President Biden Disgracefully Uses the Bully Pulpit to Destroy the Bicameral System of the USA

Trying to put fear into people who support the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave by a Fake President whose precinct-cheating party lied their commie butts off to put in rule by Oligarches protected by telling their little dog how high to jump, when, and decimate the Republican Party, defunding the Police and making big cities fearful of criminals who take every advantage of no police stopping their thefts, criminal acts, and even social murders of their enemies including the murders of police in big cities that do not provide for the common defense at all, not any more than Biden flushes his Oath of Office to provide for the common defense with no holds barred, since he has dementia and cannot be held accountable for his promises broken in less than 24 hours when Hillary or Barack has a hot flash. /barf!

Trump supporters want something closer to a combination of Nazi Germany and Iran. You want freedom only when you agree with it. It is Republicans who launch attacks on freedoms such as the right to vote and right of free speech. It is Republicans who support defunding the police when one of their own is suspected of a crime. Violent crimes are up in red states the most. The only people with dementia is Trump and supporters like you.
What you are upset about is Democrats fighting back....

How long did you expect to be able to call Democrats, pedophiles, communists, terrorists, baby killers, etc, etc, etc --- and expect Dems to just sit and take it?

Yall are the biggest pussies on Earth...
yet you calling them nazis, insurrectionists, white supremacists and the like didn't put the conversation there to begin with.

what a fucking moron.
I would not support "fascism". But we accuse each other of it. Constantly. Fascism has become a massive broad stretched out word for anything where even a rule is made. The fact is there are people who would live with certain ways in a neighborhood over others who do not want to. The same neighborhoods may be more distant in wages from one citizen to another than other neighborhoods. All being middle class with some poor in different percentages.

The term fascism is appropriate in the case of the Republican Party. GOP Governor Larry Hogan agrees that there is what he calls a "strain of authoritarianism" in the Republican Party. The Republicans are attacking voting rights, free speech rights, and women's rights among others. That is what fascists do.

The Republicans want to call anything they don't like as fascism even when it involves the public good.

I was a Republican and voted for every Republican candidate for President through 2012. The party of Reagan has become a party of fascism.
The term fascism is appropriate in the case of the Republican Party. GOP Governor Larry Hogan agrees that there is what he calls a "strain of authoritarianism" in the Republican Party. The Republicans are attacking voting rights, free speech rights, and women's rights among others. That is what fascists do.

The Republicans want to call anything they don't like as fascism even when it involves the public good.

I was a Republican and voted for every Republican candidate for President through 2012. The party of Reagan has become a party of fascism.
Projecting Biden's modus operandi against the enemy, are you, doll? :yapyapyapf: Honey, the American voters are not as stupid as you think they are.:laughing0301:
Trump supporters want something closer to a combination of Nazi Germany and Iran. You want freedom only when you agree with it. It is Republicans who launch attacks on freedoms such as the right to vote and right of free speech. It is Republicans who support defunding the police when one of their own is suspected of a crime. Violent crimes are up in red states the most. The only people with dementia is Trump and supporters like you.
My we're having a field day on projecting one's own sins against one's opposition, aren't you. That's two ringy-dingies.
The DOJ followed the law in obtaining a search warrant. The judge who issued it was has ties to Republicans not Democrats. You are the ones corrupting this country in a attempt to turn this into a Nazi state.
That's three ringie-dingies of projecting your own faults against your opposition. Projection is one of the most obvious of the bad communications one can make.
Right wing Nazis like you do not represent the majority of the country. Americans are rejecting you and that is why you have to resort to things like gerrymandering and making it harder to vote.
Oh, my goodness. I missed #4 ringy dingy. And you missed the truth. You deserve a name change to busybody, because you disgrace bees.
Joe certainly used the bully pulpit today to speak about, but not to, MAGAnuts. Pointing out what is obvious to most of us. That the POT ceased being the party of law and order (if it ever was) when this happened..........

Joe certainly used the bully pulpit today to speak about, but not to, MAGAnuts. Pointing out what is obvious to most of us. That the POT ceased being the party of law and order (if it ever was) when this happened..........
Oh, my the doggie droppings are thick today...

How long did you expect to be able to call Democrats, pedophiles, communists, terrorists, baby killers --- and expect Dems to just sit and take it?
They are Democrats, they are pedophiles, they are terrorists, they are baby killers.
The only one that is untrue is Communists, and that's only in degree. They do favor some socialist concepts.
Your team's politically demonic attempt to get the Mueller Report to hurt President Trump didn't work as didn't the House probe, the Senate probe, numerous private eyes on our innocent President Trump, two fake impeachments orchestrated by politically criminal Nancy Pelosi who knocked herself out 24/7 trying to frame President Trump, which didn't pan out of course, since he did nothing wrong, not to mention the prevarications of the Democrat oligarchs against President Trump's "Patriotically and peacefully protest" which was heartlessly cut from all the criminally lying and bullshitting artists of the leftist lockstep MSM to betray American people out of the truth that the Democrat Party beat itself up trying to yoke a frame job on not only President Trump, but weaponizing their minions to stalk and damage the reputations of his innocent staff and his family who obediently took the same high road as President Trump did with his sterling honesty that is so uncomfortable for the commies now in complete control of the Democrats in power. Fortunately, God is on our side because we are innocent and tell the truth about their lies that obfuscate reality which is, President Trump won, he was cheated, and he was doubleteamed by the lying, for-sale press who adopted the "truth is optional" in all their accounts that are pure lies when it comes to Donald Trump, and the press will crash and burn one of these days because lies can have an ugly side when under the light of truth that protects the founders' progeny.

You are a crazy right wing fascist loon. There is not a bit of truth in your nonsense. By all means, run candidates who believe that. Democrats will keep the House and Senate.
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They are Democrats, they are pedophiles, they are terrorists, they are baby killers.
The only one that is untrue is Communists, and that's only in degree. They do favor some socialist concepts.

You are nothing but a right wing fascist. You are nothing but a fascist. You are the terrorists and you don't care if a woman dies because they can't get a abortion.
But they are blocking efforts to ramp down on antisemitism on college campus, as the Dems are more concerned with the feelings of Muslims than the Jews who are prevented from holding student government positions due to their support of Israel.

I need to leave now, but if you are interested in the legislation the Republicans wanted to pass to ramp down on campus antisemitism, and the Democrats who refused to even allow it out of committee, I will start a new thread on it later today.

Republicans are the ones running anti-semitic candidates.
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