President Biden Disgracefully Uses the Bully Pulpit to Destroy the Bicameral System of the USA

I am opposed to that. If I only voted for politicians who agreed with me about everything, I would never vote.
That wasn’t the deciding factor in my vote, either. Higher up was the illegal immigrant invasion, along with some other policies.
Yes, and before the Six Day War my family and their friends (I was too going to vote, obviously) were all Democrats. They have almost all changed to Republican.
95% of American Jews today vote Democratic.

And it has nothing to do with why they vote Democrat.

Israel is a strong country with ever evolving security ideas. It has to be that kind of a country and not depend in any other country, including the US.
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President Trump did the right thing, and so did his advisers who were looking at provisions to provide for the common defense of the American people.

Lying their butt off socialists seem to be in charge and are the source of democracy undermining that you just projected against President Trump by demeaning his supporters as fascists, which is a total lie and exposes people willing to trade a couple of bucks for supporting the sociocommunist push of the Democrat apparatchik apparatus.
I think you are trying to say that Trump shouldn't have to be bound by democracy as he is fighting evil..

So you are saying that while he lost the election, it doesn't matter because he is fighting evil Democrats.

Could I ask you, who decided the Democrats are evil?
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American Jews are showing their disgust.
Two out of three American Jews are voting for the Dems because 1) their liberalism trumps their Judaism, which is why you see it among less religious Jews, or 2) force of habit.
95% of American Jews today vote Democratic.

And it has nothing to do with why they vote Democrat.

Israel is a strong country with ever evolving security ideas. It has to be that kind of a country and not depend in any other country, including the US.
That’s not true. It’s about 70%.

And you made my point: they care more about leftist policies than the continued existence of Israel.
Two out of three American Jews are voting for the Dems because 1) their liberalism trumps their Judaism, which is why you see it among less religious Jews, or 2) force of habit.
Mostly, keeping the USA a free democracy, which is what has been failing on the Republican side for the past 20 years.

Republicans, like Cruz, Graham, Hawley and others have become all about power, like Alito and others in the Supreme Court as well.
Mostly, keeping the USA a free democracy, which is what has been failing on the Republican side for the past 20 years.

Republicans, like Cruz, Graham, Hawley and others have become all about power, like Alito and others in the Supreme Court as well.
You need a mirror. It is YOUR side canceling the voices of those who disagree with them, putting political “enemies” in jail, and calling the half of all voters who don’t submit to the Marxist Democrats enemies of the country.
That’s not true. It’s about 70%.

And you made my point: they care more about leftist policies than the continued existence of Israel.
Incorrect I am, and I acknowledge it.

And you say that Israel is dumb, or incompetent, and cannot take care of herself and her population? I know she can, and knows that it cannot count on friends all the time. Never could.
Jews can never count on those who say they will be there, at any time. They have to be ready all the time.
The America Jewish Committee’s annual Survey of American Jewish Opinion, fielded before the election to a nationally representative sample of Jews, revealed that 75 percent of Jews were planning on voting for Joe Biden compared to 22 percent for Donald Trump. These findings maintain the well-established tradition that many Jews regularly cast ballots for Democratic candidates. For comparison, the national picture of surveyed vote intention before the election showed that 51 percent of registered voters intended to vote for Biden, 38 percent favored Trump, and 6 percent stated that they did not intend to vote.

Mostly, keeping the USA a free democracy, which is what has been failing on the Republican side for the past 20 years.

Republicans, like Cruz, Graham, Hawley and others have become all about power, like Alito and others in the Supreme Court as well.
most american jews just check the box, they are secular an non practicing

most live in places like NYC and are wealthy upper east side types that donate to the dnc party because they are easily bought
You need a mirror. It is YOUR side canceling the voices of those who disagree with them, putting political “enemies” in jail, and calling the half of all voters who don’t submit to the Marxist Democrats enemies of the country.
Yeah, how is it Dimmers whine and declare we real Americans to be doing all the things their Reich is absolutely responsible for??
American Jews are showing their disgust.
Many Jews and Orientals distrust the GOP because they know that many Republicans are white nationalists who do not think Jews and Orientals belong in the United States. I am a Democrat who wants more Jews and Orientals to move here. We need their high IQ averages and their low rates of crime and illegitimacy.
You have not paid attention, but you can go on claiming that nonsense as it sticks with many Republicans.
Listen to his proclamations from the past. Tell us about his unity promises when running for President. And frankly...he and his family is pig shit shanty Irish. We are all of different ethnics and culture's. There are those who are as them in all backgrounds. And it makes all look bad.
President Obama increased yearly aid to Israel to four billion dollars. He helped Israel develop its Iron Dome express. Trump also helped Israel. I am glad that Israel has bi partisan support, and that support for Israel is not an issue in the United States.
Trump allowed all antisemites to come out of their caves and antisemitism cases grew by the hundreds and are still high since before he became President.

During the past decade, social media has amplified the voices of white supremacists and anti-Semites, but it is Trump who has lent them legitimacy and emboldened them to come out of the shadows.

The biggest threat to Jews today are not wealthy WASPs, working-class Catholics, or low-income African Americans, but white supremacist groups—whose members are distinct from but sometimes overlap with white evangelical Christians—that have grown in number and audacity in the last few years.

It is no accident that anti-Semitic incidents have spiked since Donald Trump began campaigning for president in 2015. While Trump takes umbrage at being called an anti-Semite—“I’m the least anti-Semitic person you’ve ever seen,” he’s said on several occasions—his use of anti-Semitic stereotypes has emboldened Jew-haters. He verbalizes, encourages, enables, tolerates, winks at, and makes excuses for anti-Semitism, most notably when he said that some of the Nazis marching in Charlottesville in 2017 were “good people.”

Anti-Semitic comments on social media skyrocketed after Trump announced his campaign. An ADL report uncovered more than 2.6 million tweets with anti-Semitic comments and images from August 2015 to July 2016—a huge upsurge from the previous year. Many of the commenters identified themselves as Trump supporters or Clinton haters, and many of the tweets (including death threats) were directed at Jewish journalists who had been critical of Trump.

Trump has consistently used anti-Semitic stereotypes in his business and political careers. In July 2016, during his campaign, Trump tweeted a graphic borrowed from 8chan, a website frequented by white supremacists, showing Hillary Clinton against a backdrop of $100 bills. Inside a six-pointed red star (clearly the Star of David) were the words, “Most Corrupt Candidate Ever!”

In a speech in October 2016, Trump claimed that “Hillary Clinton meets in secret with international banks to plot the destruction of U.S. sovereignty in order to enrich these global financial powers, her special interest friends and her donors.” He didn’t need to use the word “Jew” in order to evoke the sort of global banking cabal familiar to anyone who has read The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the anti-Semitic forgery that has fueled anti-Jewish violence for over a century. Trump’s comments were not an off-hand remark. The speech was designed to fire up Trump’s white nationalist supporters. Trump’s frequent references at campaign rallies and during the debates to Sidney Blumenthal, George Soros, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz—Jewish supporters of Hillary Clinton—were also no accident.

In December 2015, in a speech to the Republican Jewish Coalition, Trump said, “I’m a negotiator like you folks, we are negotiators. . . . Is there anybody that doesn’t renegotiate deals in this room? This room negotiates them—perhaps more than any other room I’ve ever spoken in.” Digging himself deeper, Trump added: “And I know why you’re not going to support me. You’re not going to support me because I don’t want your money. Isn’t it crazy? You want to control your own politician.”

In Trump’s final campaign video, a clear appeal to anti-Semitism, he warned of “those who control the levers of power in Washington” and of “global special interests” who “partner with these people who don’t have your good in mind,” while pictures flashed of Hillary Clinton and three Jews: Soros, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen, and Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein.

Trump’s rants about immigrants “invading” the United States are also tied to the long-standing anti-Semitic slur that Jews have conspired to destroy America by encouraging mass immigration by non-white people. These racist fears are the origin of the slogan “Jews will not replace us,” chanted by the white supremacists who marched with Nazi flags and torches in Charlottesville. In 2018, Trump baselessly accused Democrats of encouraging a caravan of refugees to seek entry into the United States, while his close ally Matt Gaetz, a Florida congressman, accused philanthropist George Soros, who is a Jew and a Democrat, of funding the caravan.

The killers who went on rampages at two different synagogues in the past year and a half echoed this canard about Jews plotting to promote non-white immigration. Before he entered the Pittsburgh synagogue, Robert Gregory Bowers posted a message online attacking HIAS (originally called the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society), a Jewish nonprofit group that was helping bring refugees from Syria and Afghanistan to the United States. “HIAS likes to bring invaders in that kill our people,” he wrote. “I can’t sit by and watch my people get slaughtered.” John T. Earnest, the attacker at the Poway synagogue, wrote “I would die a thousand times over to prevent the doomed fate that the Jews have planned for my race” on an anti-Semitic message board. “Every Jew is responsible for the meticulously planned genocide of the European race. They act as a unit, and every Jew plays his part to enslave the other races around him—whether consciously or subconsciously. Their crimes are endless.”

“We have a president who talks about ‘hordes’ and ‘swarms’ and all sorts of other things about immigrants,” explained Deborah Lipstadt, an Emory University historian, to a reporter for Vox. “This stuff has been around for a long time . . . but now lots of the barriers are down, and now people feel like they can say it and they can do things.”

(full article online)

2% of Americans are Jewish, 1% are Muslim, 14% are mainstream Protestant Christians, 31% are Evangelical Christians, and to the early Church, when Christ rose from the dead, he commissioned his disciples to first visit the Jewish people.synagogues when they entered a new town to preach the gospel. But their teaching by living the Kingdom of God principles is what appealed to people. It requires us to entertain a personal bonding with the ways of God that agrees with the ten Commandments of Moses as a great pattern of obedience to God, and the one time Christ gave them instructions to pray, he taught them to pray to the Father as in "Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed is your name, Thy Kingdom Come, thy Will be done (love thy neighbor as thyself), on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive our debts as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory forever." All that is true of the Kingdom of God, and it rings true that the creator's best creation is all of us who believe in God the creator of mankind. Trump did his best to bring about peace in the Middle East. It's too bad the Democrats threw the baby out with the bathwater, but they started years ago destroying school prayers that were present for 200 years before. Now the Democrats want everything they can't have.
Yes, and before the Six Day War my family and their friends (I was too going to vote, obviously) were all Democrats. They have almost all changed to Republican.
I can understand why they moved to the Republican Party, and I am sympathetic with the reason. I vote Democrat for other reasons.
Listen to his proclamations from the past. Tell us about his unity promises when running for President. And frankly...he and his family is pig shit shanty Irish. We are all of different ethnics and culture's. There are those who are as them in all backgrounds. And it makes all look bad.
McConnell and the Republicans said no to the end to Obama's bills, etc.

McConnell and most Republicans continue to say no to all bills, etc.

Biden has managed to get some bipartisan support.

Biden knows the Senate very well. He was part of it. He knows how to make things work to make the country go forward.

And thank you for your amazing Racist rant against the Irish people. You must hate Italians, and many other European immigrants as well, for being of "low upbringing" or something like that.

And let us count all Pacific Asians in your rant as well.

I do not care to find out what runt superior "race" you think you came from.
2% of Americans are Jewish, 1% are Muslim, 14% are mainstream Protestant Christians, 31% are Evangelical Christians, and to the early Church, when Christ rose from the dead, he commissioned his disciples to first visit the Jewish people.synagogues when they entered a new town to preach the gospel. But their teaching by living the Kingdom of God principles is what appealed to people. It requires us to entertain a personal bonding with the ways of God that agrees with the ten Commandments of Moses as a great pattern of obedience to God, and the one time Christ gave them instructions to pray, he taught them to pray to the Father as in "Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed is your name, Thy Kingdom Come, thy Will be done (love thy neighbor as thyself), on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive our debts as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory forever." All that is true of the Kingdom of God, and it rings true that the creator's best creation is all of us who believe in God the creator of mankind. Trump did his best to bring about peace in the Middle East. It's too bad the Democrats threw the baby out with the bathwater, but they started years ago destroying school prayers that were present for 200 years before. Now the Democrats want everything they can't have.
You are describing the Dark and Middle Ages. Which is where the Republicans have been trying to guide the US back into.

What fun it was had during the Dark and Middle Ages, right? Let us go there again.

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