President Biden Is Doing A Bang-up Job!

Stupid worthless lying comment.
No. It's not.

Old Joe has single-handedly created the disaster at our southern border and its directly resultant Invasion of Illegal Aliens.

Ole Joe and his cronies have intentionally infected the US military with Woke-ism including LGBTQ and CRT focal points.

Those were intelligent and absolutely truthful observations that are already working against the Democrats in 2024.

Your myopia on the subject is not my cross to bear.
Prove me wrong.
  1. The economy is booming.
  2. Wall Street is booming.
  3. Unemployment has hit record lows.
  4. Wages are good, and increasing.
  5. Inflation is going down.
  6. The trains are running on time.
  7. Absolutely no drama.
What am I missing?
Gaslighting people that the “economy is great” when most Americans have less money in their pockets due to rising cost of living was always going to backfire on Democrats. It’s clearer than ever that the party would rather lie & say everything is great than actually help people.
Gaslighting people that the “economy is great” when most Americans have less money in their pockets due to rising cost of living was always going to backfire on Democrats. It’s clearer than ever that the party would rather lie & say everything is great than actually help people.
I tend to agreee.

This gaslighting will, indeed, work against the Democrats.

And it plays directly into Trump's hands, which saddens me.

I think the Democrats are idiots for advancing their Open Borders and LGBTQ and CRT and Ignore-Inflation and Energy policies.

Telling people that the Economy is doing well, when any 5th-grader can see otherwise with his-or-her own eyes, will backfire.

It doesn't help that the White House has a mouthpiece at the podium (press secretary) who lies with such obvious relish and ineffectiveness.
Trump started the economy boom
Covid wrecked employment
Wages aren't good considering the high cost of living it caused.
Wake up!
Diesel fuel up $1 a gallon just in the past month. The strategic oil reserve drained to the lowest level since the 1980's. Fuel supplies at an abysmal 5 month reserve. Fuel prices expected to skyrocket. Yeah great job Biden and you shit for brains Dems.
Diesel fuel up $1 a gallon just in the past month. The strategic oil reserve drained to the lowest level since the 1980's. Fuel supplies at an abysmal 5 month reserve. Fuel prices expected to skyrocket. Yeah great job Biden and you shit for brains Dems.
Thanks to idiodent Biden
Prove me wrong.
  1. The economy is booming.
  2. Wall Street is booming.
  3. Unemployment has hit record lows.
  4. Wages are good, and increasing.
  5. Inflation is going down.
  6. The trains are running on time.
  7. Absolutely no drama.
What am I missing?
A brain?

OK hotrod
And? If 100% is in private hands, what difference does it make if the Government is piling on regulations, gas prices are high, and the President is going to Venezuela and OPEC begging for increased output? Do you understand economics?

It’s not there. Show US some empirical data to back your claim? Average gas prices under Bush and Trump terms were less than Obama and Biden to date.

Bullshit again Biden gave out 6000 leasing permmits on government land but the oil company's use none of them. Your trying to sell some sort of bullshit here, it seems.
Empirical data:

How about validating your 6,000 lease permit claim under Biden? While you are at it, also factor in increased taxes and other regulatory actions on domestic oil such as environmental.

The difference is significant if comparatively higher regulations (vs other companies) are placed on domestic companies. Presidents should not have to beg other countries to increase production. Presidents should have leverage against other countries to incentivize them to do that and the way to do that is through domestic oil policies that friendly and not punitive or restrictive.
Empirical data:

How about validating your 6,000 lease permit claim under Biden? While you are at it, also factor in increased taxes and other regulatory actions on domestic oil such as environmental.

The difference is significant if comparatively higher regulations (vs other companies) are placed on domestic companies. Presidents should not have to beg other countries to increase production. Presidents should have leverage against other countries to incentivize them to do that and the way to do that is through domestic oil policies that friendly and not punitive or restrictive.
Simple, now they have 9000 permits they aren't opening or using. Fact-checking Biden’s claim that there are 9,000 unused oil drilling permits , fuck any company that won't pay taxes and oil companies are number one on the company lists that don't pay taxes , so fuck them whining about taxes. They should have more regulations then they have now. -Pietro chemical are this countries worst poisoners and polluter. You want to kiss their asses fine but they are the worst of the worst industries in this country. And should be watched and regulated way more than other industries. They can't even throw away the money needed to have a comparative profit margin in this country. BY the way ace oil is gut shooting us now as we speak , raise their tax more.
No. It's not.

Old Joe has single-handedly created the disaster at our southern border and its directly resultant Invasion of Illegal Aliens.

Ole Joe and his cronies have intentionally infected the US military with Woke-ism including LGBTQ and CRT focal points.

Those were intelligent and absolutely truthful observations that are already working against the Democrats in 2024.

Your myopia on the subject is not my cross to bear.
Ok you worm, WE are dictated by 2 treaties ,international law, multiple federal laws and even many state laws To except asylums seekers , The treaties are considered two of the most important treaties in the world, every civilized country has signed them. So we have to let them in bozo , Even Biden passed laws restricting entry and his laws were thrown out in court. So hero, tell us how we get around this. Idiot!!!! Whatever you come up with the highest court in this country will over ride it. You people are so stupid and know so little about this. You have no respect from anyone who has a brain. I have a brain. Maybe you can add in specifically what Biden has done to screw up the border. You people are so full of shit.
Is that gibberish supposed to mean something? Sounds a lot like whining. Pathetic, although what else should expect from the likes of you?
Fuck all of you, anyone here can answer the question, what has Biden done to create higher price for oil all over the world. To the man you are all asshole controlled brain dead.
The rights logic across the board is so lame stupid. If they open their mouths it is a lie or shared stupidity. CAn anyone here tell me one comment from the right that is true. I'm handing out gold stars for this today.
The rights logic across the board is so lame stupid. If they open their mouths it is a lie or shared stupidity. CAn anyone here tell me one comment from the right that is true. I'm handing out gold stars for this today.

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