President Biden Disgracefully Uses the Bully Pulpit to Destroy the Bicameral System of the USA

You are describing the Dark and Middle Ages. Which is where the Republicans have been trying to guide the US back into.

What fun it was had during the Dark and Middle Ages, right? Let us go there again.
the Dark and Middle Ages were a time of centralized Govt, serfdom, slavery…the ideals of the DNC…..this was well before Locke, the person that American Conservatism is based on, the GOP was literally created as a anti slavery party, when they won the white house the dems literally attempted an insurrection and started a civil war.
McConnell and the Republicans said no to the end to Obama's bills, etc.

McConnell and most Republicans continue to say no to all bills, etc.

Biden has managed to get some bipartisan support.

Biden knows the Senate very well. He was part of it. He knows how to make things work to make the country go forward.

And thank you for your amazing Racist rant against the Irish people. You must hate Italians, and many other European immigrants as well, for being of "low upbringing" or something like that.

And let us count all Pacific Asians in your rant as well.

I do not care to find out what runt superior "race" you think you came from.
9.1 percent inflation, recession, skyrocketing interest, record deaths from covid, is not moving the country forward…well for those of us that like a successful, prosperous nation, it’s not moving it forward
Listen to his proclamations from the past. Tell us about his unity promises when running for President. And frankly...he and his family is pig shit shanty Irish. We are all of different ethnics and culture's. There are those who are as them in all backgrounds. And it makes all look bad.
That's not true, you're forgetting the peace Donald Trump engendered by strength in bringing peace to the Middle East, a great place to end 5,000 years of hatred between ethnic peoples of the extended region that brought Christianity, Judaism, buddhist, and Muslim faiths to establish (hopefully) peace on earth. We need to revisit that, because China and Russia are rattling the nuclear bomb threats right and left. Russia has all but defrocked the belief systems due to adopting atheism as the norm in government practice that tends to obfuscate all other views, and China actually openly persecutes believers in God since Mao Tse Tung murdered off 100 million of his own Chinese race to take power away from the Chinese Emperors and their peaceful Empire. Now, the tv screen brings us images of locksteppers marching out their orders from the communist system that seems to have set a goal of domination of the planet, starting with Taiwan.
I don't want you to be afraid of have enough mediocrity and insecurity in your life to be afraid of...that is the fuel that drives Conservativsm, fear......folks like you think student loan debt relief means the end of America..fear is all you have....
Your vision of mediocrity is the joy of living a protestant senior old lady has? That's your bad, not mine. Belief in God brings good cheer into people's life, not mediocrity.
Here is Trump record on mocking people for any disability:

Does Trump have a memory issue? Is it Dementia?


Donald Trump cruelly mimicked and ridiculed a reporter’s disability.

Poor little liberal. So terrified of things he doesn't understand. :itsok:


From 2005 until 2016, Trump occasionally mocked some individuals by shaking his arms with limp wrists and gaping his mouth. Consider ten examples: he did this to make fun of himself, a bank president, Marco Rubio, Serge Kovaleski, The Washington Post, a U.S. Army General, George Stephanopoulos, Ted Cruz, Hillary Clinton, and Donna Brazile. Reporters and pundits did not know (or care) that this was a common way in which Trump mocks some individuals, so they focused on a freeze-frame in which Trump’s right elbow and wrist were momentarily bent, to make it seem that he was mimicking Kovaleski’s disability.

No, Trump didn't mock that disability - New Standard Press
President Biden went on TV yesterday to insult, put down, and put fear into people who support his rival, President Trump, who was forced out of the White Huuse with tainted polls that the Democrats have tried to stifle the truth from public knowledge by incrowd Democrat judicial appointees who are weaponizing the Attorney General's office and the DOJ to play dead while the Oligarchs of the Party tell dementia patient Biden how high to jump and flip flop to the Communist wing of Hillary Rodham's vested interests in corrupting the USA to criminal leanings like herself who told the grand jury when called to account, "I forget"--a lawyerly get out of jail free card for criminal politicians who push for the Alinsky communist method of communizing a free country
Diagram that sentence.
Many Jews and Orientals distrust the GOP because they know that many Republicans are white nationalists who do not think Jews and Orientals belong in the United States. I am a Democrat who wants more Jews and Orientals to move here. We need their high IQ averages and their low rates of crime and illegitimacy.
There are some fringe white nationalists on the right, but there are the “Jews are termites” Farrakhan worshippers on the left. Also the antisemites on the Women’s March who kicked a Jew off their board because they said blacks wouldn’t like a Jew in a position of power. And we don’t have Republicans trying to prevent Israel from defending against incoming HAMAS rockets, and we don’t have Republicans blocking legislation to ramp down on campus antisemitism because it would offend Muslims.

Donald Trump cruelly mimicked and ridiculed a reporter’s disability.

Poor little liberal. So terrified of things he doesn't understand. :itsok:


From 2005 until 2016, Trump occasionally mocked some individuals by shaking his arms with limp wrists and gaping his mouth. Consider ten examples: he did this to make fun of himself, a bank president, Marco Rubio, Serge Kovaleski, The Washington Post, a U.S. Army General, George Stephanopoulos, Ted Cruz, Hillary Clinton, and Donna Brazile. Reporters and pundits did not know (or care) that this was a common way in which Trump mocks some individuals, so they focused on a freeze-frame in which Trump’s right elbow and wrist were momentarily bent, to make it seem that he was mimicking Kovaleski’s disability.

No, Trump didn't mock that disability - New Standard Press
Yet remarkably he stopped doing it when it hurt him.

Wow, dickless, you ignored that fact

Biden restarted the funding to HAMAS (funneled via the Palestinians) that Trump had stopped.

There are some fringe white nationalists on the right, but there are the “Jews are termites” Farrakhan worshippers on the left. Also the antisemites on the Women’s March who kicked a Jew off their board because they said blacks wouldn’t like a Jew in a position of power. And we don’t have Republicans trying to prevent Israel from defending against incoming HAMAS rockets, and we don’t have Republicans blocking legislation to ramp down on campus antisemitism because it would offend Muslims.
What you say is true.

I was banned from two pro Trump websites for saying nice things about Jews.

I was allowed to return to one of them. Because I continued to praise the Jews, I was banned a second time. If I am allowed back I will praise the Children of Israel even more.
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Yup. And this guy is getting the money that Biden restarted for the Palestinians. More rockets to launch indiscriminately into Israel.
there is a reason the Iranians backed Xiden and interfered in our election to help him win.

Xiden, Obama, and the dems help terrrorist kill jews
most american jews just check the box, they are secular an non practicing

most live in places like NYC and are wealthy upper east side types that donate to the dnc party because they are easily bought
They also have the money to live far removed from the consequences of the liberal policies they support.

And true that it is generally the secular Jews who put their liberalism ahead of their Judaism. The majority of observant Jews vote Republican. And with Orthodox Jews having large families, bet in a generation or two the Jewish vote will be 50/50.
Yup. And this guy is getting the money that Biden restarted for the Palestinians. More rockets to launch indiscriminately into Israel.
Working for a mutually agreeable peace treaty between Israel and the Palestinians is like raising welfare checks and expecting the underclass to become self supporting, obedient to the law, and monogamous. Democrats do not learn about these.

Republicans still have not learned that tax cuts, going mainly to the rich, do not balance the budget and pay down the national debt. Summers keep getting hotter, but Republicans still think global warming is a hoax.

When I vote Democrat I am really voting against the Republicans. I wish the Democrats gave me something to vote for. Nevertheless, for me the choice is the Democrat candidate, or not to vote. Republicans only care about rich people. Anything else they talk about is campaign rhetoric.

The Republican Donor Class, which controls the GOP between elections, wants more immigrants. By competing for jobs, immigrants enable employers to hold the line on pay raises. By competing for places to live, immigrants enable landlords to raise rents.
He's hating on all Republicans who are MAGA, who represent the majority of America.
Barely half of the Republicans and most of those are MAGA'INO's, who already have their life vests on in case the sudden need arises to abandon ship.
He's hating on all Republicans who are MAGA, who represent the majority of America. We're not going to go silently into the night just because the Communist Party seems to be in charge of our Democracy. We're not going to take this from a disgraceful, criminal creep whose criminal-leaning pals decided they could all be the President by inserting a man with a certified aura of Dementia into the White House even though he spent his campaign mostly in his basement, not out in the public. And what debate? There wasn't a debate.
The American Communist Party never had any political significance in the United States. Now it consists of several thousand people nationwide.

Donald Trump was the only president on record who never had majority support.
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He's hating on all Republicans who are MAGA, who represent the majority of America. We're not going to go silently into the night just because the Communist Party seems to be in charge of our Democracy. We're not going to take this from a disgraceful, criminal creep whose criminal-leaning pals decided they could all be the President by inserting a man with a certified aura of Dementia into the White House even though he spent his campaign mostly in his basement, not out in the public. And what debate? There wasn't a debate.
Right wing Nazis like you do not represent the majority of the country. Americans are rejecting you and that is why you have to resort to things like gerrymandering and making it harder to vote.
President Biden went on TV yesterday to insult, put down, and put fear into people who support his rival, President Trump, who was forced out of the White Huuse with tainted polls that the Democrats have tried to stifle the truth from public knowledge by incrowd Democrat judicial appointees who are weaponizing the Attorney General's office and the DOJ to play dead while the Oligarchs of the Party tell dementia patient Biden how high to jump and flip flop to the Communist wing of Hillary Rodham's vested interests in corrupting the USA to criminal leanings like herself who told the grand jury when called to account, "I forget"--a lawyerly get out of jail free card for criminal politicians who push for the Alinsky communist method of communizing a free country.

I'm sick of Joe Biden's use of his dementia to say truly divisive crap using his presidency like a family-dividing-and-destroying bitch. Who's going to call a mentally ill man on the carpet? Exactly WHO.

The DOJ followed the law in obtaining a search warrant. The judge who issued it was has ties to Republicans not Democrats. You are the ones corrupting this country in a attempt to turn this into a Nazi state.

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