President Biden’s 2024 State of the Union Address

Third and last time. When they cross the border at anything other than a port of entry, 95% of them, they have violated the law, they are here illegally. They claim asylum after they have been caught illegally crossing the border.

8 U.S. Code § 1325​

And 99% of asylum claims are bullshit.
You certainly don’t speak for all blacks…

I'd speak for all blacks if I was one of those Uncle Toms you guys love. Biden will get 90 percent of the black vote, so if I am saying that blacks don't like Trump, I am indeed speaking for the majority of blacks..
That was awesome, wasn’t it?

He spoke so well, so quickly, so intelligently, and transitioned so effectively that the Republican members, decorated like NASCAR cars with stupid, pandering buttons and hats, looked like, well… idiots.

They could not get a word in. They could not get a jeer in. They could not get a made-for-TikTok protest in.

Republicans were on their heels the entire evening. And they probably knew it from the outset.

They tried to whine about immigration and he destroyed them.

This was not the Biden that Fox News had told them to expect.

This was not the Biden that they were prepared for.

No one is paying attention to their “response.” No one cares. No one cares who jeered, who heckled, and no one cares about Marjorie Taylor Greene’s hat.

No one. President Biden won the night, and it will carry over.

This was a seminal moment in U.S. politics.

That’s all.

Moses looked like he was constipated. That was embarrassing.
It seems he did so well that Trump supporters think he was on drugs.
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They don't vote, genius.

And don't peddle your bullshit election lies to me. Go sit in the corner with the spoon benders and alien abductees, where you belong. Peddle it to them.
I have refuted the absurd "they dont vote" claim 10,000 times, for 30 years. Anyone who actually thinks they don't vote, is the stupidist moron in America.

Their voting is the ONLY reason why 10+ million of them have been allowed in through the non-border over the past 3 years.

American liberals are the most ignorant people in the world.
I'd speak for all blacks if I was one of those Uncle Toms you guys love. Biden will get 90 percent of the black vote, so if I am saying that blacks don't like Trump, I am indeed speaking for the majority of blacks..
Majority of IDIOTS.
The President will address a Joint Session of Congress at the United States Capitol on Thursday, March 7, 2024 at 9 PM ET.

Biden’s State of the Union address is seriously high stakes

I am looking forward to it. I am hoping that President Biden can tout all the good things he has done for America! He doesn't get nearly enough credit for all the positive things he has done! However, I admit I've been disappointed regarding his handling of the Israeli/Palestinian disaster, but I will still vote for him in November. What do you think?

Here is the real deal-------------> Either we win and save you from yourselves, or we lose and you screw yourselves.

I know, you think I am talking all about Trump. Silly you. Look at Biden! In a real world, there is NO WAY that Joe would be chosen over Kamala. You go ahead, justify it!

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