President Biden Is Doing A Bang-up Job!

Prove me wrong.
  1. The economy is booming.
  2. Wall Street is booming.
  3. Unemployment has hit record lows.
  4. Wages are good, and increasing.
  5. Inflation is going down.
  6. The trains are running on time.
  7. Absolutely no drama.
What am I missing?
I am always booming.
Prove me wrong.
  1. The economy is booming.
  2. Wall Street is booming.
  3. Unemployment has hit record lows.
  4. Wages are good, and increasing.
  5. Inflation is going down.
  6. The trains are running on time.
  7. Absolutely no drama.
What am I missing?
High gas prices and open borders. You need to account for this and prove your points to the swing voters. Biden Admin loves to take credit when gas prices are low yet no one can point to any one of the Biden policies that made that happen.
High gas prices and open borders. You need to account for this and prove your points to the swing voters. Biden Admin loves to take credit when gas prices are low yet no one can point to any one of the Biden policies that made that happen.
Which Biden policies caused gas prices to rise?
We don't belong in the Russia - Ukraine fight. Remember how you all repeatedly said Trump would get us into WWIII?

Now you cheer the Big Guy for doing what could very well turn into WWIII.
We aren't in that fight.
High gas prices and open borders. You need to account for this and prove your points to the swing voters. Biden Admin loves to take credit when gas prices are low yet no one can point to any one of the Biden policies that made that happen.
There are no open borders and Biden opened up the reserves which started the gas prices going down. So if you can blame Biden for high gas prices without seeing a policy don't ask about policy when the prices go down.
OK, I see that some facts need to be established here.

Data show Trump didn't 'build' a great economy. He inherited it.​

President Donald Trump’s campaign speeches can careen into many topics, but his primary appeal continues to be that he built “the greatest economy that we've had in our history” before the COVID-19 pandemic and he can do it again. The latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows he has an edge with voters on that issue and the Trump economy is likely to be a big topic this week at the Republican convention.

But the real story of the Trump economy, and the president’s role in building it, is not so simple. If you compare key economic indicators from Barack Obama’s second term in office to the first three years of Trump’s time (that is, before the pandemic hit), the data show a continuation of trends, not a dramatic shift. It suggests Trump didn’t build something new; rather he inherited a pretty good situation.

Start with the broadest measure of economic health, gross domestic product. In 2016, Trump said he was unhappy that the country’s economic growth rate was under 3 percent a year. Trump said he thought the economy could grow at better-than-4-percent annual rate.

But the numbers show that average quarterly economic growth under Trump, 2.5 percent, was almost exactly what it was under Obama in the second term, 2.4 percent.

Other than the overall similarity, two things jump out of those numbers. First, Trump didn’t get near his 4 percent figure. Second, the growth that began in Obama’s second term and essentially continued under Trump was enough to create an economy that even Trump believes was great.

Of course at USMB, Obama will get dismissed, everything he did will be wrong, and the country would be in shambles and chaos because the black man can't govern. So the white man came in and turned everything around. This is the story you guys tell yourselves over and over no matter how untrue. There was a decade of job growth that ended in 2019 and trump did not make that happen.

Biden is kicking ass. He saved us from the pandemic bought back all the jobs that were lost and has added jobs. Unemployment is 3.5 percent. Black unemployment is lower than it was during trump. This did not have to happen. It was said that some 2 million jobs would be lost forever. But that didn't happen and it's because of Biden/Harris.

And that constitutes us fighting in Ukraine. People have volunteered to go. Now we invaded Iraq because Saddam did what Putin did to Ukraine. But of course you Putin fans don't mind him invading and taking another country.
And when did betting start being against the rules? That's not a written rule, so it it one of those "moderator discretion" rules that can be selectively enforced?
And when did betting start being against the rules? That's not a written rule, so it it one of those "moderator discretion" rules that can be selectively enforced?
Another one of those "I'm white and I say so" type "rules."
  • Fact
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You forgot record influxes of drugs and and illegal aliens.

Since trumps title 42 ended there have been reduction in border crossing. Drugs have always been a problem and until we stop American organized crime, it will continue tobe a problem.
High gas prices and open borders. You need to account for this and prove your points to the swing voters. Biden Admin loves to take credit when gas prices are low yet no one can point to any one of the Biden policies that made that happen.
Can you point to any that "made them high"?
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