President Biden’s 2024 State of the Union Address

Biden knocked it out of the park.
The best part was seeing Trump alternately rolling his eyes and having that mugshot hostage look on his face for the entire speech. He knows he's in trouble.
As are Republicans this fall if things hold. :)

Yes they are
And they are out of the Control of a President

But Biden is using whatever actions he has to bring them down
All opposed by Republicans

Do you think Medicare should negotiate drug prices?
Republicans don’t
You wrote earlier Biden was taking actions to bring down prices. Prices are up, therefore Biden is failing.

All what actions by Republicans are preventing Biden from lowering prices?
Well done, President Biden! I will be contributing to your campaign in an effort to defeat you "predecessor."
Yep, just like your dear leader wants.

Trump gives Bill Barr ultimatum as he demands roundup of ...​

The Independent › ... › US politics

Oct 8, 2020 — During a live phone-in on Fox Business, Donald Trump complained again that not enough of his political enemies have been arrested – and said ...

Donald Trump vows to lock up political enemies if he ...​

The Guardian › us-news › aug › trump-...

Aug 31, 2023 — Former president tells Glenn Beck he would have 'no choice' but to lock up opponents 'because they're doing it to us'
Why is it that Republicans never bring any solutions to the table, no policies, no bills, nothing but chaos.

You wrote earlier Biden was taking actions to bring down prices. Prices are up, therefore Biden is failing.

All what actions by Republicans are preventing Biden from lowering prices?

I have no idea what will happen in November. I do know one thing. The Democratic message is pissing people off not making them happy. As the cost of living continues to spiral up they are being told they are just too stupid to know how good the economy is....
Teabaggers now believe in government stepping in on their glorious "free markets"?
Teabaggers blame the government for what corporations are doing.

Teabaggers will reward them, given the chance, with ...............TAX CUTS.
What action should he have taken?
Begin by acknowledging that people are laboring under cost of living expenses. Stop pushing "Good Economy" in their faces hoping that they will suddenly become economically literate enough to understand things like core inflation or corporate price gouging....because they don't and they won't.

Beyond that there isn't much any POTUS can actually DO....perhaps if the DOJ and the Commerce departments weren't so busy being political apparatchiks they could begin to press a little sanity into the current capitalist system thereby easing pressure off of the average median income household. But alas.....
I have no idea what will happen in November. I do know one thing. The Democratic message is pissing people off not making them happy. As the cost of living continues to spiral up they are being told they are just too stupid to know how good the economy is....
So what policies are Republicans bringing to fix the issues you speak of.

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