President Biden Is Doing A Bang-up Job!

Ok you worm,
What? Excuse me? Fine. Blow it out your a$$, you little wanker...
WE are dictated by 2 treaties ,international law, multiple federal laws and even many state laws To except asylums seekers ,
Time to disavow and repeal anything standing in the way of re-securing our borders and regaining our sovereignty.

The "asylum" shell-game is over... it was a grand idea but has been abused so grievously that it is time to abandon it.

Only a tiny fraction of the Illegal Aliens who cross our borders are ever granted asylum based on substantive fact.

It's time to take a wrecking-ball or bulldozer to current Asylum agreements and mechanisms and lock down the border.

The treaties are considered two of the most important treaties in the world, every civilized country has signed them.
We can let TRUE asylum-seekers into the country and keep the rest in large holding pens pending their forcible ejection.

Sending the Asylum Rejects back across the border within a matter of days, not years.

This can all be done without actually abrogating those treaties.

And if we catch too much flak from the outside about it, we call their bluff and withdraw from such treaty(ies) at will.

So we have to let them in bozo ,
No we don't.... and phukk you for trying to con the reader into thinking that's the case...
Even Biden passed laws restricting entry and his laws were thrown out in court.
Fine. We just cut right through the bull$hit, withdraw from the treaties, and declare a 20-year moratorium on immigation.
So hero, tell us how we get around this
I just did.
. Idiot!!!! Whatever you come up with the highest court in this country will over ride it.
Not if the laws (treaties) governing such activity have been repealed... in such a case, there's nothing to enforce.

Once done, we craft fresh laws that WE can live with, not the rest of the world... laws that work in OUR favor.

You people are so stupid and know so little about this. You have no respect from anyone who has a brain. I have a brain. Maybe you can add in specifically what Biden has done to screw up the border. You people are so full of shit.
Blah, blah, endless phukking blah... yes... we all realize that you are intellectually superior to everyone who opposes you.
Time to disavow and repeal anything standing in the way of re-securing our borders and regaining our sovereignty.

The "asylum" shell-game is over... it was a grand idea but has been abused so grievously that it is time to abandon it.

Only a tiny fraction of the Illegal Aliens who cross our borders are ever granted asylum based on substantive fact.

It's time to take a wrecking-ball or bulldozer to current Asylum agreements and mechanisms and lock down the border.


Make them stay in Mexico, like Trump did, until we can review their
fake asylum claims and reject their applications.
Prove me wrong.
  1. The economy is booming.
  2. Wall Street is booming.
  3. Unemployment has hit record lows.
  4. Wages are good, and increasing.
  5. Inflation is going down.
  6. The trains are running on time.
  7. Absolutely no drama.
What am I missing?

1. The economy is terrible. Prices of everything are almost double.
2. I have no idea what Wall Street is doing, but Wall Street is irrelevant to normal people.
3. Unemployment is obviously very high because we have 10 times the number of homeless families than we had before Biden. The unemployment rate is irrelevant because that only reflect those applying for unemployment. When their unemployment runs out, they are ignored.
4. Wages are NOT at all keeping up with prices. Food has doubled and rents are up by 30%. Wages have remained the same.
5. Inflation clearly has NOT gone down, but up. Prices are way up, but over 30%.
6. No one takes the train any more.
7. Biden deliberately started the most drama we have had since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, by violating treaties, stockpiling arms in the Ukraine, and encouraging the Ukraine to illegally try to join NATO. We will get nuked if this keeps up.
1. The economy is terrible. Prices of everything are almost double.
2. I have no idea what Wall Street is doing, but Wall Street is irrelevant to normal people.
3. Unemployment is obviously very high because we have 10 times the number of homeless families than we had before Biden. The unemployment rate is irrelevant because that only reflect those applying for unemployment. When their unemployment runs out, they are ignored.
4. Wages are NOT at all keeping up with prices. Food has doubled and rents are up by 30%. Wages have remained the same.
5. Inflation clearly has NOT gone down, but up. Prices are way up, but over 30%.
6. No one takes the train any more.
7. Biden deliberately started the most drama we have had since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, by violating treaties, stockpiling arms in the Ukraine, and encouraging the Ukraine to illegally try to join NATO. We will get nuked if this keeps up.
He violated no treaty. It is legal for Ukraine to join Nato
What am I missing?
What? Excuse me? Fine. Blow it out your a$$, you little wanker...

Time to disavow and repeal anything standing in the way of re-securing our borders and regaining our sovereignty.

The "asylum" shell-game is over... it was a grand idea but has been abused so grievously that it is time to abandon it.

Only a tiny fraction of the Illegal Aliens who cross our borders are ever granted asylum based on substantive fact.

It's time to take a wrecking-ball or bulldozer to current Asylum agreements and mechanisms and lock down the border.

We can let TRUE asylum-seekers into the country and keep the rest in large holding pens pending their forcible ejection.

Sending the Asylum Rejects back across the border within a matter of days, not years.

This can all be done without actually abrogating those treaties.

And if we catch too much flak from the outside about it, we call their bluff and withdraw from such treaty(ies) at will.

No we don't.... and phukk you for trying to con the reader into thinking that's the case...

Fine. We just cut right through the bull$hit, withdraw from the treaties, and declare a 20-year moratorium on immigation.

I just did.

Not if the laws (treaties) governing such activity have been repealed... in such a case, there's nothing to enforce.

Once done, we craft fresh laws that WE can live with, not the rest of the world... laws that work in OUR favor.

Blah, blah, endless phukking blah... yes... we all realize that you are intellectually superior to everyone who opposes you.
Your like talking to a 3rd grader, No one will , from either party change the law to do what you want. And every court in the nation will turn over anything that gets in the way of the national, international ,state and two of the most important treaty;s that we have, WE literally were the ones who pushed for the international laws and treaty's. No one only the worst Nazi's in your hate group you call a party would turn those laws over. You know so little about this that you are clown like certain this can be done, it can't , fuckhead! All your supposed facts to prove your position above are lies or distortions , they are made up by ass holes like you and then taken up as gospel by the rest of the assholes that drive the MAGA Maggots. Hey you dumb fuck we only let asylum seekers stay in this country, the rest are forced back over the border. YOU fucking know nothing ignorant. They stay until their court case decide whether they can stay or not, Listen dumb fuck you won't be the guy to decide which request for asylum is Accepted. Every law makes it cler that they only have to ask for ASYLUM TO GET ASYLUM. By the way fuckhead , you can cut back the time asylum seekers stay here by a massive influx of money for courts to increase the number of available courts to look at these cases. There is no other way idiot.

By the way you couldn't get enough hate Nazi support in this country to over throw the asylum laws and treaties. What are yo going to do get a few of your hate nazi buddies and forcer this crap on the rest of us. Fuck you ,you clown. By the way you are 100% right that I'm intellectually superior to you, Simply because You are a idiot and i'm not.
Get this straight it is almost impossible to change asylums laws in the world. many countries literally have it in their constitution. It is in our preamble to our constitution "The Preamble of the Constitution of 1946 similarly guaranteed the right of asylum to "anyone persecuted because of his activities in the cause of freedom"." U.S. constitutional norms are used in adjudicating asylum claims. so most of the US constitutional protection can be and has often been used to support the rights of asylum seekers.
Get this straight it is almost impossible to change asylums laws in the world. many countries literally have it in their constitution. It is in our preamble to our constitution "The Preamble of the Constitution of 1946 similarly guaranteed the right of asylum to "anyone persecuted because of his activities in the cause of freedom"." U.S. constitutional norms are used in adjudicating asylum claims. so most of the US constitutional protection can be and has often been used to support the rights of asylum seekers.

It is in our preamble to our constitution

Our constitution? Tell me more!
67% of Dimwingers say they want someone other that Tater to be the nominee.

Bang up job, indeed.
Only in response to your unsolicited and irrelevant ad hominem attack... don't like looking in the mirror, eh? :abgg2q.jpg:
Wimp, Poor baby can't take a little heat. What happened is you were told in plain English that you are 100% full shit. If that makes you attacked then fine , you deserve it. You don't get free reign anywhere in this world to sell you lies and nonsense, Don't be suprised to be called out when you try to force your bullshit on the rest of us.

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