our of 6 representatives in Washington being Republican
3) New Mexico. Middle of the road state, 4 out of 5 Representatives in Washington being Democrat, but Governor and House being Republican and Senate being Democrat.

The average rate for states who have voted Democrat at the last 4 Presidential elections is 4.70, the average for states who have voted Republican at the last 4 president elections is 4.77. The average for the other states is 4.63.

Not much difference, but it suggests that states that mix up their politics are likely to do better here.

Nothing suggests that left or right in these matters makes much difference.

Yes, there is a thing about dependency. You have to remember here, I'm not saying Democrats haven't had their share of causing problems. You're saying they are TOTALLY responsible. I'm saying that they're HALF responsible and Republicans share the other half.

For example, the fattest people on Earth. I'd say the Republicans share a large portion of this. When people try and change things in schools, the Right jump up and down screaming "indoctrination", which then prevents anything getting done.

The political infighting, the partisan bullshit that gets spread day in day out means people don't look for the solutions, they look for ways of defeating their opponent.

The current Presidential election is a perfect example of this.

What are Trump's policies on anything other than the wall? Who the hell knows? Who cares? Most Americans don't seem to care, they're getting their entertainment and they'll go to the polls voting for whoever has entertained them the most.

This is why the US is going downhill.
Not much difference, but it suggests that states that mix up their politics are likely to do better here.

Nothing suggests that left or right in these matters makes much difference.

Yes, there is a thing about dependency. You have to remember here, I'm not saying Democrats haven't had their share of causing problems. You're saying they are TOTALLY responsible. I'm saying that they're HALF responsible and Republicans share the other half.

Fair enough. So what policy(s) have Republicans sponsored that contributed to government dependency?

As to your unemployment numbers, no state is totally Republican or Democrat. They are pretty close in most cases. Also, one of the biggest contributors to todays unemployment numbers are those who dropped out of the workforce. If enough people drop out of the workforce, that lowers the unemployment rate be it state or federal. If the "out of workforce" numbers were the same today as when DumBama took office, our unemployment rate would probably be closer to the 7% range.

So what your numbers may also suggest is that less people are dropping out of the workforce in Republican states than Democrat states.
Well I'm here to tell you all our problems stem from dragons.

Yeah, let's play this bullshit game. Let's pretend that we live in some simplistic world where we don't need to think too much and we can put the blame on whoever we choose and it'll be true, true because we've decided that it's true.

There are not many advantages to getting older, but one advantage is being able to make comparisons of yesterday to today.

I think society and life in general was much better with less government. I think people having integrity and pride was better than submitting to failure. I think rewarding success and criticizing failure made a better country than doing the opposite which we do today. I think punishing criminals was better than pandering to them. I think there was more morality in the country than before we took God out of it. I think we were better off when we didn't make excuses for our failures, and instead, tried to overcome them. I think we had a better society when you were considered the gender you were born instead of what gender you think you are. I think society was much better off when children were raised in a normal two-parent family, and I don't mean two queers.

I've witnessed a lifetime of decay thanks to liberalism. If you want to call that blaming the sink because the refrigerator is broken, then go right ahead.

The problem you have is that you've seen change, and you've decided you know what caused that change just because you saw it happen. But often what we see isn't the whole story.

Go to China, a country that is safe. I mean their murder rate is much, much lower than the US's murder rate, you can walk the streets of big cities at night, even being a woman, and not have problems, almost no ghettos or no-go areas, (I've heard of them, one in Beijing, but still probably much safer than US cities). Large, I mean massive government that is in people's lives, and yet people are getting richer, they're getting better lives.

So, potentially big govt can make things better too. So a Chinese person would have the exact opposite view to yours.

You've witnessed a lifetime of decay, and you're trying to pass it off as the fault of liberals. But do you know this? No, you just choose to decide it's true.

The question is, do you want to know the truth or not? Maybe you're too set in your ways to give a damn about changing your views.

Increased dependency on the government, which is decay, has occurred over the last 50 years. Strange that it coincides with the start of the Great Society and all sorts of social welfare programs. Are you saying Conservatives put those programs in place?

The illegitimate birth rate, a sign of decay, has increased over the past 50 years. Strange that it coincides with social welfare programs exploding. Are you saying Conservatives put those programs in place?
I don't talk about shooting anyone. The reason I haven't been shot by police has nothing to do with color but, as I said, not putting myself in a situation where a cop could feel threatened.

The way you talk about people not being able to own guns, the only reason you won't try to take them yourself is because you're a fucking coward afraid to put into action what he says in words.

So he doesn't talk about shooting people, and then he talks about shooting people. Sweet.
I don't talk about shooting anyone. The reason I haven't been shot by police has nothing to do with color but, as I said, not putting myself in a situation where a cop could feel threatened.

The way you talk about people not being able to own guns, the only reason you won't try to take them yourself is because you're a fucking coward afraid to put into action what he says in words.

So he doesn't talk about shooting people, and then he talks about shooting people. Sweet.

Where did I say anything in that post about shooting someone? I said you're a coward that says what should happen then won't do a damn thing yourself about it.
I'm here to tell you most of our problems stem from liberalism.

Then how come all the fucked up stuff- wars, recessions - only seem to happen when REpublican "conservatives" are in power.

Fair enough. So what policy(s) have Republicans sponsored that contributed to government dependency?

Well, to start with, Republicans sponsored "Right to work" laws, which has contributed to poverty. It's made it a lot easier for greedy rich people to screw over the people who do the actual work. They also support "At-Will Employment" laws that make it easier to fire people on a whim. And they, of course, are the ones who supported every bad free trade deal that came along.

It's why 40% of households that utilize food stamps have at least one person with a job.

Increased dependency on the government, which is decay, has occurred over the last 50 years. Strange that it coincides with the start of the Great Society and all sorts of social welfare programs. Are you saying Conservatives put those programs in place?

The illegitimate birth rate, a sign of decay, has increased over the past 50 years. Strange that it coincides with social welfare programs exploding. Are you saying Conservatives put those programs in place?

No, what the republicans put into place are the laws that made it easier for the wealth to shift from the working class to the investor class. You see, if you want to talk about the last 50 years, of those, Republicans have been in charge for 30 of them (Nixon, Ford, Reagan and the Bush Crime Family)

You see, the real problem isn't that people aren't investing in an outmoded social construct to make families. (Most children born out of wedlock have their fathers in their lives, and a lot of children born in wedlock don't, because divorce.) The problem is, those father and mothers end up working shit jobs for companies like WalMart and McDonalds, who tell their employees on their website how to apply for food stamps and section 8.

How low-wage employers cost taxpayers $153B a year
Where did I say anything in that post about shooting someone? I said you're a coward that says what should happen then won't do a damn thing yourself about it.

yup... Crazzy white people talking about shooting people, because they know they won't get shot because they are white.
With Ferguson, all that matters is a piece of shit thug got what he deserved and can no longer be a burden on society.

Great. Now if we can get the police to shoot a bunch of inbred rednecks, who are even a greater burden on society. some of them actually have guns.

Fact is, if they sh ot those rednecks in Oregon earlier in the year, you'd be screaming bloody murder.
With Ferguson, all that matters is a piece of shit thug got what he deserved and can no longer be a burden on society.

Great. Now if we can get the police to shoot a bunch of inbred rednecks, who are even a greater burden on society. some of them actually have guns.

Fact is, if they sh ot those rednecks in Oregon earlier in the year, you'd be screaming bloody murder.

Michael Brown gone. Cry harder, bitch.

Facts require proof. Do you have any about how I would have reacted with Oregon? Didn't think so;.
I'm here to tell you most of our problems stem from liberalism.

Then how come all the fucked up stuff- wars, recessions - only seem to happen when REpublican "conservatives" are in power.

Fair enough. So what policy(s) have Republicans sponsored that contributed to government dependency?

Well, to start with, Republicans sponsored "Right to work" laws, which has contributed to poverty. It's made it a lot easier for greedy rich people to screw over the people who do the actual work. They also support "At-Will Employment" laws that make it easier to fire people on a whim. And they, of course, are the ones who supported every bad free trade deal that came along.

It's why 40% of households that utilize food stamps have at least one person with a job.

Increased dependency on the government, which is decay, has occurred over the last 50 years. Strange that it coincides with the start of the Great Society and all sorts of social welfare programs. Are you saying Conservatives put those programs in place?

The illegitimate birth rate, a sign of decay, has increased over the past 50 years. Strange that it coincides with social welfare programs exploding. Are you saying Conservatives put those programs in place?

No, what the republicans put into place are the laws that made it easier for the wealth to shift from the working class to the investor class. You see, if you want to talk about the last 50 years, of those, Republicans have been in charge for 30 of them (Nixon, Ford, Reagan and the Bush Crime Family)

You see, the real problem isn't that people aren't investing in an outmoded social construct to make families. (Most children born out of wedlock have their fathers in their lives, and a lot of children born in wedlock don't, because divorce.) The problem is, those father and mothers end up working shit jobs for companies like WalMart and McDonalds, who tell their employees on their website how to apply for food stamps and section 8.

How low-wage employers cost taxpayers $153B a year

You mean like unions that create situations where shitty employees can't be gotten rid of without an act of congress?

If 40% of those households have someone working, they don't need food stamps. If they do, tells me the one working isn't offering much in the way of skills.

If the only job someone can get is Walmart of McDonalds, tells me they don't have much to offer in skills.

Most born out of wedlock have their fathers in their lives? Prove it. If they do, then why do those of us not those fathers get the bill when the mother raising them can't support herself or her kids. If he's in the life of his child, wouldn't that mean the costs to the rest of us wouldn't be there? That's right. You say things that aren't true then expect the rest of us to believe you.
Where did I say anything in that post about shooting someone? I said you're a coward that says what should happen then won't do a damn thing yourself about it.

yup... Crazzy white people talking about shooting people, because they know they won't get shot because they are white.

Yet you post nothing I said about shooting people.

Proof with quote about what you claim I said? Didn't think so.
...Take the 2A. The right claim it means something it clearly does not mean, bear arms does not mean carry arms, it means militia duty...
The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled to the contrary time and again. I will defer to their opinion in this instance.

... ...However the left then fight against the right by attacking what the right say, and not knowing what it means either. A massive mess.
Indeed. Both Left and Right are oftentimes guilty of this, in any number of contexts.

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