President Biden Is Doing A Bang-up Job!

Meister you are a joke and everyone knows it and a few of us have gotten together to protect each other from clowns like you, Your little feelings get hurt and you will dump the guys who did it. WE will make that as hard as possible, When it comes to breaking the rules , you are at the top of the list,


I find that difficult to believe...EVERYONE assures me Meister is the onlevelest, evah....ask him.

Surely you aren't suggesting that he is putting his thumb on the scale.....

Are you?
Prove me wrong.
  1. The economy is booming.
  2. Wall Street is booming.
  3. Unemployment has hit record lows.
  4. Wages are good, and increasing.
  5. Inflation is going down.
  6. The trains are running on time.
  7. Absolutely no drama.
What am I missing?
Sleepy Old Uncle Joe is doing a bang-up job of allowing an Invasion of Illegal Aliens and infecting the military with Woke-ism.
Idiot, without regulation these corporations will eat our children , you people are just so fucking stupid. Free reign will do one thing, increase their control on everything that includes price, that means higher price you dumb fuck, a corporation has no conscience it's only goal is to make money ,thats the only duty it has to it's investors and owners. the only thing that stops these pigs, is laws and regulations protecting your fat ass. Yey dumb fuck even Adam smith says that business at times controld prices and wages, he said it is wrong and has to be watched. Anti trust laws were created for that but it is dam easy for big b to control pricesd and wages, by illegally sitting down and setting prices and wages. and in 2023 it is almost impossible to stop them, Hell they could do all their communication on the dark web. Even the stockholders ultimately won't gain shit. because corporations will just see their money as a source of new profits for them. There is only one real threat to capitalism and that is ignorant fucks like you that think big b can be trusted.
Where and when did I advocate for absence of regulations? I said the US has more regulations compared to competing nations who export oil. Was the Trump and Bush Administration without regulations for domestic oil and gas?
The economy is booming.

Based on ???
Wall Street is booming.

Uh, no. 2022 was a dismal year. 2023 hasn't even reclaimed what was lost there. And lately it's been meandering around 34,000. That's not booming.

Unemployment has hit record lows.

In terms of percentages maybe, but what do you expect with a latent recovery ? There is nothing wonderful about our jobs reports. In, fact, it should be even better.

Wages are good, and increasing.

Not really and they are not keeping up on an overall basis. Seems like the 80% who think the economy sucks just see it differently than you. Of course, your head being up Biden's backside might cloud your view.

Inflation is going down.

The rate may be down, but the damage is done. Been to the grocery store lately ? Prices are still up 20% and are NOT coming down. The rate may be LOWER but it is still not good. Overall, it's wiping families out.

The trains are running on time.

Only in your jaded little mind.

Absolutely no drama.

Can you say Hunter ?
Where and when did I advocate for absence of regulations? I said the US has more regulations compared to competing nations who export oil. Was the Trump and Bush Administration without regulations for domestic oil and gas?
OK hotrod
And? If 100% is in private hands, what difference does it make if the Government is piling on regulations, gas prices are high, and the President is going to Venezuela and OPEC begging for increased output? Do you understand economics?

It’s not there. Show US some empirical data to back your claim? Average gas prices under Bush and Trump terms were less than Obama and Biden to date.

And? If 100% is in private hands, what difference does it make if the Government is piling on regulations, gas prices are high, and the President is going to Venezuela and OPEC begging for increased output? Do you understand economics?

What was the point of arguing that prices were lower under Bus/Trump than Obama/Biden?
Policy INFLUENCES domestic price.

so you are saying Federal regulations have no impact on price?? Do tell.

And this is what I responded to=========Simple Economics test. The US puts more regulations on its domestic oil companies. How and why should OPEC and Venezuela increase output? An administration comes in and relaxes regulations and Taxes? What will OPEC and Venezuela do?

Where and when did I advocate for absence of regulations? I said the US has more regulations compared to competing nations who export oil. Was the Trump and Bush Administration without regulations for domestic oil and gas?
OK hotrod
And? If 100% is in private hands, what difference does it make if the Government is piling on regulations, gas prices are high, and the President is going to Venezuela and OPEC begging for increased output? Do you understand economics?

It’s not there. Show US some empirical data to back your claim? Average gas prices under Bush and Trump terms were less than Obama and Biden to date.
You don’t understand economics; macro economics in particular. States regulate, then why did Biden suspend oil and gas leasing on public lands? Back to the states, what states are holding back domestic oil?
Bullshit again Biden gave out 6000 leasing permmits on government land but the oil company's use none of them. Your trying to sell some sort of bullshit here, it seems.
Prove me wrong.
  1. The economy is booming.
  2. Wall Street is booming.
  3. Unemployment has hit record lows.
  4. Wages are good, and increasing.
  5. Inflation is going down.
  6. The trains are running on time.
  7. Absolutely no drama.
What am I missing?
He lies through his teeth and his popularity ratings are at 39%.
Energy policy is bigger than just oil, can your pea brain comprehend that? This administration's comprehensive anti-American energy policy has raised prices on everything from cost per gallon of gas and diesel to the costs of KW produced by power companies. Those increases are cumulative and negatively impact every aspect of life. Apparently your micro-brain is unsuitable to macro problems. Scurry off now.
and you are living with a over load of shit in your brains. Answer this hot rod since the price of oil is up in the whole world tell us how Biden achieved that. You people are like talking to a 3rd grader, you shit our lots of insults and made up facts and to boot made up by someone other then you but from the same hate group. You are told what and how to think and this is the best you brain dead can come up with.

I find that difficult to believe...EVERYONE assures me Meister is the onlevelest, evah....ask him.

Surely you aren't suggesting that he is putting his thumb on the scale.....

Are you?
I have no idea how he can hold a job here. He use to put my comments directly in the sections that he thought would get the least readings. You can't operate a forum like he has. IT will kill the forum and/or put it at a level that its not worth being here.
Joe Biden won the 2020 election.

and you are living with a over load of shit in your brains. Answer this hot rod since the price of oil is up in the whole world tell us how Biden achieved that. You people are like talking to a 3rd grader, you shit our lots of insults and made up facts and to boot made up by someone other then you but from the same hate group. You are told what and how to think and this is the best you brain dead can come up with.
Is that gibberish supposed to mean something? Sounds a lot like whining. Pathetic, although what else should expect from the likes of you?

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