President Biden Disgracefully Uses the Bully Pulpit to Destroy the Bicameral System of the USA

Of course he has dementia. Compare his speech from years ago to the mumble-jumble world salad we get if he’s unscripted, and its obvious.

Why wasn’t he stuttering years ago?

Here is Trump record on mocking people for any disability:

Does Trump have a memory issue? Is it Dementia?

Your team's politically demonic attempt to get the Mueller Report to hurt President Trump didn't work as didn't the House probe, the Senate probe, numerous private eyes on our innocent President Trump, two fake impeachments orchestrated by politically criminal Nancy Pelosi who knocked herself out 24/7 trying to frame President Trump, which didn't pan out of course, since he did nothing wrong, not to mention the prevarications of the Democrat oligarchs against President Trump's "Patriotically and peacefully protest" which was heartlessly cut from all the criminally lying and bullshitting artists of the leftist lockstep MSM to betray American people out of the truth that the Democrat Party beat itself up trying to yoke a frame job on not only President Trump, but weaponizing their minions to stalk and damage the reputations of his innocent staff and his family who obediently took the same high road as President Trump did with his sterling honesty that is so uncomfortable for the commies now in complete control of the Democrats in power. Fortunately, God is on our side because we are innocent and tell the truth about their lies that obfuscate reality which is, President Trump won, he was cheated, and he was doubleteamed by the lying, for-sale press who adopted the "truth is optional" in all their accounts that are pure lies when it comes to Donald Trump, and the press will crash and burn one of these days because lies can have an ugly side when under the light of truth that protects the founders' progeny.
Mueller is a Republican...

You are saying the same thing why did the FBI go after El Chapo... If you break the law expect the law enforcement to come for you...

You seem to bought into the kool aid pretty bad... Trump is highly dishonest and just take example..

This was just the start of it... He was just testing you, you see a bigger crowd on the right than the left...
He got to you not to believe your own eyes...
Of course he has dementia. Compare his speech from years ago to the mumble-jumble world salad we get if he’s unscripted, and its obvious.

Why wasn’t he stuttering years ago?

Suttering is an issue which can be overcome with time, it does resurface every now and then:

Addressing almost 330 million American voters is something that requires eloquence, fluency and confidence. For Joe Biden, who overcame a stutter as a child, every stump speech and oration is a reminder of how far he’s come

Great how you leave out some more important ones...

Point 4 of the program, for example, stated that "Only a national comrade can be a citizen. Only someone of German blood, regardless of faith, can be a citizen. Therefore, no Jew can be a citizen."

That is Trump Nationalism there... Just switch Jew for Muslim...
That's not true. Trump was making peace between Jews and Muslims in his strengthening of good things in the Middle East, which was coming into a peace but were interrupted by the lies and devices of Democrat criminals to swamp the vote with millions of illegal votes spread over swing state polling places with the help of 2,000 leftist polling crooks. And I'm not buying that little notme dialogue claiming a win for the highly unpopular former VP propagandist of lies, Joe Biden. And he started the lies all by himself out of jealousy, hate and rage that criminals denied frequently scream out when noticed. :rolleyes-41:
Here is Trump record on mocking people for any disability:

Does Trump have a memory issue? Is it Dementia?

So he’s not nice. Biden isn’t nice either - calling half of all voters traitors to this country.

But Biden’s policies were better for Americans than the America-hating Democrats importing millions of semi-literate, unskilled foreigners, intentionally raising inflation by spending money unnecessarily, driving gas prices higher as part of their Green New Deal, and restarting the aid to Palestinians that effectively funnel money to HAMAS for rocket attacks against Israel (Trump had cut it off).
So he’s not nice. Biden isn’t nice either - calling half of all voters traitors to this country.

But Biden’s policies were better for Americans than the America-hating Democrats importing millions of semi-literate, unskilled foreigners, intentionally raising inflation by spending money unnecessarily, driving gas prices higher as part of their Green New Deal, and restarting the aid to Palestinians that effectively funnel money to HAMAS for rocket attacks against Israel (Trump had cut it off).

nice Freudian slip
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Suttering is an issue which can be overcome with time, it does resurface every now and then:

Addressing almost 330 million American voters is something that requires eloquence, fluency and confidence. For Joe Biden, who overcame a stutter as a child, every stump speech and oration is a reminder of how far he’s come

What an excuse. He’s not just stuttering. He makes comments that don’t answer the question, stops in mid-sentence because he forgot what he was talking about, and is so known to be senile by staff that they won’t allow him to answer unscripted questions.

My mother is moving past the mild dementia stage and exhibiting some mid-dementia symptoms, and she speaks better than Biden.
Great how you leave out some more important ones...

Point 4 of the program, for example, stated that "Only a national comrade can be a citizen. Only someone of German blood, regardless of faith, can be a citizen. Therefore, no Jew can be a citizen."

That is Trump Nationalism there... Just switch Jew for Muslim...
um dumbass trump had jews in his admin, his grandkids are jewish

why do you all lie? that’s another sign of a tyrant…projection
Mueller is a Republican...

You are saying the same thing why did the FBI go after El Chapo... If you break the law expect the law enforcement to come for you...

You seem to bought into the kool aid pretty bad... Trump is highly dishonest and just take example..
View attachment 689159

This was just the start of it... He was just testing you, you see a bigger crowd on the right than the left...
He got to you not to believe your own eyes...
Mueller's 19 lawyer helpers were all Democrats. Registered Democrats, and time-consuming Democrats who stretched out their tenure long enough to tell one simple truth, and that truth was that Donald Trump did not do what Hillary's disgraceful lying Steele Dossier claimed, but was later found to have been created out of Hillary's demands against her husband's and her Clinton War Room creeps who made false claims against Clinton's raped female victims and those who fell to sex with a powerful man who sought and propositioned them for sex as he could get away with it, or at least he thought he could pay women off for his sins against women which were sanctioned by leftist female operatives who aren't the champions of female power as thought by naive people.

And by the way, a lot of Democrat lawyers are sick of the damage Rodham's beloved Alinsky method of takeover of the United States Government has done, and they're considering either joining the Republican Party or going Independent of their Demonrat criminals in charge of the current rule by Oligarchs of the Democrat Party.
That's not true. Trump was making peace between Jews and Muslims in his strengthening of good things in the Middle East, which was coming into a peace but were interrupted by the lies and devices of Democrat criminals to swamp the vote with millions of illegal votes spread over swing state polling places with the help of 2,000 leftist polling crooks. And I'm not buying that little notme dialogue claiming a win for the highly unpopular former VP propagandist of lies, Joe Biden. And he started the lies all by himself out of jealousy, hate and rage that criminals denied frequently scream out when noticed. :rolleyes-41:
YES, he certainly was. He had helped restored domestic partnerships between Israel and a few friendly Arab countries, while cutting off funding to HAMAS, to signal to the world that Israel is a decent, civilized country eager for good relations with its Arab neighbors. On the Democrat side, we have far-left congress critters lobbying for the defunding of the Iron Dome and fighting to allow the leftist educators to permit the BDS movement to ferment antisemitism on campus.
President Biden went on TV yesterday to insult, put down, and put fear into people who support his rival, President Trump, who was forced out of the White Huuse with tainted polls that the Democrats have tried to stifle the truth from public knowledge by incrowd Democrat judicial appointees .
Judges appointed by Republicans, including Trump, agreed that there was no evidence of a stolen election. This includes justices on the Supreme Court.

So he’s not nice. Biden isn’t nice either - calling half of all voters traitors to this country.

But Biden’s policies were better for Americans than the America-hating Democrats importing millions of semi-literate, unskilled foreigners, intentionally raising inflation by spending money unnecessarily, driving gas prices higher as part of their Green New Deal, and restarting the aid to Palestinians that effectively funnel money to HAMAS for rocket attacks against Israel (Trump had cut it off).
Look for facts and not only for what any Republican or source says.

Republicans are the ones who stormed the Capitol on 1/6/21 to keep the certification from happening.

That is fascist behavior.

Most legal, and illegal immigrants may have been illiterate as some point when they arrived to the continent since 1619, or near that time.
The US has a policy for those who are escaping wars, etc.

Ukrainians were accepted by the thousands into this country fleeing the war, but others who come from the southern border should not have the chance to become legal residents?
Racism on the Republican side, or what else could it be?

Gas prices are lower now. Went up due to Russia invading Ukraine. They are way down now,.

Inflation is a global issue due to containers not delivering its products, lack of truck drivers to deliver the products, Russia's invasion of Ukraine which cause problems all over the world.

Inflation is stagnant now, about to go down.

Economists have attributed the high inflation to an imbalance between supply and demand, which has led to the Fed's moves with interest rates. The Labor Department reported last Friday that the U.S. economy added a better than expected 372,000 jobs in June, and wages have also increased over the past year.Jul 13, 2022

Why Is Inflation So High Right Now? - Newsweek​

Will US inflation go down?

A July analysis by supply chain firm Flexport found consumer preference for goods has started to decline. This period of inflation could end by the middle of 2023, Hogan estimates. “We're seeing prices come down and that will help shorten the inflation cycle,” he says.Aug 9, 2022

When Will Inflation Go Down? – Forbes Advisor​

On the Democrat side, we have far-left congress critters lobbying for the defunding of the Iron Dome and fighting to allow the leftist educators to permit the BDS movement to ferment antisemitism on campus.
Democrats in Congress advocating that are in the minority among Democrats. They have not transformed their outrageous ideas into Congressional policies.

I am a Christian who admires Jews, respects Judaism, loves Israel, and voted Democrat. My support for Israel is unconditional. The only Palestinians I care about are the Christian Palestinians. The rest should have been deported immediately after the Six Day War. All the land Israel conquered should have been formally annexed. Arab countries should have been warned that if they threaten Israel again, they will lose more land. The land will be ethnically cleansed and settled with Jews.
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That's not true. Trump was making peace between Jews and Muslims in his strengthening of good things in the Middle East, which was coming into a peace but were interrupted by the lies and devices of Democrat criminals to swamp the vote with millions of illegal votes spread over swing state polling places with the help of 2,000 leftist polling crooks. And I'm not buying that little notme dialogue claiming a win for the highly unpopular former VP propagandist of lies, Joe Biden. And he started the lies all by himself out of jealousy, hate and rage that criminals denied frequently scream out when noticed. :rolleyes-41:
Trump allowed all antisemites to come out of their caves and antisemitism cases grew by the hundreds and are still high since before he became President.

During the past decade, social media has amplified the voices of white supremacists and anti-Semites, but it is Trump who has lent them legitimacy and emboldened them to come out of the shadows.

The biggest threat to Jews today are not wealthy WASPs, working-class Catholics, or low-income African Americans, but white supremacist groups—whose members are distinct from but sometimes overlap with white evangelical Christians—that have grown in number and audacity in the last few years.

It is no accident that anti-Semitic incidents have spiked since Donald Trump began campaigning for president in 2015. While Trump takes umbrage at being called an anti-Semite—“I’m the least anti-Semitic person you’ve ever seen,” he’s said on several occasions—his use of anti-Semitic stereotypes has emboldened Jew-haters. He verbalizes, encourages, enables, tolerates, winks at, and makes excuses for anti-Semitism, most notably when he said that some of the Nazis marching in Charlottesville in 2017 were “good people.”

Anti-Semitic comments on social media skyrocketed after Trump announced his campaign. An ADL report uncovered more than 2.6 million tweets with anti-Semitic comments and images from August 2015 to July 2016—a huge upsurge from the previous year. Many of the commenters identified themselves as Trump supporters or Clinton haters, and many of the tweets (including death threats) were directed at Jewish journalists who had been critical of Trump.

Trump has consistently used anti-Semitic stereotypes in his business and political careers. In July 2016, during his campaign, Trump tweeted a graphic borrowed from 8chan, a website frequented by white supremacists, showing Hillary Clinton against a backdrop of $100 bills. Inside a six-pointed red star (clearly the Star of David) were the words, “Most Corrupt Candidate Ever!”

In a speech in October 2016, Trump claimed that “Hillary Clinton meets in secret with international banks to plot the destruction of U.S. sovereignty in order to enrich these global financial powers, her special interest friends and her donors.” He didn’t need to use the word “Jew” in order to evoke the sort of global banking cabal familiar to anyone who has read The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the anti-Semitic forgery that has fueled anti-Jewish violence for over a century. Trump’s comments were not an off-hand remark. The speech was designed to fire up Trump’s white nationalist supporters. Trump’s frequent references at campaign rallies and during the debates to Sidney Blumenthal, George Soros, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz—Jewish supporters of Hillary Clinton—were also no accident.

In December 2015, in a speech to the Republican Jewish Coalition, Trump said, “I’m a negotiator like you folks, we are negotiators. . . . Is there anybody that doesn’t renegotiate deals in this room? This room negotiates them—perhaps more than any other room I’ve ever spoken in.” Digging himself deeper, Trump added: “And I know why you’re not going to support me. You’re not going to support me because I don’t want your money. Isn’t it crazy? You want to control your own politician.”

In Trump’s final campaign video, a clear appeal to anti-Semitism, he warned of “those who control the levers of power in Washington” and of “global special interests” who “partner with these people who don’t have your good in mind,” while pictures flashed of Hillary Clinton and three Jews: Soros, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen, and Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein.

Trump’s rants about immigrants “invading” the United States are also tied to the long-standing anti-Semitic slur that Jews have conspired to destroy America by encouraging mass immigration by non-white people. These racist fears are the origin of the slogan “Jews will not replace us,” chanted by the white supremacists who marched with Nazi flags and torches in Charlottesville. In 2018, Trump baselessly accused Democrats of encouraging a caravan of refugees to seek entry into the United States, while his close ally Matt Gaetz, a Florida congressman, accused philanthropist George Soros, who is a Jew and a Democrat, of funding the caravan.

The killers who went on rampages at two different synagogues in the past year and a half echoed this canard about Jews plotting to promote non-white immigration. Before he entered the Pittsburgh synagogue, Robert Gregory Bowers posted a message online attacking HIAS (originally called the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society), a Jewish nonprofit group that was helping bring refugees from Syria and Afghanistan to the United States. “HIAS likes to bring invaders in that kill our people,” he wrote. “I can’t sit by and watch my people get slaughtered.” John T. Earnest, the attacker at the Poway synagogue, wrote “I would die a thousand times over to prevent the doomed fate that the Jews have planned for my race” on an anti-Semitic message board. “Every Jew is responsible for the meticulously planned genocide of the European race. They act as a unit, and every Jew plays his part to enslave the other races around him—whether consciously or subconsciously. Their crimes are endless.”

“We have a president who talks about ‘hordes’ and ‘swarms’ and all sorts of other things about immigrants,” explained Deborah Lipstadt, an Emory University historian, to a reporter for Vox. “This stuff has been around for a long time . . . but now lots of the barriers are down, and now people feel like they can say it and they can do things.”

(full article online)


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