President Biden Is Doing A Bang-up Job!

Trump destroyed our economy. Biden fixed our economy , just look at the numbers.
Trump destroyed our economy. Biden fixed our economy , just look at the numbers.

That's one weak as list hot rod. Gas is doing nothing up or done , and living paycheck to paycheck is all hate party driven, look at any chart that shows the distribution of wealth in this country , which of course is 100% the reason we live paycheck to paycheck, and you will find that the distribution of wealth stopped going to everyone and instead has all gone to the top since 1981 , funny thing that happened that year Reagan's treasonous trickle down lie started right then. Trump's tax cut for the rich only added to the unhealthy distribution of wealth. Since Reagan, the two Bushes and Trump all had tax cuts for the wealthy. All while having most of the total debt from these four.
Do you think the minimum wage raise has helped anyone since the cost of living has doubled they're poorer now than before
Prove me wrong.
  1. The economy is booming.
  2. Wall Street is booming.
  3. Unemployment has hit record lows.
  4. Wages are good, and increasing.
  5. Inflation is going down.
  6. The trains are running on time.
  7. Absolutely no drama.
What am I missing?


1. The economy is running on the largest national debt ever, and soon we will no longer be able to even pay the interest on it.
Its totally fake, and only looks good because it was even worse during covid.
We have rapidly accelerating homelessness, unaffordable tuition, production going overseas, etc.

2. I don't know if Wall St. is booming or not, but it does not matter because it is fake. It is just a shell game to con people.

3. Those applying for unemployment is has hit a record low. Employment is actually still much lower than it was under Trump.

4. Wages are terrible and have not at all kept up with inflation. Rents for a 1bdr went from $900/month to $1600/month, and wages are still around $12/hour.

5. Inflation was never a problem. The problem was high prices due to the illegal economic sanctions on Russia, which are still a problem. The only thing Biden did was drain the strategic oil reserves, to temporarily hide the problem. And the real problem is this illegal war in the Ukraine that Biden, Hillary, and Obama started in 2014.

6. I do not know much about the trains, but we should not have any planes flying. They are the worst for global warming, and transmit pandemics.

7. There are tons of drama, as Russia is never going to let the US win in the Ukraine and clearly will nuke us if it even starts to look bad for them, for any reason.
That's correct!

Then why is it Biden has the lowest approval ratings in history?
Everyone knows this war in the Ukraine is the fault of both Joe and Hunter Biden, and it is bankrupting the country, if it does not get us nuked.

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