Preserving My Children’s Innocence Is Preserving White supremacy.

Preserving My Children’s Innocence Is An Act Of Preserving White supremacy.

A familiar colloquialism is “let kids be kids.” But of course, not all kids are granted this privilege. Tamir Rice certainly was not afforded this privilege. Trayvon Martin was not afforded this privilege. Dajerria Becton was not afforded this privilege. The Black and brown children racially profiled on my neighborhood listserves are not afforded this privilege. Children who do not have their basic needs met due to poverty are not afforded this privilege.

I want my children to explore, play and enjoy the world around them. I also want them to understand that injustice exists. If I am unwilling to unveil how systems of oppression work, I’m playing into the notion that my children’s innocence is more fragile and more important than other children who do not have the option to have their innocence preserved. White supremacy lives on through this choice.

It is simply never going to end. Never.

What in that article do you disagree with? Should kids be kept locked in their houses playing video games and eating Cheetos (and home-schooled, of course) because "it's scary out there"? Is that your idea of a "normal" childhood?

The article is insinuating that children should feel "guilty." Get em young.
The right to be secure in one's person begins with the individual's right to self preservation.
If that results in the use of deadly force, then so be it.
Let us not be remiss, it is the attacker, the criminal, that decides to engage the innocent for the purpose of causing harm.

The problem becomes when we assume a stranger approaching is an attacker, and protect ourselves from them and subsequently learn they were harmless. How you view the world is how you respond to it. I own no guns, which is not to say I oppose gun ownership. But if your view of strangers is one of fear, it you may feel threatened by any approaching stranger.
Even when black and brown people obey the police - they get shot. Like that guy lying on the ground with his hands in the air - he got shot.

It's not the black and brown people that are the problem.

Really? So what happened to that officer? Is he free today and roaming the streets with a badge on?

Yes he is.
Oh thank God. For one moment I thought you were talking about the lie propagated by the pathetic left wing media in regards to that fat thug in Ferguson who was justifiably shot.

Thank God you do not buy that fucking lie.

Oh, and let us all know how many cops have been killed, BY BLACKS in this country over the last two years. Good luck googling that. It does not provide the information.

Dragonlady? Are you Asian, or do you smell? I am guessing it is because you smell. Like every other pathetic stupid hairy smelly left wing moronic woman.
Preserving My Children’s Innocence Is An Act Of Preserving White supremacy.

A familiar colloquialism is “let kids be kids.” But of course, not all kids are granted this privilege. Tamir Rice certainly was not afforded this privilege. Trayvon Martin was not afforded this privilege. Dajerria Becton was not afforded this privilege. The Black and brown children racially profiled on my neighborhood listserves are not afforded this privilege. Children who do not have their basic needs met due to poverty are not afforded this privilege.

I want my children to explore, play and enjoy the world around them. I also want them to understand that injustice exists. If I am unwilling to unveil how systems of oppression work, I’m playing into the notion that my children’s innocence is more fragile and more important than other children who do not have the option to have their innocence preserved. White supremacy lives on through this choice.

It is simply never going to end. Never.

What in that article do you disagree with? Should kids be kept locked in their houses playing video games and eating Cheetos (and home-schooled, of course) because "it's scary out there"? Is that your idea of a "normal" childhood?

The article is insinuating that children should feel "guilty." Get em young.

I thought that was what religion was for. :dunno:
The right to be secure in one's person begins with the individual's right to self preservation.
If that results in the use of deadly force, then so be it.
Let us not be remiss, it is the attacker, the criminal, that decides to engage the innocent for the purpose of causing harm.

The problem becomes when we assume a stranger approaching is an attacker, and protect ourselves from them and subsequently learn they were harmless. How you view the world is how you respond to it. I own no guns, which is not to say I oppose gun ownership. But if your view of strangers is one of fear, it you may feel threatened by any approaching stranger.
"The problem becomes when we assume a stranger approaching is an attacker, and protect ourselves from them and subsequently learn they were harmless"
I neither stated nor implied any such thing....And most people see good in everyone.
Please don't take this down the incorrect path.
My focus here is tied directly to the aspect of criminal activity. Such as a home invasion. Or an attack on a person...Or the typical car jacking. Leave the straw man arguments at the door.
Preserving My Children’s Innocence Is An Act Of Preserving White supremacy.

A familiar colloquialism is “let kids be kids.” But of course, not all kids are granted this privilege. Tamir Rice certainly was not afforded this privilege. Trayvon Martin was not afforded this privilege. Dajerria Becton was not afforded this privilege. The Black and brown children racially profiled on my neighborhood listserves are not afforded this privilege. Children who do not have their basic needs met due to poverty are not afforded this privilege.

I want my children to explore, play and enjoy the world around them. I also want them to understand that injustice exists. If I am unwilling to unveil how systems of oppression work, I’m playing into the notion that my children’s innocence is more fragile and more important than other children who do not have the option to have their innocence preserved. White supremacy lives on through this choice.

It is simply never going to end. Never.

Women like this Shannon Gaggero shouldn't be allowed to have children, they're not normal in the membrane, they're brainwashing their own children by inflicting their own psychological issues onto them.

When you put Social Justice BEFORE the preservation of your own childrens innocence and future you shouldn't be allowed to have any children.

Normal parents consider the welfare of their children as their first priority of being a parent.

I don't give a crap about any of the things that the SJW like Shannon Gaggero freak about, I don't care about what problems the people have that the Shannon Gaggero's are bedwetting about, they have nothing to do with me.

As a white person, I do NOT have White Guilt and there are many millions of us who don't care about White Guilt, all the bedwetting and propaganda goes in one ear and out of the other. I'm not ashamed to be white, why should I be and no amount of screeching from the SJW nutballs is going to change anything of what I think or what I do.

They should quit whilst they're behind and get professional psychological help with their complexes and their deep-seated self-hatred.
Here we have a member of the Alt-Right wanting to determine who can and who can't have children. Who else did that?
Posted by an Alzheimers Leftie...yo....
The problem becomes when we assume a stranger approaching is an attacker, and protect ourselves from them and subsequently learn they were harmless. How you view the world is how you respond to it. I own no guns, which is not to say I oppose gun ownership. But if your view of strangers is one of fear, it you may feel threatened by any approaching stranger.

Which happens how often?

If a citizen shoots and/or kills an innocent person, that shooter will go to jail. If a police officer commands a suspect that makes a move contrary to the officers orders, and is perceived as a threat, the officer has the legal right to defend himself with deadly force. He can't wait to see an actual gun being pointed at his head before he reacts. Too many officers have died by acting too slowly.

So again, to avoid being shot by police, just obey the commands of the officer, and you will survive with no serious injuries. Every case where an officer is involved in a justified shooting had one thing in common: the suspect refused to obey the orders of police.
I went and moved in with my girlfriends parents, worked their farm to earn my keep. You see, it might sound strange to you by today's standards; but people haven't always run to the nanny state to solve thier problems. Typically when they do thier problems multiply. Another thing this "child" knew when, I decided I was ready to make my own way in this world.
Infantilizing people is new. Historically boys and girls took on responsibility at very young ages. You worked on your girlfriend's farm. Historically responsibility aside from just chores were assumed at ten years old or so. A boy of ten went hunting with his father. By 12 he was expected to put meat on the table alone. Girls started being productive at 8 or so.

Keeping an extended babyhood is new and it's been getting extended year by year. Now babyhood is extended to age 26, with men and women nearly 30 still expecting mom and dad to take care of them. I have been out of the house and on my own since I was 15. I worked from age 14. It does not do a person any good to be a child until their hair turns gray.
So again, to avoid being shot by police, just obey the commands of the officer, and you will survive with no serious injuries. Every case where an officer is involved in a justified shooting had one thing in common: the suspect refused to obey the orders of police.

Not true, there have been numerous instances where people have complied with police orders, and were shot anyway.
Not true, there have been numerous instances where people have complied with police orders, and were shot anyway.

Nope, not in justified shootings. Any police officer that shot and/or killed a suspect that complied with the orders of police are prosecuted and usually imprisoned.
I love how liberals believe good people don't have the right to protect themselves, especially using deadly force.

Here are some crazy ideas:

When a police officer gives you an order, just obey the order.
Don't attack people--especially in states that allow victims to defend themselves with firearms.

Nah........way too complicated for liberals to understand. These are the very same people that couldn't punch a hole in a card to vote.

Um, okay, let's look at that.

Bundy and his followers waived around guns for weeks, and nobody shot them, because they were white.

Dylan Roof murdered 9 people in a church, and they took him alive and took him to Burger King because the poor dear looked peckish.

Meanwhile, Tamir Rice was shot one second after Officer Weepy jumped out of the car. Because he was black.

Yup, but it's clearly your own fault if you are black and get shot. Silly darkie, rights are for white people.
Um, okay, let's look at that.

Bundy and his followers waived around guns for weeks, and nobody shot them, because they were white.

Dylan Roof murdered 9 people in a church, and they took him alive and took him to Burger King because the poor dear looked peckish.

Meanwhile, Tamir Rice was shot one second after Officer Weepy jumped out of the car. Because he was black.

Yup, but it's clearly your own fault if you are black and get shot. Silly darkie, rights are for white people.

You leftists with your racism already. More white suspects get shot and killed by police than blacks every year. The thing is only blacks get the attention from the MSM. White people won't riot or burn police cars when a white suspect gets shot and killed. White people understand that the police had to do what they had to do. Nobody takes joy in killing another human being.
So again, to avoid being shot by police, just obey the commands of the officer, and you will survive with no serious injuries. Every case where an officer is involved in a justified shooting had one thing in common: the suspect refused to obey the orders of police.

Not true, there have been numerous instances where people have complied with police orders, and were shot anyway.
Thats bullshit.
Now you will provide verifiable proof. Or shut the hell up.....
The right to protect themselves, or the ability to be fucking stupid and end someone's life just because they're fucking stupid.
Not only that, they end up living in a society that's less safe.

Less safe? How is that?

And how would my solutions to these problems NOT work? They are very simple. Easy to follow. Effortless actually.

No safe as in the US isn't safer than other first world countries.
Yep. The liberal utopias really screw the stats. Remove the seven largest liberal utopias from the equation and America is the safest country on the planet. Libs need to get their shit together.
Thread title bothers me and perpetuates a meme that hinders racial healing.

And to be fair I didn't read the op so maybe it served a purpose but I doubt it.
The right to protect themselves, or the ability to be fucking stupid and end someone's life just because they're fucking stupid.
Not only that, they end up living in a society that's less safe.

Less safe? How is that?

And how would my solutions to these problems NOT work? They are very simple. Easy to follow. Effortless actually.

No safe as in the US isn't safer than other first world countries.
Yep. The liberal utopias really screw the stats. Remove the seven largest liberal utopias from the equation and America is the safest country on the planet. Libs need to get their shit together.

You're going to have to prove that.

Alaska has a rape rate FIVE TIMES higher than New York State's.

Louisiana has the largest prison population and the highest murder rate of any state in the country

Crime Rate by State, 2014

Nevada has the highest robbery rate and Alaska (again) has the highest aggravated assault rate.

This is what happens when you ACTUALLY BACK UP YOUR "view".

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