President Biden’s 2024 State of the Union Address

That was awesome, wasn’t it?

He spoke so well, so quickly, so intelligently, and transitioned so effectively that the Republican members, decorated like NASCAR cars with stupid, pandering buttons and hats, looked like, well… idiots.

They could not get a word in. They could not get a jeer in. They could not get a made-for-TikTok protest in.

Republicans were on their heels the entire evening. And they probably knew it from the outset.

They tried to whine about immigration and he destroyed them.

This was not the Biden that Fox News had told them to expect.

This was not the Biden that they were prepared for.

No one is paying attention to their “response.” No one cares. No one cares who jeered, who heckled, and no one cares about Marjorie Taylor Greene’s hat.

No one. President Biden won the night, and it will carry over.

This was a seminal moment in U.S. politics.

That’s all.

Moses looked like he was constipated. That was embarrassing.

Very Good speech...

In contrast to his predecessor he spoke issues that matter and talked in detail about those issues... It was like watching an adult speak in comparison. He is not Obama who can wax lyrical all night but just showed what it takes to run America...

Biden didn't need to call anyone names but he did call out people for the actions or inaction. Direct but honest.

I think the GOP have given Dems the add of the year...
When Biden was talking about lower cost of prescription drugs and expanding to 500 drugs. Democrats were on their feet clapping... The GOP were sitting on there hands, not one clapped in support. That is your ad. That image shows you who Dems are and who GOP are...

Repeat for Biden talks about IVF
Repeat for Biden talks about Lower unemployment
Repeat for Biden talks about Reducing the Deficit
Repeat for Biden talks about Border Bill


Send the message that GOP don't want what you want...
Very Good speech...

In contrast to his predecessor he spoke issues that matter and talked in detail about those issues... It was like watching an adult speak in comparison. He is not Obama who can wax lyrical all night but just showed what it takes to run America...

Biden didn't need to call anyone names but he did call out people for the actions or inaction. Direct but honest.

I think the GOP have given Dems the add of the year...
When Biden was talking about lower cost of prescription drugs and expanding to 500 drugs. Democrats were on their feet clapping... The GOP were sitting on there hands, not one clapped in support. That is your ad. That image shows you who Dems are and who GOP are...

Repeat for Biden talks about IVF
Repeat for Biden talks about Lower unemployment
Repeat for Biden talks about Reducing the Deficit
Repeat for Biden talks about Border Bill


Send the message that GOP don't want what you want...

Because Republicans are against the gov't interjecting themselves into the free market. Price fixing is something all republicans are against.

Biden talks about reducing the deficit, while running up a trillion dollars of debt every 100 days.

Biden talks about the border while allowing millions of undocumented criminals into this country.

Biden can talk about anything, his actions speak much louder and he's done NOTHING about either of those.
You people said he took action to bring down prices. I asked you what he did specifically and this is your response?

YOU TELL ME WHAT HE DID. If you can't tell me what he did, retract that statement and admit he's done nothing.

As part of his Bidenomics agenda to lower costs for American families, President Biden is announcing nearly 30 new actions to strengthen supply chains critical to America’s economic and national security.

President Biden made supply chain resilience a priority from Day One of his Administration—including by signing an Executive Order on America’s Supply Chains and establishing a Supply Chain Disruptions Task Force that worked with states, Tribes, local governments, businesses, family farms, labor, and allies and partners to address the acute supply chain crises

building infrastructure through the CHIPS and Science Act, the Inflation Reduction Act, and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.
So what policies are Republicans bringing to fix the issues you speak of.
I think you have me confused with Republican. There are more than two sides to the issue. Unfortunately the GOP message has devolved into
"Oppose the democrats" and veered away from constructing real policy. Having said that much of what we need is already simply needs to be enacted.

Finally....the 2 party system os moribund and dysfunctional. Election season is no longer about the people it is now nothing more than a power fued between the two factions.
As part of his Bidenomics agenda to lower costs for American families, President Biden is announcing nearly 30 new actions to strengthen supply chains critical to America’s economic and national security.

President Biden made supply chain resilience a priority from Day One of his Administration—including by signing an Executive Order on America’s Supply Chains and establishing a Supply Chain Disruptions Task Force that worked with states, Tribes, local governments, businesses, family farms, labor, and allies and partners to address the acute supply chain crises

building infrastructure through the CHIPS and Science Act, the Inflation Reduction Act, and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

A supply chain disruptions task force??? ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? That sounds like something a 3rd grader would come up with in a school play.

That was awesome, wasn’t it?

He spoke so well, so quickly, so intelligently, and transitioned so effectively that the Republican members, decorated like NASCAR cars with stupid, pandering buttons and hats, looked like, well… idiots.

They could not get a word in. They could not get a jeer in. They could not get a made-for-TikTok protest in.

Republicans were on their heels the entire evening. And they probably knew it from the outset.

They tried to whine about immigration and he destroyed them.

This was not the Biden that Fox News had told them to expect.

This was not the Biden that they were prepared for.

No one is paying attention to their “response.” No one cares. No one cares who jeered, who heckled, and no one cares about Marjorie Taylor Greene’s hat.

No one. President Biden won the night, and it will carry over.

This was a seminal moment in U.S. politics.

That’s all.

Moses looked like he was constipated. That was embarrassing.
Biden is about to lose the 2024 election. Reading poorly from a teleprompter isnt going to change that.
Yup, Ole Sleepy Joe Biden kicked those scumbuckets up one side and down the other!

A supply chain disruptions task force??? ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? That sounds like something a 3rd grader would come up with in a school play.

You mean like this?

On May 11, 2017, President Donald Trump signed an executive order creating the “Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity.” Vice President Mike Pence is the chair, and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach

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