President Biden Disgracefully Uses the Bully Pulpit to Destroy the Bicameral System of the USA

Projecting Biden's modus operandi against the enemy, are you, doll? :yapyapyapf: Honey, the American voters are not as stupid as you think they are.:laughing0301:

They are not. That is why the red wave is gone. Voters are rebelling against fascist Republicans.
My we're having a field day on projecting one's own sins against one's opposition, aren't you. That's two ringy-dingies.

We are having a field day because it is all true. Republicans attack voting rights, free speech rights, women's rights as well as putting women's lives in jeopardy. A ringy dingy describes your lack of brains.
President Biden uses the Bully Pulpit to Destroy Bicameral System by persecuting Republicans
What horseshit. There is exaclty zero evidence Biden has involved himself in any DOJ prosecutions, nor do they have much to do with bicameralism.
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They are not. That is why the red wave is gone. Voters are rebelling against fascist Republicans.
Biden's mouth is the fascist. He wants half of the voters in the United States of America to be harassed because they are Trump supporters and Republicans. Biden is going to cause a war if he doesn't quit saying more than he thinks.
What horseshit. There is exaclty zero evidence Biden has involved himself in any DOJ prosecutions, nor do they have much to do with bicameralism.

Go get some facts then come back and talk.
The bicameral system has nothing to do with the DOJ. Plz, stay on topic, sweetie.
President Biden uses the Bully Pulpit to Destroy Bicameral System by persecuting Republicans, and he needs to Go to a Nursing Home because the Oligarchs have taken over the White House.

Republicans are Fascists who want to tear down this country. He's spot on.
Biden's mouth is the fascist. He wants half of the voters in the United States of America to be harassed because they are Trump supporters and Republicans. Biden is going to cause a war if he doesn't quit saying more than he thinks.
Who are the one's threatening war and rioting if Trump is prosecuted? That's the real harrassment.
President Biden went on TV yesterday to insult, put down, and put fear into people who support his rival, President Trump, who was forced out of the White Huuse with tainted polls that the Democrats have tried to stifle the truth from public knowledge by incrowd Democrat judicial appointees who are weaponizing the Attorney General's office and the DOJ to play dead while the Oligarchs of the Party tell dementia patient Biden how high to jump and flip flop to the Communist wing of Hillary Rodham's vested interests in corrupting the USA to criminal leanings like herself who told the grand jury when called to account, "I forget"--a lawyerly get out of jail free card for criminal politicians who push for the Alinsky communist method of communizing a free country.

I'm sick of Joe Biden's use of his dementia to say truly divisive crap using his presidency like a family-dividing-and-destroying bitch. Who's going to call a mentally ill man on the carpet? Exactly WHO.
Nothing can be more divisive than huddling around a criminal who stole classified documents endangering our national security.
What you are upset about is Democrats fighting back....

How long did you expect to be able to call Democrats, pedophiles, communists, terrorists, baby killers, etc, etc, etc --- and expect Dems to just sit and take it?

Yall are the biggest pussies on Earth...
Can you tell us which of those labels aren’t true?
It sure is;

We pay atheletes to become rich, while students pay mortgages until they are 40 ,50, and 60 years of age paying off student loan debt. And I don't even watch sports any more. Why am I supposed to keep supporting that free money?
They are Democrats, they are pedophiles, they are terrorists, they are baby killers.
The only one that is untrue is Communists, and that's only in degree. They do favor some socialist concepts.
Proof, with links?
You are nothing but a right wing fascist. You are nothing but a fascist. You are the terrorists and you don't care if a woman dies because they can't get a abortion.
I'm an independent voter and a moderate.
u poo poo head

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