President Biden Is Doing A Bang-up Job!

There are no open borders and Biden opened up the reserves which started the gas prices going down. So if you can blame Biden for high gas prices without seeing a policy don't ask about policy when the prices go down.
And now we have no reserves, prices go up. Looks like he gets credit and blame. Next.
No betting, it's not sanctioned on this site. Been that way long before you showed your mug
on this site.

True story
That's why people have made bets with me. Yeah, OK.
He never fixed no economy Trump had that fixed there was plenty of work just no workers when they cut off the unemployment they had to go back to work
He never fixed no economy Trump had that fixed there was plenty of work just no workers when they cut off the unemployment they had to go back to work
Trump didn't fix anything. He inherited a great economy from Obama and Biden.
We do have reserves. The fact is that Biden has kicked ass.
Sweet summer child, do some research. I know you think that's dangerous but maybe just a little before your fingers do the walking.

The cost of everything has gone up, cities are more dangerous and kids can't read at grade level if they can read at all. The only bang-up job that Biden has done is to his own shins when he falls up yet another flight of stairs.

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We had 1 million deaths because of a pandemic trump mishandled. Jobs stopped when they could have continued had trump invoked the Defense Production Act like Biden did. COVID creared a global problem and if you think things are bad here, go to Canada.
Sweet summer child, do some research. I know you think that's dangerous but maybe just a little before your fingers do the walking.
View attachment 811420

I've done reseach. Thats why I'm saying that putting trump back in office is a mistake that will destroy this country.
COVID creared a global problem


COVID was created in a lab - and then governments shut down the economy and schools and crowded out hospitals in a massive overreaction (and that's being exceedingly generous.)

And every day dipshit morons like you still buy everything they tell you on "The News".

How can anyone be so stupid?
When Trump left office gas was cheap the economy was affordable then idiodent Joe took over and it went to pot
Credit Card debt is on the rise.
Interest rates are on the rise.
Gas is once again on the rise.
Middle America is living pay check to pay check.

Prove me wrong.
That's one weak as list hot rod. Gas is doing nothing up or done , and living paycheck to paycheck is all hate party driven, look at any chart that shows the distribution of wealth in this country , which of course is 100% the reason we live paycheck to paycheck, and you will find that the distribution of wealth stopped going to everyone and instead has all gone to the top since 1981 , funny thing that happened that year Reagan's treasonous trickle down lie started right then. Trump's tax cut for the rich only added to the unhealthy distribution of wealth. Since Reagan, the two Bushes and Trump all had tax cuts for the wealthy. All while having most of the total debt from these four.

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