President Biden Is Doing A Bang-up Job!

I've been working since the early sixties and have seen the USA boom under democrats, and have mostly recessions under republicans. Trump came on like a man with a plan for the people compared to other republicans but once in office....another no good right winger that only cares about the very wealthy and himself.

COVID was created in a lab - and then governments shut down the economy and schools and crowded out hospitals in a massive overreaction (and that's being exceedingly generous.)

And every day dipshit morons like you still buy everything they tell you on "The News".

How can anyone be so stupid?
Yeah right.
Covid was bad for the economy, and Biden made it much worse by starting another useless war, this time in the Ukraine.
Putin started this war.
I've been working since the early sixties and have seen the USA boom under democrats, and have mostly recessions under republicans. Trump came on like a man with a plan for the people compared to other republicans but once in office....another no good right winger that only cares about the very wealthy and himself.

I am a democrat, but most of the economic booms came from illegal wars, like the Spanish American war, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, the Ukraine, etc.
These are not all Democratic wars, but the majority are.
And clearly China is slowly destroying us by stealing all our technology.
It should have been illegal for the iPhone to be made in China and then sold in the US.
Trump is probably right about that.
Biden is clearly even more of a crook than Trump is, with getting Shokin fired to protect Burisma Holdings kickbacks, and is going to get the US nuked with this illegal and immoral war he started in the Ukraine.
I am a democrat, but most of the economic booms came from illegal wars, like the Spanish American war, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, the Ukraine, etc.
These are not all Democratic wars, but the majority are.
And clearly China is slowly destroying us by stealing all our technology.
It should have been illegal for the iPhone to be made in China and then sold in the US.
Trump is probably right about that.
Biden is clearly even more of a crook than Trump is, with getting Shokin fired to protect Burisma Holdings kickbacks, and is going to get the US nuked with this illegal and immoral war he started in the Ukraine.
Yep, China is only stealing what Biden isn't giving them.
When Trump left office gas was cheap the economy was affordable then idiodent Joe took over and it went to pot
Trump left long food lines, 500,000 dead, 20 million people infected by COVID with another 500,000 to die and cheap gas because nobody was using their cars. Again, if you think things are bad here, go to Canada.
Putin started this war.

In 1992, Gorbachev gave the Ukraine independence with only one main condition.
Which was to never join an alliance hostile to Russia.
So it was Obama, Hillary, and Biden who bribed the Maidan revolt that put in the military dictatorship and tried to join NATO.
Putin had no options at all.
He can never allow the Ukraine to join NATO, since the Ukraine is inside the Russian defense grid.
So if Biden keeps this up, all he will have accomplished is getting the US nuked.
And it will be Biden's fault, not Putin's.

But by the way, the world court also already ruled that the Ukraine was guilty of stealing over $20 billion of Russian oi/gas, and killed over 30k native ethnic Russians in the Ukraine.
You are an unbelievable fool, IM2.
You think we read every post? Especially yours?
More excuses. You have let people make bets, but suddenly its against the rules when Marc proposes one. You have been caught violating a zone 1 rule yourself, so...
In 1992, Gorbachev gave the Ukraine independence with only one main condition.
Which was to never join an alliance hostile to Russia.
So it was Obama, Hillary, and Biden who bribed the Maidan revolt that put in the military dictatorship and tried to join NATO.
Putin had no options at all.
He can never allow the Ukraine to join NATO, since the Ukraine is inside the Russian defense grid.
So if Biden keeps this up, all he will have accomplished is getting the US nuked.
And it will be Biden's fault, not Putin's.

But by the way, the world court also already ruled that the Ukraine was guilty of stealing over $20 billion of Russian oi/gas, and killed over 30k native ethnic Russians in the Ukraine.
Trump left long food lines, 500,000 dead, 20 million people infected by COVID with another 500,000 to die and cheap gas because nobody was using their cars. Again, if you think things are bad here, go to Canada.

Trump correctly said that covid had the same lethality and infectiousness of seasonal flu, so would have the least deaths if ignored.
He was right.
The 1.3 million dead all came from Fauci with his strategy of "flattening the curve", in order to wait for vaccines that turned out to be a total bust.
When you "flatten the curve", you prevent herd immunity, which is what ends all epidemics.
And that constitutes us fighting in Ukraine. People have volunteered to go. Now we invaded Iraq because Saddam did what Putin did to Ukraine. But of course you Putin fans don't mind him invading and taking another country.

Wow, another dumb commie. Did you even bother to read the post I responded to? We are in the fight just by material and munitions, now we have advisors on the ground in country. That's exactly how Vietnam started, how'd that work out for us?


The Ukraine trying to join NATO can only be so we can install nukes in the Ukraine, on Russia's border, just like we did in Turkey and Poland.
That is no more acceptable than Russia putting nukes in Cuba, like the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.
Wow, another dumb commie. Did you even bother to read the post I responded to? We are in the fight just by material and munitions, now we have advisors on the ground in country. That's exactly how Vietnam started, how'd that work out for us?


The war in the Ukraine is not accidental.
The US bribed the Maidan revolt to get rid of the native ethnic Russians in the government, by having them all murdered or exiled.
It was entirely a criminal operation by the US, and with the intent of putting US nukes on Russia's border.
Since trumps title 42 ended there have been reduction in border crossing. Drugs have always been a problem and until we stop American organized crime, it will continue tobe a problem.

You're a liar, and so is xidens admin. They are counting turnarounds as deportations and here's an example of xidens fuzzy math.

And that constitutes us fighting in Ukraine. People have volunteered to go. Now we invaded Iraq because Saddam did what Putin did to Ukraine. But of course you Putin fans don't mind him invading and taking another country.

With Desert Storm, Saddam asked US ambassador Glasspie for permission to punish Kuwait for stealing oil.
It was illegal for us to attack Iraq in Desert Storm.
With the 2003 invasion of Iraq, there was not even a hint of any excuse.
Bush claimed Iraq had a nuclear program that never existed.
Iraq bought yellowcake only for the Osiraq that the Israelis illegally blew up.
That 1979 yellowcake was still there, untouched, in 2003.

The Ukraine stole over $20 billion in gas/oil from Russian pipelines.
The world court ruled against the Ukraine in 2012.
The Ukraine murdered over 30k ethnic native Russian in their fascist racism.
But it was trying to join NATO that forced Putin to act.
That was a treaty violation that was an act of war.

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