President Biden Disgracefully Uses the Bully Pulpit to Destroy the Bicameral System of the USA

What you are upset about is Democrats fighting back....

How long did you expect to be able to call Democrats, pedophiles, communists, terrorists, baby killers, etc, etc, etc --- and expect Dems to just sit and take it?

Yall are the biggest pussies on Earth...
Trying to put fear into people who support the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave by a Fake President whose precinct-cheating party lied their commie butts off to put in rule by Oligarches protected by telling their little dog how high to jump, when, and decimate the Republican Party, defunding the Police and making big cities fearful of criminals who take every advantage of no police stopping their thefts, criminal acts, and even social murders of their enemies including the murders of police in big cities that do not provide for the common defense at all, not any more than Biden flushes his Oath of Office to provide for the common defense with no holds barred, since he has dementia and cannot be held accountable for his promises broken in less than 24 hours when Hillary or Barack has a hot flash. /barf!
I don't mind everyday Americans getting debt relief -- when we lavish luxuries on the wealth class without blinking an eye...

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Maybe if you cape up harder for billionaires...they will notice you..and pat you on the head like a good boy...
Student loan debt relief needs to be 100% the burden of academia.

I will go to war if it's anything but academia suffering the burden.
you just described yourself during the Trump years.
So in other words....When you folks were whining about how the Dems were preventing Trump from locking up Hillary, building a wall and making mexico pay for it, etc, etc, etc, --- that was all bullshit??

Can you explain to me when you have heard Biden held rally after rally after rally ---crying like a bitch about how unfair everyone is? You don't care what dick you suck, as long as you think you are owning the libs...
Yea, anyone who doesn't stay there and take care of his children....are not real men at all..regardless of color.....

Especially anyone who lies about the existence of his own know like Herschel...

Now, since you are deflecting, let me bring back to the point you dodging.....why do you pussies cry like bitches when someone fights back?

This is how I know you got your ass kicked habitually in real real man condones the bitch shit you Conservatives engage in.....daily....
You are pissed. Really pissed. The reality of everything's that there are issues intertwined on any ways of political thinking. Where do you see improvement in areas that may concern you? Maybe it is time to try a different tact. You may believe in complete deliverance and utopia by Prog agendas. That does not exist. I believe that poverty can be reduced and assimilation into American culture can be increased if we use sense.
Student loan debt relief needs to be 100% the burden of academia.

I will go to war if it's anything but academia suffering the burden.
I like how you didn't mind all of those PPP loans -- THAT WERE NEVER EXPECTED TO BE PAID BACK -- PPP loans from folks who didn't' need it.......PPP loans for people who are fighting tooth and nail to prevent a single mom making 70K a year, a morsel of the amount these fat cat politicians I said, you are a clown...
So in other words....When you folks were whining about how the Dems were preventing Trump from locking up Hillary, building a wall and making mexico pay for it, etc, etc, etc, --- that was all bullshit??

Can you explain to me when you have heard Biden held rally after rally after rally ---crying like a bitch about how unfair everyone is? You don't care what dick you suck, as long as you think you are owning the libs...
Crazy Rodham didn't fool everybody, Biff. Be sure those blinders are kept firmly in place, hon.
You are pissed. Really pissed. The reality of everything's that there are issues intertwined on any ways of political thinking. Where do you see improvement in areas that may concern you? Maybe it is time to try a different tact. You may believe in complete deliverance and utopia by Prog agendas. That does not exist. I believe that poverty can be reduced and assimilation into American culture can be increased if we use sense.
This coming from the folks who tried to overthrow the government because their cult leader lost -- and are now wanting to launch a Civil War because someone called them semi-fascist......when the truth is, you folks will be full fasicst if that is the direction trump wanted....yall are clowns....and since your way obviously aint working, you are resorting to even more goofy killing FBI agents....yall are pathetic...
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What you are upset about is Democrats fighting back....

How long did you expect to be able to call Democrats, pedophiles, communists, terrorists, baby killers, etc, etc, etc --- and expect Dems to just sit and take it?

Yall are the biggest pussies on Earth...
Problem is Biff, you are using a well worn playbook of labeling your opposition what you actually support.. Americans aren't dumb, and they see you, and are horrified.
So in other words....When you folks were whining about how the Dems were preventing Trump from locking up Hillary, building a wall
Don't kid yourself.

Neither the Dems nor the GOP want that fucking wall built. They like suppressed labor costs. They like to oppress Black people with shit wages by driving down the labor market with illegals.

The rest of that nobody gives a fuck about.
Insane Brandon is hiding behind his ivory tower and you know it too don't you.
We’re talking Dark Brandon; there’s no ivory tower. Rather a Dark Tower into which the enemies of democracy and their orange-loving minions are thrown! :muahaha:
Shut yo crying ass up
I'm not afraid of you. I have freedom of speech, even though you would prefer your political opponents fear communist tenets of shutting up dissidents with a bullet, not a convincing arguments which you do not consider, apparently.
I like how you didn't mind all of those PPP loans -- THAT WERE NEVER EXPECTED TO BE PAID BACK -- PPP loans from folks who didn't' need it.......PPP loans for people who are fighting tooth and nail to prevent a single mom making 70K a year, a morsel of the amount these fat cat politicians I said, you are a clown...
Post where I said I don't mind those?

Quit making shit up. You're getting desperate.
Crazy Rodham didn't fool everybody, Biff. Be sure those blinders are kept firmly in place, hon.
So how come trump didn't lock her up?
You clowns had 9 different Benghazi investigations, she testified under oath for 10 hours, what did you get from it? ZERO.......

There were no riots in the street because Hillary was being investigated.....meanwhile, Lady Lindsey is claiming there will be a Civil War if your cult leader is investigated? Yall are absolutely pathetic...

Post where I said I don't mind those?

Quit making shit up. You're getting desperate.
You don't mind it...
When Trump passed the largest billionaire tax cut in history, running up the largest debts and deficts, you aint say shit....
When he even gave himself a special tax credit for owning a golf course, you didnt say shit...
Even him burying his ex wife on his golf course just to get a tax break -- you didn't say shit...shut yo bitch ass up
We’re talking Dark Brandon; there’s no ivory tower. Rather a Dark Tower into which the enemies of democracy and their orange-loving minions are thrown!
That's a pretty long belch, doll. Facts are Biden is a sick man in his brain, after a political lifetime of lying his ass off to get what he wanted. The only place that gets respect is by Oligarchs who see weakness and take every advantage of letting a very, very sick man do as they tell him to do, say what they tell him to say, and of course, sweeten the pie with untold wealth and refusing to stop his extortion of the people's treasury using his high office to carry out threats he makes to get what he wants from Foreign Aid Packages which were convenient in his money-laundering over his 47-year career. He is threatened by the truth and the truth about his criminal treasury-dipping with no holds barred. People who steal a tenth of what Joe Biden made off with have been given multiple life sentences. Too bad public office is being used to extort money from Drug cartels who would otherwise be stopped by the FBI instead of Republican Party members! /barf, barf!!!

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