Preserving My Children’s Innocence Is Preserving White supremacy.

The Senate can legally sit on its hands on this issue for as long as it decides, assuming they maintain the majority, and a backbone.


After this election, another one is just around the corner and those up for reelection are not going to give their opponent ammunition.
I think the notion of children's "innocence" is largely bullshit.

No kids, I take it?

no. probably just not a bigoted lowlife

ONly a "bigoted lowlife" believes in the notion of "children's innocence"? LOL!!!

YOu lefties are completely full of shit.

It's ironic that you say that because the real matter here is that I'm just far more educated and intelligent than you. If you bothered to read you'd see that I already explained how the concept of children's "innocence" relies on a presumption that humans are inherently evil in adulthood. You should read Nietzsche. He does a very good job of obliterating the folly of humanity operating on a presumption that we are so deficient.

It is interesting that someone as "educated and intelligent" as you doesn't realize that education and intelligence are irrelevant to an accusation of being a "bigoted lowlife".

But if feel a need to pat yourself on the back, go right ahead. A good self image is healthy.

BUT back to the topic.

THe concept of children's innocence does NOT rest of the idea that humans are inherently evil in adulthood.

It rests on the idea that there is Evil in the World, and that children don't need to face that until they are ready.
I can testify to what happens in other countries. Though I don't think you actually can tell what happens just by being there. You might pick up a few pointers, but mostly you tell by statistics and the like.

Yes, there are lots of correlations but as we know you have to be very careful.

Changes that have happened. The internet.

Did you know that the ease of availability of hard core porn has helped reduce sexual crimes?

Entertainment has changed immensely. It's a different world out there now.

How is Hillary going to put "a bunch of leftist commies on the court"? Come on, the President doesn't just automatically pick the Supreme Court justices, they do have to be ratified through the Senate.

Yes they do, but the Senate has been stalling for nearly a year and they can't hold off any longer. They said they are going to wait until the next President gets elected and they have to stick to it. the MSM will rip them a new one if they don't confirm somebody and confirm somebody fast.

That puts the ball back in Hillary's court (no pun intended) and she can nominate the left of the leftists and Republicans would be disabled from rejecting her picks, especially if they did lose leadership in the Senate.

Sure, but they won't just accept anyone. If Hillary puts in a "commie", which is highly unlikely seeing as she's not Communist and there probably aren't many federal court judges who are Communist either. She'd definitely put forward someone who is more to the left, but what does that mean? Not necessarily much. The current left leaning court justices would find it hard to turn the right to keep arms around, let alone just one more left leaning justice.

I don't see the Republicans in the Senate going through all this effort to prevent Obama getting a new justice to then see Hillary nominate someone that far left.
Preserving My Children’s Innocence Is An Act Of Preserving White supremacy.

A familiar colloquialism is “let kids be kids.” But of course, not all kids are granted this privilege. Tamir Rice certainly was not afforded this privilege. Trayvon Martin was not afforded this privilege. Dajerria Becton was not afforded this privilege. The Black and brown children racially profiled on my neighborhood listserves are not afforded this privilege. Children who do not have their basic needs met due to poverty are not afforded this privilege.

I want my children to explore, play and enjoy the world around them. I also want them to understand that injustice exists. If I am unwilling to unveil how systems of oppression work, I’m playing into the notion that my children’s innocence is more fragile and more important than other children who do not have the option to have their innocence preserved. White supremacy lives on through this choice.

It is simply never going to end. Never.
Teach and motivate your children...and they will be capable of success without the governments help. Just ask Colon....he knows.
Preserving My Children’s Innocence Is An Act Of Preserving White supremacy.

A familiar colloquialism is “let kids be kids.” But of course, not all kids are granted this privilege. Tamir Rice certainly was not afforded this privilege. Trayvon Martin was not afforded this privilege. Dajerria Becton was not afforded this privilege. The Black and brown children racially profiled on my neighborhood listserves are not afforded this privilege. Children who do not have their basic needs met due to poverty are not afforded this privilege.

I want my children to explore, play and enjoy the world around them. I also want them to understand that injustice exists. If I am unwilling to unveil how systems of oppression work, I’m playing into the notion that my children’s innocence is more fragile and more important than other children who do not have the option to have their innocence preserved. White supremacy lives on through this choice.

It is simply never going to end. Never.
Teach and motivate your children...and they will be capable of success without the governments help. Just ask Colon....he knows.

Bbbbut white people raised him.
Preserving My Children’s Innocence Is An Act Of Preserving White supremacy.

A familiar colloquialism is “let kids be kids.” But of course, not all kids are granted this privilege. Tamir Rice certainly was not afforded this privilege. Trayvon Martin was not afforded this privilege. Dajerria Becton was not afforded this privilege. The Black and brown children racially profiled on my neighborhood listserves are not afforded this privilege. Children who do not have their basic needs met due to poverty are not afforded this privilege.

I want my children to explore, play and enjoy the world around them. I also want them to understand that injustice exists. If I am unwilling to unveil how systems of oppression work, I’m playing into the notion that my children’s innocence is more fragile and more important than other children who do not have the option to have their innocence preserved. White supremacy lives on through this choice.

It is simply never going to end. Never.

Women like this Shannon Gaggero shouldn't be allowed to have children, they're not normal in the membrane, they're brainwashing their own children by inflicting their own psychological issues onto them.

When you put Social Justice BEFORE the preservation of your own childrens innocence and future you shouldn't be allowed to have any children.

Normal parents consider the welfare of their children as their first priority of being a parent.

I don't give a crap about any of the things that the SJW like Shannon Gaggero freak about, I don't care about what problems the people have that the Shannon Gaggero's are bedwetting about, they have nothing to do with me.

As a white person, I do NOT have White Guilt and there are many millions of us who don't care about White Guilt, all the bedwetting and propaganda goes in one ear and out of the other. I'm not ashamed to be white, why should I be and no amount of screeching from the SJW nutballs is going to change anything of what I think or what I do.

They should quit whilst they're behind and get professional psychological help with their complexes and their deep-seated self-hatred.
Here we have a member of the Alt-Right wanting to determine who can and who can't have children. Who else did that?
When a police officer gives you an order, just obey the order.
Don't attack people--especially in states that allow victims to defend themselves with firearms.

Nah........way too complicated for liberals to understand. These are the very same people that couldn't punch a hole in a card to vote.

Even when black and brown people obey the police - they get shot. Like that guy lying on the ground with his hands in the air - he got shot.

It's not the black and brown people that are the problem.
Even when black and brown people obey the police - they get shot. Like that guy lying on the ground with his hands in the air - he got shot.

It's not the black and brown people that are the problem.

Really? So what happened to that officer? Is he free today and roaming the streets with a badge on?
Sure, but they won't just accept anyone. If Hillary puts in a "commie", which is highly unlikely seeing as she's not Communist and there probably aren't many federal court judges who are Communist either. She'd definitely put forward someone who is more to the left, but what does that mean? Not necessarily much. The current left leaning court justices would find it hard to turn the right to keep arms around, let alone just one more left leaning justice.

I don't see the Republicans in the Senate going through all this effort to prevent Obama getting a new justice to then see Hillary nominate someone that far left.

Sure they would because at least we stood a 50/50 chance at a Republican winning the White House. That would guarantee they could put somebody(s) on the bench that's not a leftist. It was a gamble that they are taking a chance on.

A leftist court would almost guarantee we lose our rights as citizens to carry or own firearms. And no change in the government will ever change that back because SC justices are there for life. They could rule that amnesty by the President is within her jurisdiction, they can rule that the Fairness Doctrine does not interfere with freedom of speech. They can rule that anybody has the right to vote in this country legal or not which would turn our country into a single-party government for generations to come. They can rule any leftist way they desire.

There is an extreme danger here that people better wake up to, because this may be our last chance to preserve our country, constitution and freedoms.
Sure, but they won't just accept anyone. If Hillary puts in a "commie", which is highly unlikely seeing as she's not Communist and there probably aren't many federal court judges who are Communist either. She'd definitely put forward someone who is more to the left, but what does that mean? Not necessarily much. The current left leaning court justices would find it hard to turn the right to keep arms around, let alone just one more left leaning justice.

I don't see the Republicans in the Senate going through all this effort to prevent Obama getting a new justice to then see Hillary nominate someone that far left.

Sure they would because at least we stood a 50/50 chance at a Republican winning the White House. That would guarantee they could put somebody(s) on the bench that's not a leftist. It was a gamble that they are taking a chance on.

A leftist court would almost guarantee we lose our rights as citizens to carry or own firearms. And no change in the government will ever change that back because SC justices are there for life. They could rule that amnesty by the President is within her jurisdiction, they can rule that the Fairness Doctrine does not interfere with freedom of speech. They can rule that anybody has the right to vote in this country legal or not which would turn our country into a single-party government for generations to come. They can rule any leftist way they desire.

There is an extreme danger here that people better wake up to, because this may be our last chance to preserve our country, constitution and freedoms.

You say it would "almost guarantee", based on what?

I don't see it.
I think the notion of children's "innocence" is largely bullshit.

No kids, I take it?

no. probably just not a bigoted lowlife

ONly a "bigoted lowlife" believes in the notion of "children's innocence"? LOL!!!

YOu lefties are completely full of shit.

It's ironic that you say that because the real matter here is that I'm just far more educated and intelligent than you. If you bothered to read you'd see that I already explained how the concept of children's "innocence" relies on a presumption that humans are inherently evil in adulthood. You should read Nietzsche. He does a very good job of obliterating the folly of humanity operating on a presumption that we are so deficient.

Where do you get these crazy notions? It doesn't mean that at all. Lol. Children are innocent in the fact that they are inexperienced, haven't been on this earth for very long, and are not cynical.
I love how liberals believe good people don't have the right to protect themselves, especially using deadly force.

Here are some crazy ideas:

When a police officer gives you an order, just obey the order.
Don't attack people--especially in states that allow victims to defend themselves with firearms.

Nah........way too complicated for liberals to understand. These are the very same people that couldn't punch a hole in a card to vote.

The right to protect themselves, or the ability to be fucking stupid and end someone's life just because they're fucking stupid.
Not only that, they end up living in a society that's less safe.
The right to be secure in one's person begins with the individual's right to self preservation.
If that results in the use of deadly force, then so be it.
Let us not be remiss, it is the attacker, the criminal, that decides to engage the innocent for the purpose of causing harm.
I don't feel guilty about white privilege that supposedly exist.
White privilege?
do you mean like, having to worry about every word that comes out of your mouth just because someone somewhere might be offended and label you a racist?
or, not getting jobs or promotions because the white boss has to put a minority in the position instead because moving a white person would be racist
or worrying about protecting your self from crime because it will be considered a hate crime?
How about constantly having to wait while minorities get served first, just so the owner of a business doesn't look racist.
You can have your white privilege, I just take equal if its all the same to you.

I've notice that as well. An example is I seen young girls openly talk about getting married and at first they don't ever consider using the terms straight marriage or gay marriage until it is obvious the pc police is in the room. Then they inject the word 'straight' into the conversation because they are afraid of being seen as homophobic or something like that. It is like you can't conversate normally in this country anymore or express your true feelings on any topic at all.
Precisely....In fact the new term of the day is "woke".....This is the latest term liberals use as a sledge hammer to force compliance with the far left wing PC agenda.
In fact, liberals are now using this word against each other.
This article becomes amusing.....
The four-letter word that has liberal celebrities ducking for cover | New York Post
The right to protect themselves, or the ability to be fucking stupid and end someone's life just because they're fucking stupid.
Not only that, they end up living in a society that's less safe.

Less safe? How is that?

And how would my solutions to these problems NOT work? They are very simple. Easy to follow. Effortless actually.

No safe as in the US isn't safer than other first world countries.
"Safe" is an illusion.
We are human beings. We take risks. We experience risk. That is one of the aspects of the human condition that makes us stronger and maintains our creativity and sense of adventure.
Safe is for those who wish for the ultimate goal of utopia.
Never going to happen.
What the hell, this isn't the subject matter but sorta related:

Leader Of Ferguson Protests Found Dead In Burning Car


10:57 AM 09/07/2016

Leader Of Ferguson Protests Found Dead In Burning Car
Yet another string to the democrat party has been snipped...
Why am I not surprised......
You say it would "almost guarantee", based on what?

I don't see it.

You don't see that the leftist agenda is to disarm Americans? Where have you been the past couple of decades?

Disarming Americans is on their top five priority list. They talk about it all the time, especially right after a mass shooting. Why would Hil-Liar nominate a judge that doesn't believe in the same things she does?
Preserving My Children’s Innocence Is An Act Of Preserving White supremacy.

A familiar colloquialism is “let kids be kids.” But of course, not all kids are granted this privilege. Tamir Rice certainly was not afforded this privilege. Trayvon Martin was not afforded this privilege. Dajerria Becton was not afforded this privilege. The Black and brown children racially profiled on my neighborhood listserves are not afforded this privilege. Children who do not have their basic needs met due to poverty are not afforded this privilege.

I want my children to explore, play and enjoy the world around them. I also want them to understand that injustice exists. If I am unwilling to unveil how systems of oppression work, I’m playing into the notion that my children’s innocence is more fragile and more important than other children who do not have the option to have their innocence preserved. White supremacy lives on through this choice.

It is simply never going to end. Never.

Women like this Shannon Gaggero shouldn't be allowed to have children, they're not normal in the membrane, they're brainwashing their own children by inflicting their own psychological issues onto them.

When you put Social Justice BEFORE the preservation of your own childrens innocence and future you shouldn't be allowed to have any children.

Normal parents consider the welfare of their children as their first priority of being a parent.

I don't give a crap about any of the things that the SJW like Shannon Gaggero freak about, I don't care about what problems the people have that the Shannon Gaggero's are bedwetting about, they have nothing to do with me.

As a white person, I do NOT have White Guilt and there are many millions of us who don't care about White Guilt, all the bedwetting and propaganda goes in one ear and out of the other. I'm not ashamed to be white, why should I be and no amount of screeching from the SJW nutballs is going to change anything of what I think or what I do.

They should quit whilst they're behind and get professional psychological help with their complexes and their deep-seated self-hatred.
Here's another example of a feminist SJW, who thinks her shit doesn't stink because she is "racially conscious".....

This is part of a 55 minute interview...I watched the entire interview. I found this woman to be stratospherically twisted and uninformed. She is a self hating far left wing Caucasian woman
Preserving My Children’s Innocence Is An Act Of Preserving White supremacy.

A familiar colloquialism is “let kids be kids.” But of course, not all kids are granted this privilege. Tamir Rice certainly was not afforded this privilege. Trayvon Martin was not afforded this privilege. Dajerria Becton was not afforded this privilege. The Black and brown children racially profiled on my neighborhood listserves are not afforded this privilege. Children who do not have their basic needs met due to poverty are not afforded this privilege.

I want my children to explore, play and enjoy the world around them. I also want them to understand that injustice exists. If I am unwilling to unveil how systems of oppression work, I’m playing into the notion that my children’s innocence is more fragile and more important than other children who do not have the option to have their innocence preserved. White supremacy lives on through this choice.

It is simply never going to end. Never.

What in that article do you disagree with? Should kids be kept locked in their houses playing video games and eating Cheetos (and home-schooled, of course) because "it's scary out there"? Is that your idea of a "normal" childhood?

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