President Andrew Cuomo to the National Guard: "So I say, my friends, that we go out there today and we kick coronavirus ass"

he's our acting president, NOT Trump!

/——/ Little Andy Boy will lose, but not as badly as Biden or Crazy Bernie. And don’t be surprised if Crazy Bernie makes a run on the Independent ticket after the DNC screws him a second time.
from the New Yorker:

“I saw person after person who just didn’t know anything about it, or thought that it wasn’t going to come to New York,” Bob Sacamano says. “And it was already here.”
have you guys ever lived in the suburbs? its sterile. its NOTHING. its wasting your life away. no one wants to waste his life away after they see life in NYC, my friends!
when a situation gets tough, Cuomo fights, while Trump quits.

there are some leaders who are OUT THERE ON THE HUSTINGS, and some other leaders who are TAKING A HIKE!
Trump doesn't know what he doesn't know. he's inexperienced but tenacious

that's a toxic mix, my friends!
I'm not a Cuomo fan, but he's doing his best to rally his people.

Give credit where credit is due....
Republicans went from Terry Schiavo to "fuck you, no ventilators for your state, unless you kiss my ass"

he's our acting president, NOT Trump!

Too bad Biden has already said he's picking a woman for VP...

Cuoma could play a woman if he has to

The rest of the country is not as impressed with Dimsocialist Northeast libtard fake intellectuals as the Dimsocialist Northeast s libnut fake intellectuals are.

Fredo’s brother would lose bigly.

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